Chapter 1934 Always No. [-]

Chapter 1934 Always Number One

Mo Wuyue nodded, he didn't finish his sentence, but who made Tianqing too excited, he jumped into it before he finished listening.

Jun Jiu asked: "Then what did you not finish?"

Mo Wuyue: "Do what you can, if you absorb too much, you won't be able to refine it. He will probably last hundreds of thousands of years before he can digest it."

Jun Jiu silently lit a candle for Tianqing, her stomach was full all the time, but it was not very comfortable.I hope he can control himself and stop when he has absorbed enough!
Mo Wuyue looked at Jun Jiu, his golden eyes were soft and doting, and he said, "But this is also good, he absorbs a lot, Xiao Jiu'er refining a small amount is just right."

Jun Jiu was surprised, is she going to jump into the sea too?

Mo Wuyue then told Jun Jiu why she and Tian Qing were only allowed here.What devours the world is devoured by beasts, and the power of refining is called the power of the world. Not everyone can covet this powerful power.

Even though You Xin and Cang Chen are in the demigod realm, letting them absorb them will only blow their bodies to pieces!

Only Tian Qing and Jun Jiu can absorb it.

Tianqing is a Canglong, whose physical strength far surpasses that of the Desolation Beast, as well as the power of the world.Refining the power in the gray ocean will only benefit him and not harm him.Of course, being full is probably the only downside.

And there is Tianqing to absorb the big head, and the remaining power Jun Jiu can only absorb and refine with the demigod spirit body.Otherwise, the power is still too strong for Jun Jiu, and if he can't absorb much, he will hold on.

It is most suitable for Tianqing to fight against the big head, and the gentle and long flow of Junjiu.

That's why Mo Wuyue asked Tian Qing to jump down first, and then let Jun Jiu go to practice after he got the venue ready.

Wen Yan Junjiu understood Mo Wuyue's arrangement, but she was curious, "Won't you refine Wuyue?"

Mo Wuyue: "I don't really need this power. And if I refine it, with my body's instinctive absorption speed, you and Tianqing can only pick up a little bit of scum."

Said to her in a very gentle and loving tone, but Jun Jiu could hear the overbearing and perverted, forceful force.

Silently applauding Mo Wuyue, Jun Jiu said: "Then Tianqing and I refine the power of the core brain, you go to control the devouring beast, and we will make peace after it's over?"

"There is no need to separate. I will find a good place for Xiao Jiuer. Xiao Jiuer can cultivate with peace of mind. I will protect the law for you, and then control the Desolation Beast. After you finish refining, go and bring the sky blue." Mo Wuyue said .

In his heart, Jun Jiu will always be number one.

Both Desolate Beast and Tianqing did it easily, they were not important, and they weren't worth his troubles.

Mo Wuyue found a place for Jun Jiu to practice, which is thousands of miles away from Tianqing. Only here can he be sure that the big heads are attracted to Tianqing, and Jun Jiu is exposed to marginal power.

And Jun Jiu didn't have to jump into the sea like Tian Qing, Mo Wuyue swung a trick, and a few pieces of silver dragon scales flew out and stuck to the gray ocean to form a platform for Jun Jiu to sit cross-legged and practice.

Jun Jiu sat cross-legged, and the silver dragon scales spontaneously provided Jun Jiu with warmth.Jun Jiu looked at Mo Wuyue again, and Mo Wuyue was standing a distance away from her, with seven wild beads flying and circling in his hands, seeing her look over, the corners of Mo Wuyue's mouth slightly curled up.

In this way, Xiao Jiu'er can see him at any time, and he can also see Xiao Jiu'er at any time.

With a warm smile back, Jun Jiu closed his eyes and adjusted his breathing. After the state was adjusted, his spiritual power drew strands of gray sea water into his body.

The gray sea water is like a ribbon, pulled up from the ocean one by one, and wrapped tightly around Jun Jiu.Finally, a hood was formed to cover Jun Jiu, under Jun Jiu's body, the silver dragon scales glowed faintly.

Dragon Scale will sense at any time whether the power Jun Jiu inhales is within the level that can be absorbed and refined.Once it is exceeded, the dragon scale will cut off the energy, so as not to inhale too much and hurt the body.It will also feed back Jun Jiu's cultivation situation to Mo Wuyue anytime and anywhere.

After everything was settled, Mo Wuyue began to gradually control the body of the beast.


On the other hand, Youxin and the others took two days to get back to Shangsanzhong.

Once going up to the third layer, You Xin, Cang Chen and the Devil Emperor had the most sensitive perceptions, and they looked up at the sky of the third layer in amazement.Obviously something is different!

It is impossible to clearly discover the reason for the difference, and it is also difficult to describe it in words. If I can barely describe one or two things, I can only describe it as if there is something more in the sky.Not a bad thing, but it's not clear if it's a good thing, either.

They've been away for less than a month, what happened to Shangsanzhong?
Xiao Wu and Wu Rou were aware of You Xin's expressions.They didn't have that level of cultivation, and they couldn't feel any problem, so they could only look at the three of them in confusion, what's wrong?
Just when everyone was confused, the space in front of them suddenly cracked.

You Xin immediately made a move, and countless Nine You butterflies fluttered out, protecting everyone behind them.Cang Chen and the Devil Emperor stood beside him, frowning and staring sharply at the space crack together with him, only to see a cute girl with short fluffy hair come out first.

She tilted her head to look at them, grinning and showing two canine teeth.

The girl looked sideways into the space crack, and said in a soft and sweet voice, "Empress Dowager, they are the ones who have returned."

Empress Dowager!
As soon as she heard this unique and special title that she would never forget, Xiao Wu immediately poked her head out from behind Cang Chen. She stared at the girl with rounded eyes, but she didn't recognize her.

He sniffed, but he didn't recognize the breath, it wasn't the cats around Da Jiu.

At this time, the sound of footsteps came from the space crack, and Xiao Wu raised his head to meet Da Jiu's eyes.Xiao Wu exclaimed: "It's Big Jiu!"

"Da Jiu?" You Xin, Cang Chen and the others looked at Xiao Wu in confusion.

Who is Big Nine?
Xiao Wu quickly explained, "It's the master's old friend. It's from the same family. Da Jiu can be said to be the master's senior sister, or elder sister. Da Jiu is one of his own. Cang Chen, you can stop."

On the opposite side, Da Jiu listened to Xiao Wu's introduction, and the smile in his eyes became stronger again.In fact, she has never met Xiao Wu, only heard Jun Jiu talk about her cat, and now she can confirm Xiao Wu's identity when she sees Xiao Wu.

Seeing that Xiao Wu's soul and body are now one, and his strength has already broken through the realm of the Spirit Emperor, Da Jiu smiled.It seems that Xiao Jiu has protected her cat well. If Xiao Jiu is here, she can congratulate Xiao Jiu.

Da Jiu asked Xiao Wu: "You are Xiao Wu, right? Where is your master? And why didn't the evil emperor come back together?"

"The master and Mo Liao are controlling the corpse of the devouring beast. We came back first to prepare! When the master and the others came back, the corpse of the devouring beast happened to collide with Shang Sanchong. What about you, Dajiu? If the master knows that you are coming , must be very happy." Xiao Wu said.

Because Jun Jiu likes Da Jiu very much, so when Xiao Wu first met, he also likes Da Jiu very much!

When Da Jiu heard the words, his eyes flashed, it turned out to be the case.

She said again: "I'm here to pick up the remaining piece of Xuanji jade. As for the preparations, I've already made preparations with Emperor Shuang and Emperor Cang. Everything is just waiting for the beast to come."

You Xin and the others were stunned when they heard that, are you ready?

(End of this chapter)

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