Chapter 1739 Mysterious Purple Stone
Chapter 1739 Mysterious Purple Stone
Hearing Jun Jiu's answer, Jin Baifeng's eyes widened at first, unable to believe what she heard.

Shen Mengling and Shen Chenhua laughed out loud, and the others followed suit.Hearing everyone's laughter, Jin Baifeng immediately came back to his senses, his face gloomy and twisted slightly, Jin Baifeng glared at Jun Jiu and said, "I am Jin Baifeng, the righteous daughter of Emperor Ming!"

"I know." Jun Jiu said lightly.

Jin Baifeng gritted his teeth angrily, "Jun Jiu, do you really think that you are able to get here as sister Youdi? Your strength is so low, although I admit that you have some tricks, but you think you can go on smoothly with these ?"

"Sooner or later, Yan He and I will have a fight to avenge Jin Heng. At that time, Yan He will not be able to protect you. If you become my enemy, you will regret it!" Jin Baifeng threatened.

Jun Jiu is happy.

Looking at Jin Baifeng jokingly, Jun Jiu asked her back: "Do you only repeat these few threatening words?"

Just threatened Jian Yi, saying that he would regret it.Doesn't Jin Baifeng feel tired of threatening her with these words?

Anyway, she was tired of hearing it.

Jun Jiu then said: "There is one more thing I need to tell you. Jin Heng was killed by me. I found the wrong person for Yan He, you know."

"What! Impossible, how could you kill Jin Heng?" Jin Baifeng was shocked and suspicious, no matter how useless his younger brother was, he was still in the realm of Linghuang.How could it be possible to die in the hands of Jun Jiu, the Lingzun?

Jin Baifeng immediately turned his head and stared at Cangsong.The latter also looked confused, he didn't know who killed Jin Heng.

But if it was Jun Jiu, Cang Song immediately understood why Yan He didn't hand over the murderer.Because it is Jun Jiu, it is absolutely impossible to hand it over.

Jin Baifeng still didn't believe it, and glared at Jun Jiu angrily: "Whether it's you or not, I will remember you! Jun Jiu, you will regret it."

Jun Jiu: "Noisy."

Jin Baifeng's eyes were red and spitting fire, and he almost wanted to kill him now, when the third wave of asking stones flew out from the depths of the meteorite, Jin Baifeng could only stare bitterly, unwilling to look away.

Gritting his teeth, Jin Baifeng cursed in his heart, he doesn't know what to do!

Jun Jiu will definitely not be able to open the golden asking stone this time!

There are only three chances to seize the opportunity and advantage. Now the team that did not get the golden asking stone only has the last chance. Their expressions became serious when they saw the asking stone in their hands.

Success or failure is here!
Jin Baifeng once again got the slag in his hand, and immediately glared at Jun Jiu as if his eyes had been poisoned with a knife, Jin Baifeng kept turning and cursing in his heart.

The other teams were not in a hurry to open the asking stone, they all looked at Jun Jiu, all looking forward to and curious, whether Jun Jiu could open the asking stone again for the third time?


Jun Jiu didn't have the heavy and tense mood of the other teams, so he got the asking stone and directly used his spiritual power to shatter.Cracking the open crack, there was no golden light inside, Jin Baifeng immediately burst out laughing.

Her curse was fulfilled, Jun Jiu did not open the golden asking stone!

Jin Baifeng's maniac laughter was a bit ear-piercing, even her teammates lowered their heads and silently distanced themselves a little too much.

She was the only one laughing in the entire team, and the others were relieved to see that Jun Jiu hadn't issued a golden asking stone.If Jun Jiu opened a third one, they might vomit blood and doubt their lives.

Looking back, they were planning to open their own asking stones, when they heard Shen Chenhua's excited voice: "There is something, it's not empty!"

People were stunned, and instinctively raised their heads to look at Jun Jiu again, only to see that Jun Jiu continued to shatter the asking stone, and the asking stone cracked even deeper, directly splitting in two from the middle.

A small purple stone popped out of the cracked asking stone.

The light of the purple stone is not as dazzling as the golden asking stone, but the purple light is deep and mysterious. Everyone has a feeling that this stone is not bad!
Shen Chenhua: "What is this, sister, do you know?"

"I've never seen this kind of stone out of the Asking Stone, Yan He, do you know?" Shen Mengling didn't know either, so she asked Yan He and the others.

However, Yan He didn't know that there was no news about this purple stone in the collected information.

But no matter what it is, Jun Jiu opened something, asked Lu Shi three times and opened something.Two golden asking stones, one mysterious purple stone, this luck is so popular and crying.

Jin Baifeng's smile froze, his expression ferocious.

But she can rest assured this time, no one pays attention to her ugly expression at all. After everyone laments and envies Jun Jiu, they all focus on opening their own asking stones.

Two teams have dropped new golden asking stones!
One is Wu Cheng's team, and the other is Dragon Phoenix Sect Gu Sang and Gu Bihai.

The three rounds of asking stones were over, and a total of five teams got the golden asking stones, which allowed them to enter the group of thousand-star meteorites first.

The golden asking stone in their hands began to emit light, and the golden light flowed and converged to shoot a ray of light straight into the depths of the meteorite group. Yan He said: "Follow the golden light, we can avoid the meteorite group and enter inside."

"Where is the team without the golden asking stone?" Jun Jiu asked.

Yan He replied: "They can only force their way in. You can use the golden questioning stone as a map. Without a map, it is easy to get lost among the meteorites. You can only break through by violence, but the speed will be very slow."

That's it!

Jun Jiu was playing with the golden asking stone in his hand, a playful look flashed in his eyes, Jun Jiu looked up at Jin Baifeng.

Waving the golden asking stone in his hand, Jun Jiu smiled darkly and said, "We're going ahead~"

Jin Baifeng jumped his feet angrily, his chest rose and fell sharply, and the fire in his eyes was about to burst out.In the end, he couldn't do anything, he could only watch Jun Jiu and the others follow the golden light into the meteorite group with jealousy.

"We are also one step ahead~ Jin Baifeng, you have to work hard, don't fall too far behind." Shen Chenhua raised his eyebrows and said provocatively.

He still remembered what Jin Baifeng said mocking him for his dark face, Shen Chenhua rolled his eyes, and said with a smirk: "Although I have a dark face, I have good friends! Jin Baifeng, you can't do it yourself, you don't have any friends, it's too miserable."

"Who said I have no friends!" Jin Baifeng went back angrily, then turned to look at Wu Cheng.

She and Wu Cheng are both adopted sons and daughters of Emperor Ming, so they will not help her, right?
Wu Cheng chuckled, "I'll go first, Jin Baifeng, please do your best."

After finishing speaking, Wu Cheng turned around and waved his sleeves, led his team to follow Jin Guang and flew into the meteorite group, and soon his figure disappeared from Jin Baifeng's sight.

Wu Cheng: Jin Baifeng was mad and stupid, right?How can he and her be friends, pretending that he is disgusting, and it's too late for him to laugh when he sees Jin Baifeng deflated.

Shen Chenhua: "Tsk tsk, this is your 'friend'?"

"Brother, don't waste your time." Shen Mengling glanced at Jin Baifeng's face, the corners of her mouth raised slightly, she stretched out her hand to grab Shen Chenhua's arm, and flew into the meteorite group.

(End of this chapter)

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