Chapter 1961 Nether Valley

Chapter 1961 Nether Valley

Nether Valley and Wushan Tower are respectively located in the east and south of the mountain range, close to each other but in a vast area, and it takes more than half a day's journey from Nether Valley to Wushan Tower.

Jun Jiu, Mo Wuyue, Gong Chen, Wu Rou, and Emperor Shuang separated in the middle, heading east and south to Nether Valley and Wushan Tower respectively.

East, Nether Valley.

On the east side of the mountain range, there is a huge valley formed by nature, and majestic and tall buildings and palaces are built according to the mountain situation.

From the outside, if you don't know it, you might think it is a sect of sect power.It is so magnificent that it is more than enough to be a sect. However, although the valley is large and there are many palaces, there is actually only one person living in You Ming, and there are many puppet guards.

Regarding this, without waiting for Jun Jiu and Gong Chen to ask, Mr. You Ming explained first: "Sometimes, puppet guards are more loyal and reliable than human beings, and they are also more worry-free."

Gong Chen nodded, feeling deeply.

If Lianhuazong was like this at the beginning, there would be no such thing as Destroyer betraying Miezong.But after all, they are all puppet guards, so they are not Lianhuazong.

Gong Chen looked at Old You Ming, and opened his mouth to ask, but unexpectedly, before he opened his mouth, Old You Ming said it with a smile.

Old You Ming smiled gently, looked at him and Jun Jiu and said, "Do you want to ask me if I'm not alone?"

Gong Chen and Jun Jiu nodded.

If it is closed for a long time, it doesn't matter.But when you go out to face the cold puppet guards, there is no fireworks at all. Will you not be lonely in the long run?
Old You Ming smiled and shook his head, "What do you think I've been staying in Nether Valley? On weekdays, the old man, Wu Shanqing and a few old fellows all sit at the Shenyi headquarters in Huangyuan Continent, and rarely return to Nether Valley. Now I came back to teach you well.”

The elders of Shenyi are not so relaxed and leisurely. Ten of them are on duty at the headquarters of Shenyi in turn.

This time he and Wu Shanqing returned to Nether Valley and Wushan Tower, just in time for a four-year break.It just happened to bring Wu Shanqing to his granddaughter, and his grandson-in-law to catch up on the past, and he can also teach his apprentices.

Entering the Nether Valley, Mr. Youming let Jun Jiu and Gong Chen choose a room. There are many palaces, so they can choose where they like to live!The room is always reserved for them.

In order to facilitate the exchange of time with each other on weekdays, Gong Chen and Jun Jiu both chose the palace on the east side.However, Gong Chen's sense of humor is not a light bulb, and there is still a distance from where Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue live, leaving a spacious and comfortable space for each other.

Check in for a day off.

The next day, before Mr. You Ming formally taught Jun Jiu and Gong Chen, he first tested the progress of what they had learned so far.

Mo Wuyue didn't participate, but he just sat lazily by the side, looking at Jun Jiu with his chin resting on his hands.Elder You Ming and Gong Chen inevitably tensed their backs, a little nervous.Especially Old You Ming, who was under a lot of pressure.

Seeing this, Jun Jiu had no choice but to look up at Mo Wuyue, "Wuyue, why don't you go out for a walk?"


As soon as the words fell, Mo Wuyue disappeared out of thin air. Seeing this old man You Ming and Gong Chen heaved a sigh of relief.

Looking at the two of them, Jun Jiu silently concealed it, and didn't tell them that Mo Wuyue was actually still here, but they couldn't see it.

Start the quiz test.

You Ming took out a gray and blue flower from the space.

The flower is in the shape of a flower bone, and under the time of the old ghost, the flower slowly blooms, revealing one layer after another, a total of nine layers of complicated petals.

You Ming put away the time decision, and the flowers immediately and slowly retracted back to the state of flower buds.Elder You Ming introduced: "This is the flower of time. You use your time to give birth to it, try your best, and how many petals you can give birth to bloom. Remember not to use too much force to hurt your body."

Gong Chen's cultivation level is higher, and Old You Ming handed the flower of time to Gong Chen first.

Gong Chen got the flower of time, no need to guide and teach, it runs smoothly and naturally.The flower of time blooms slowly, one after another...

It took Gong Chen half an hour, the flower of time bloomed to the fifth level and there was no movement.At this time, Gong Chen's face was slightly pale, his clothes were soaked in sweat, and there were still large beads of sweat rolling down his face and forehead.

did my best.

Gong Chen slowly exhaled a mouthful of turbid air, retracted the time decision, and the flower of time slowly closed into a flower bone.

You Ming nodded his head, smiling all over his face, showing his satisfaction and appreciation for Gong Chen.Handing the Flower of Time to Jun Jiu, You Ming Laoduo said: "Jun Jiu, your cultivation level is not enough to be a demigod, so it is more difficult to give birth to the Flower of Time. Just do your best."

Be gentle and caring to girls, You Ming feels sorry for Jun Jiu will get hurt.

Jun Jiu nodded, indicating that she understood the importance.

After receiving the flower of time, Jun Jiu operated the time magic weapon, and his spiritual power submerged in the flower of time.Jun Jiu can feel clear obstacles, as if a heavy door is in front of you, and you need to push it with all your strength!

Pushing open the first door seemed easy.

The first petals bloom.

For the second door, Jun Jiu frowned a little harder.

A second double petal blooms.

At the third door, Jun Jiu frowned, his face turned pale.When Time Jue was running, the third petal of the Flower of Time got stuck in half, Jun Jiu didn't give up, and continued to run Time Jue kept pushing open the door.

An hour passed, Jun Jiu pushed open the third door with difficulty, mentally exhausted, and the fingers of Jue Jue trembling slightly.

The third door has reached its limit, Jun Jiu can't push open the fourth door, and there is no reckless Jun Jiu to stop in time.Looking at the closed flowers of time, Jun Jiu stretched out his hand and returned it to Elder You Ming.

Old You Ming nodded, "That's right. With your age and realm, you can bloom triple flowers of time, which shows that you are very talented. You have the potential to become a master of time! It's just that you are still a little jerky in the operation of time, it seems that you have never experienced it before. guide."

"Yes." Gong Chen said with a light cough, he had taught Jun Jiu before.

But only once or twice.At that time, he could see that Jun Jiu was almost a layman, relying on his own groping.

He can lead Jun Jiu to the beginning, but he can't do the more profound and complicated ones.It is really lucky to meet Old Nether to guide them now!
You Ming always looked at Jun Jiu, then at Gong Chen, and raised his hand to stroke his beard.He now has a clear understanding of the strength of the two of Jun Jiu. Gong Chen has been practicing for a long time, and has initially groped to the threshold of a master. You Ming gave Gong Chen a handbook and asked him to read it for himself to understand. some.

Afterwards, Old You Ming got up and said to Jun Jiu, "Jun Jiu, you come with the teacher."

"Okay." Jun Jiu stood up and followed.

Elder You Ming brought Jun Jiu to a spiritual waterfall in the Nether Valley, and he said to Jun Jiu, "Look at it!"

You Ming always demonstrated for Jun Jiu, he made a formula with one hand, and made the spirit waterfall flow backwards while turning lightly.You Ming stopped, "You need to practice the basics, when can you turn back the spirit waterfall, and when can you practice the advanced time decision."

(End of this chapter)

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