Chapter 1931
Chapter 1931 Desperate Pulse Interrogation
When Wu Rou heard Wen Xie's words, she blushed immediately.Looking at Wen Xie with shame and annoyance, he said angrily, "Wen Xie, do you think you are more sure than me, the divine pharmacist?"

"No, I'm not as good as Miss Wu Rou in terms of ability, but I won't hesitate, I won't hesitate. I will do whatever Jun Jiu asks me to do." Wen Xie apologized to Wu Rou, and he did not offend Wu Rou. mean.

After all, if he was accepted as an apprentice by Emperor Frost, Wu Rou would be his future mistress, and Wen Xie was not that stupid to offend his mistress.

It's just that when he saw that Jun Jiu needed help, Wen Xie stood up without hesitation, he could help Jun Jiu!

Hearing that Wu Rou's complexion improved a lot, but she was still a little annoyed, Wu Rou looked back at Jun Jiu and asked, "Jun Jiu, what do you say?"

Jun Jiu looked at Wu Rou, then at Wen Xie, his eyes flickered faintly.Jun Jiu doesn't open his mouth, except for Xiao Wu who can communicate with each other, no one knows what Jun Jiu is thinking.

But Jun Jiu didn't think about it for long, the backlash gradually intensified, and the time for the poisonous lunatic was running out.

Jun Jiu said: "Wen Xie came to give the needle, Wu Rou, you and I will force out the power of backlash, and then guide him how to do it at the same time."

Wu Rou thought about it, so that she could focus more and reduce the error rate.

Wu Rou nodded, "Okay."

Seeing that Jun Jiu agreed, Wen Xie smiled with a slightly heavy and fleeting smile at the corner of his cold mouth, which set off the mole of tears at the corner of his eyes, which was particularly surprising.

But for Jun Jiu, who was used to beauties, Wen Xie's smile didn't move her at all. Jun Jiu calmly and coldly began to order, and the three of them used their best pulse to keep the poisonous lunatic Li Xiao awake for a moment.

Xiao Wu, Devil Emperor, Tian Qing and the others are on the sidelines to protect the Dharma, ensuring that nothing will disturb or affect them.

After all the preparations were done, Jun Jiu and Wu Rou and Wen Xie looked at each other, and Jun Jiu said, "Let's get started! Wen Xie, you have to stay in shape the whole time. Immediately apply the needle!"

"Okay, I understand." Wen Xie nodded.

In order to keep the poisonous lunatic quiet and not affect Jun Jiu and the others, a piece of hard wood that would not be corroded by poisonous blood was directly stuffed into the poisonous lunatic's mouth and bitten.

But it was a bit too hard, the poisonous lunatic didn't control his strength well, and broke a few teeth.But being able to talk is fine, and it doesn't affect the overall situation.

it has started!

Jun Jiu and Wu Rou pressed their hands over the poisonous lunatic's head together, and the spiritual power sank into the poisonous lunatic's brain, and as soon as they entered, they were surrounded by the violent and poisonous spiritual power in the poisonous lunatic's mind.Ferociously twisting their spiritual power frantically, intending to devour them or drive them out.

Jun Jiu's spiritual power is somewhat stronger than Wu Rou's, and the two spiritual powers are twisted together to fight against the poisonous lunatic's spiritual power, showing no sign of weakness.

The two found the violent counterattack power in the mind of the poisonous lunatic, and immediately opened up the spiritual power to wrap it around. While resisting the impact of the power, they drove it into the body along the veins and blood vessels.

The first tendon has arrived, Jun Jiu: "Apply acupuncture!"

Wen Xie didn't panic, and steadily applied the needle to the qualified position.

Seeing this, Jun Jiu glanced at Wen Xie, she was indeed capable, not exaggerating.Jun Jiu said, "Keep going."

"Okay." Wen Xie nodded.

Then the three of them cooperated tacitly with each other, gradually expelled the power into the body, and then used needles to seal the blood vessels and tendons, preventing the power from returning to the brain.The cooperation of the three of them throughout the whole process was perfect.

An hour later, it was a perfect success!
The three of them withdrew their hands one after another, with sweat dripping from their foreheads, they looked at each other and smiled in relief.

It worked!
"Master, wipe off the sweat." Xiao Wu handed over the handkerchief behind him, and Jun Jiu wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Looking down at the poisonous lunatic Li Xiao who was lying motionless on the ground, Jun Jiu waved his hands to wrap the wood with spiritual power and took it out. The poisonous lunatic kept his mouth open, his eyes rolled around and he didn't yell madly anymore .

Gong Chen stood aside and asked, "Is he awake now?"

"I'll regain my sobriety soon. But the time is limited, let's give him a good time after the questioning, so as not to suffer more." Jun Jiu said.

Say soon, soon.

The poisonous lunatic Li Xiao blinked his eyes, the dark eyes on his ferocious and scary face lacked brilliance.But judging from his turning his eyes and staring at Jun Jiu and the others, his consciousness has recovered a little.

Jun Jiu immediately asked him: "Poison lunatic, you said that you led the corpse of the beast to Shangsanzhong, is it true or not?"

The poisonous madman remained silent.

Seeing this, Jun Jiu raised her eyebrows, and said in a cold tone: "You have been deceived, right? The heart of the Desolation Beast can't revive your sister at all, but it failed and turned back, killing you. You won't live long, You have no chance to take revenge on those who deceived you."

"Speak, Li Xiao! Speak up and answer Jun Jiu's question, and I promise to avenge you!" Gong Chen hurriedly said.

Hearing this, the poisonous lunatic Li Xiao's face changed a little.

He first tilted his head to look at Gong Chen, staring straight at him with a hoarse and weak mouth: "Gong Chen, you vowed to resurrect my sister, so I will say so."

Gong Chen's body froze, with a complicated and compassionate expression, "Li Xiao, don't you see the facts clearly, there is no way to resurrect people in the world. Just failed and exploded, the soul lamp shattered, Xin'er's remnant soul was destroyed by the force of the explosion Torn to shreds. It is impossible to resurrect."


The poisonous lunatic immediately became startled when he heard it, he wanted to struggle but couldn't move, so he could only roar at the top of his throat piercingly.

His hopes were completely shattered.

Jun Jiu looked coldly at the poisonous lunatic Li Xiao, and said, "You can't change anything by yelling here. If you want revenge, then tell us, who lied to you? Triple. How did you do it?"

Jun Jiu's words made the poisonous lunatic Li Xiao gradually calm down.The pitch-black eyes with no whites were wide open, and bloody tears flowed from the eye sockets of the poisonous lunatic.

Opening his mouth, the poisonous lunatic said: "God! She is a woman and a god, so I believed her words. She said that the heart of the devouring beast can revive the heart. If you want to get the heart of the devouring beast, you need someone to help you." Enter the Desolation Realm."

"She gave me something, and I took this thing with me, and the corpse of the devouring beast followed me. It took me 300 years to lead the corpse here, and she said that Emperor Zun could help me enter the world of devouring waste, and I did so Yes. But she lied to me! She lied to me!"

God?The name is still the realm of cultivation, and Jun Jiu prefers the latter.

Since it is the realm of the gods, it must be from the realm of the gods.

Jun Jiu asked again: "Why did she have to lead the corpse of the Devouring Beast to Shangsanzhong?"

"I have to swallow the heart of the wasteland to revive Xin'er. She uses this to swallow up the corpse of the wasteland beast and get rid of an enemy." The poisonous lunatic said.

Jun Jiu: "Who is she going to get rid of?"

The poisonous lunatic shook his head, he only knew that he wanted to get rid of a emperor, but he didn't know who it was.

(End of this chapter)

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