Chapter 1746
Chapter 1746 Capture the Stars
Hearing that Jian Yi, Wu Mei, Jiang Chen and the others took out their Five Realm Jade one after another, they knew the rules at a glance, and then they all looked at Xinghe.

From the outside, Xinghe seemed to have covered Xiao Wu and Shen Chenhua with a layer of thin Xinghe sand, which obscured their outlines and expressions, and only their movements could be seen.

Xiao Wu and Shen Chenhua are on the left and the right, respectively at the two ends of the galaxy.

Before entering the galaxy, they didn't know what a "star" was.After entering, Xiao Wu stood on the galaxy and looked around at the bright and beautiful starlight around him. Xiao Wu touched his chin. What would the "star" be?

Shen Chenhua was also confused.

When Wu Cheng saw this outside, he snorted coldly with a sullen and proud face, this was the trick they themselves rejected!
If it wasn't for him to discover "Star" by chance, how could it be so easy to get?

Wu Cheng glanced at Yan He, Shen Mengling and the others, then looked at Xiao Wu and Shen Chenhua again, Wu Cheng snorted coldly: "Even if they can find the star, it will take time to obtain it, but now other teams have followed."

There are only ten places to advance!

Arriving first is just an advantage, and you can fight for the promotion quota first, but it is not 100% successful to advance.

The three teams of Jian Yi, Wu Mei and Jiang Chen have all arrived, are the other teams far behind?Maybe there will be a latecomer, Yan He and the others must be anxious by then, and they will come to beg him sooner or later.

"Xiao Wu seems to have discovered something." Jun Jiu said.

Hearing this, Wu Cheng's face froze, how could it be possible?How could it be discovered so quickly!

Wu Cheng's eyes widened immediately, and he stared straight at the galaxy, only to see Xiao Wu suddenly dodge his move, and she stretched out her hand to grab a star in front of her without hesitation.

When Xiao Wu's finger was only an inch away from Xingguang, Xingguang moved instantly.

As if giving it life in an instant, Xingguang fled away quickly, but it was not as fast as Xiaowu.The white jade-like fingers grabbed Xingguang, and Xiao Wu held it tightly, with a smug smile on the corner of his mouth: "I've got you."

Before the words were finished, the Milky Way suddenly began to flow at an indescribable speed.

Described as a vortex, engulfing Xiaowu and swallowing it deep into the galaxy, at the same time the starlight in the palm struggled and collided and wanted to escape.

The accident came suddenly, and when Xiao Wu realized it, he had already been sucked into the galaxy vortex with one foot.Frowning and staring, Xiao Wu didn't panic, calmly and calmly immediately circulated his spiritual power to his feet, and at the same time lifted himself up and flew up.

But the whirlpool bite was too tight, and after trying a lot, Xiao Wu not only failed to pull his foot out, but the other foot was also sucked in.

not good!

Shen Mengling, Yan He, and Long Xiao all became nervous.Jun Jiu's eyes sparkled, and she didn't show any emotion on her face, she just looked at Xiao Wu quietly and trustingly.

Wu Cheng gloated, only those who are selected can enter the galaxy, Yan He and the others can't help Xiao Wu!
"Xiao Wu, don't be afraid that I will help you!" Shen Chenhua was in the galaxy, seeing this, he rushed over immediately.

But Xiao Wu refused: "Don't come here, I can do it myself!"

Xiao Wu coldly and firmly prevented Shen Chenhua from coming over, looking down at the whirlpool under his feet, Xiao Wujin's blue eyes flickered faintly, as if condensing a terrible storm.

The little whirlpool also wanted to trap her?
With one hand, Xiao Wu slapped his body heavily, shouting——

Everyone heard the roar of the tiger. It was not an ordinary roar of the tiger. It was a powerful and sacred beast from the ancient times. Standing in the sky and roaring up to the sky, the sound wave could tear the world apart.Everyone felt the coercion, and surprise flashed in their eyes.

Such a strong roar of the tiger!
Among them, the shaking had the greatest impact on Wu Cheng, who is a beast, he was stunned and looked at Xiao Wu with a dull expression.


Xiao Wu clapped his palm, and the shadow of the white tiger roared out from the palm amidst the vibration of spiritual power, tearing up the galaxy with ease, Xiao Wu immediately flew to distance himself.

After the vortex was shattered, it quickly condensed again, but before the vortex could find a chance to attack Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu flew out of Xinghe directly.She stretched out a hand towards Jun Jiu from a distance, and starlight shone in the palm of her finger.

Xiao Wu happily shouted: "Master, I got it!"

The corners of his mouth turned up slightly, and Jun Jiuyao nodded at Xiao Wu, giving him a silent compliment.

Xiao Wu folded his palms together to prevent Xing Guang from trying to escape again.But after leaving Xinghe, Xingguang calmed down, obediently staying in Xiaowu's hands.Xiao Wu turned to look at Shen Chenhua's position in the galaxy, and Xiao Wu told Shen Chenhua via voice transmission.

"Star" is the starlight in the galaxy, you can just grab one.

It's not difficult to catch, but beware of the vortex that appears behind!

If it wasn't for Xiao Wu being a white tiger with the power of a white tiger, getting out would not be so easy and simple.Shen Chenhua is not a white tiger, but he is the grandson of Emperor Cang, and he has countless treasures and artifacts on him, so it is not a problem to deal with the whirlpool.

After telling Shen Chenhua, Xiao Wu flew back to Jun Jiu, and reached out to give her the starlight.

Feeling something in Jun Jiu's heart, he took out the Five Realms Jade, and the starlight automatically flew to the Five Realms Jade and blended into it.Immediately, the five realm jades of the four members of Jun Jiu's team all had a golden word "sea" on them.This means they have advanced.

Looking at the word "sea", Jun Jiu raised her eyebrows and looked up at Yan He and Shen Mengling.

They also saw the extra words on the Five Realms Jade, and they were surprised in each other's eyes.Is this a preview of the next round?

The sea, will it be the sea of ​​grass?
Jun Jiu and the others looked at each other, and they both felt that the next round was Cao Hai!
With the reminder, they were all prepared in their hearts, and then continued to look at Xinghe.Shen Chenhua hasn't won the "star" yet, but I believe that with Xiao Wu's tricks and Mo Wuyue's formulas, Shen Chenhua will be fine.

At this time, Wu Cheng couldn't care less about seeing Shen Chenhua, he stared blankly at Xiao Wu, his face full of horror and disbelief.

Wu Cheng is also a beast, but his blood is not pure.The coercion released by Xiao Wu's palm just now made him feel a sense of fear and trembling in his blood, which made Wu Cheng nervous. Which clan does Xiao Wu belong to?

Tiger... Among the beasts related to tigers, the first thing Wu Cheng thought of was the white tiger.

But he couldn't believe that the White Tiger clan had long been extinct, so how could Xiao Wu be a White Tiger?Thinking about something else, Wu Cheng's mind became a mess, and even Shen Chenhua's "stars" of success failed to attract him to take a look.

Shen Chenhua succeeded!

He came back excitedly, holding the star light tightly in his hands, and his breathing was short of breath.

Shen Chenhua handed the starlight to Shen Mengling, and said excitedly: "Sister, I succeeded! We advanced hahaha."

Shen Chenhua couldn't wait to look at Jun Jiu after finishing speaking, Shen Chenhua said: "Jun Jiu, the formula you gave is so powerful! After I practiced the formula, I immediately felt relaxed and inexhaustible. It was the first time that I felt that doing things was so easy. Don't worry about failing."

The corners of Jun Jiu's mouth slightly lifted, and pride and pride flashed across his eyes. Of course, the mantra is powerful, which Wu Yue gave!

(End of this chapter)

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