Chapter 1765 Must prove myself

Chapter 1765 Must prove myself

People in the square were discussing Jun Jiu and the others excitedly, when suddenly a group of people in cloaks rushed out, their robes fluttering and rushing to the middle of the square in a blink of an eye.

This group of cloaked men dispersed in an organized manner and surrounded Jun Jiu and Xiao Wu.With an extremely fast hand strike, a huge barrier was opened around Jun Jiu and the others, preventing them from escaping.

After the barrier was successfully set up, Feng Teng looked at his senior brother Feng Qian in surprise and suspicion, could it be too easy?

Feng Qian also felt it. At the beginning, Jun Jiu looked at him, giving him a feeling that the conspiracy was exposed, and everything was under the opponent's nose.So Feng Qian took action immediately to prevent Jun Jiu from escaping.

But it succeeded, Feng Qian didn't relax but tensed up even more.

The more relaxed the more wrong!
Yan He and Shen Mengling were beside Jun Jiu, why didn't they respond?Just stared at them coldly.

In the blink of an eye, Feng Qian thought a lot, and looked at Jun Gongye for a few more times. Finally, Feng Qian's eyes were dark, and his impetuous mood quickly calmed down.No matter what is wrong, the barrier has been formed, and Jun Jiu can't escape with his wings!
They are well prepared and there is nothing to be afraid of.

Then Feng Qian turned around and faced the crowd in the square. The people were still sluggishly staring at them without reacting.

Feng Qian lowered his voice, and said in a half-threatening, half-threat: "Idlers, please leave the Five Realms City immediately, or you will die!"

Following Feng Qian's words, the elders around Feng Qian, as well as Lord Gongye opened their dantians one after another to release the coercion. As soon as the coercion of the Ling Emperor realm came out, the sound of breathing in the Five Realms Square instantly rose and fell.

Everyone was stunned, and only then did they realize that this group of cloaked men was going to attack Jun Jiu and the others!

The strength of Emperor Ling's realm, I don't know which side is it, so bold to attack Emperor You's sister?Next to him are the great apprentice of Emperor You and the granddaughter of Emperor Cang!

Gongye Jun: "The old man counts to three times, and those who stay here after three times, then they will stay here forever and bury their bones here."

Three... The person who is afraid of death turned his head and fled immediately, regardless of watching the excitement.

Two... Others also left one after another, and they did not doubt Gongyejun's words.He even dared to attack Emperor Youdi's sister, would he care about the life and death of little people like them?

The bustling Five Realms Square was empty, and the only ones left were the disciples under Emperor You and Emperor Cang who were eliminated in advance or stayed outside to meet them.Their angry eyes glared at Gongyejun and the others angrily. If Yan He and Shen Mengling hadn't sent them orders via voice transmission, they would have drawn their weapons and rushed forward.

Seeing these people, Gongyejun and Fengqian didn't respond, they were normal.

At this time, out of the corner of their eyes, they glanced at the two people in the corner, Gongye Jun and Feng Qian frowned slightly, and they recognized one of the women as Leng Feifei, the daughter of the Demon Emperor.The other man looked strange and did not recognize him.

They didn't want to drag the Devil Emperor into it, so they automatically skipped Leng Feifei.When I arrived at Leng Yuan, I didn't know Leng Yuan's appearance after changing his face, and I didn't care about the existence of such a person, so I captured Jun Jiu first and then killed him conveniently.

Gongye Jun and Feng Qian withdrew their gazes, and they looked at Jun Jiusi together, their gazes were cold and dark.

Feng Qian said: "Yan He, why don't you ask who we are? What are we going to do?"

"Feng Qian, you don't need to pretend any more, we know who you are and why you are here." Yan He's tone was cold and serious, with a murderous intent.

The master handed over the uncle to him, and he will never let anyone capture Jun Jiu!
If you want to catch Jun Jiu, step on his corpse first.

Yan He's cold words made Feng Qian and the others startled by the killing intent around him.Yan He actually knew!
how come?
They came secretly and did not show their whereabouts, not to mention how did Jun Jiu and Yan He know that they were in the Five Realms Secret Realm?
After much deliberation, I can't figure it out, so I just don't want to.Feng Qian and Gongye Jun looked at each other, they had already been exposed and there was no need to hide their identities, they took off their cloaks to reveal their true faces.

Feng Qian said again: "Since you know, let's get straight to the point. Jun Jiu, we must take her away today! Yan He and Shen Mengling, just because you two are not our opponents, Emperor You and Emperor Cang can't catch up Come to help you, hand over Jun Jiu wisely, so as not to suffer."

"Bah! Feng Qian, you think highly of yourself, don't you?" Shen Mengling said sarcastically, looking at Feng Qian with disdain.

Being ridiculed by Shen Mengling's face, Feng Qian said angrily: "Shen Mengling, if you want to get involved, you won't be afraid that you and Jun Jiu will be taken away by us. Will it be embarrassing for Emperor Cang then?"

"Afraid? You don't have that ability to scare me. Want to catch Jun Jiu? Don't beep, just do it." Shen Mengling hooked her fingers provocatively, and at the same time she and Yan He each took a step forward, and they held Jun Jiu Block it tightly.

There is no need to plan, they are the first ones by default.

Jun Jiu and Xiao Wu watched from behind, just responding in time.

Feng Qian and Gongye Jun stepped forward one after another, Feng Teng and Qing Meng stared at Jun Jiu and Xiao Wu, the momentum of the confrontation collided invisible, and the sword was on the verge of breaking out!
However, at this moment, someone stepped forward and said, "If you want to arrest Miss Jun, you must first ask me if I agree."

Who dares to get involved?
Didn't you recognize their identities!Do you think you have the same background as Yan He and Shen Mengling?
Everyone heard the sound and looked at the approaching man in unison, and when they saw him, they all paused.Isn't this the man who didn't leave?

"Leng Yuan, are you alone?" Xiao Wu tilted his head to look at Leng Yuan, and asked with a slight frown.

Xiao Wu called out Leng Yuan's name, and the word Leng Yuan made everyone gasp.They stared at Leng Yuan with wide eyes in disbelief, Leng Yuan?
"Little Devil Emperor" Leng Yuan?
impossible!The little devil emperor Leng Yuan didn't look like this, and after the evil emperor was sealed, the little devil emperor Leng Yuan and the frost dragon Yin Han disappeared, how could they appear here!
Yan He and Shen Mengling looked back at Jun Jiu in shock. Is this the one Jun Jiu was talking about?

Leng Yuan ignored everyone's eyes, he nodded to Xiao Wu, "It's just me."

Xiao Wu: "No."

Xiao Wu blinked, looked back at Jun Jiu and said in his heart: "No wonder Mo Liao doubted Leng Yuan's ability. He came alone, it is indeed a bit mysterious, I think we have to rely on ourselves."

"Cough." Jun Jiu coughed dryly and stopped smiling.

Jun Jiu looked up at Leng Yuan, and asked him with his eyes: Are you sure about being alone?

Leng Yuan couldn't hear Xiao Wu through voice transmission, but Leng Yuan could see the expressions on the faces of the two of them.Realizing that his ability was being questioned, Leng Yuan felt embarrassed and wronged. Is he so unreliable in the eyes of the empress and Xiao Wu?


He has to prove that he is very powerful, even those who go to the third level are afraid of him!
Leng Yuan took a step forward and instantly teleported to Jun Jiu and the others, turned around to face Feng Qian and the others, Leng Yuan raised his hand to remove the disguise...

(End of this chapter)

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