Chapter 197
Chapter 197
Taking a breath, Jun Xiaolei looked up at Jun Jiu.what to do?Yun Qiao is in danger!Jun Jiu's eyes were cold and cruel, and there was a slight clicking sound under his feet.The man screamed in pain, "Don't kill me! What I said is true, true! Don't kill me!"

"Lead the way ahead, find Yun Qiao, and I'll let you go." Jun Jiu stopped his feet and looked at the man coldly.

The man was so frightened, he nodded repeatedly. "Okay. I'll take you there!"

The man immediately got up and led the way.Jun Jiu's gaze sank, hoping that Yun Qiao would persist until they rushed over.



Panting heavily, Yun Qiao held the sword in her left hand and ran forward without daring to stop for a moment.Behind him, chaotic footsteps chased and killed all the way.Yun Qiao looked back, her face was gloomy and ugly.His right hand was wounded and was hanging by his side, blood dripping unstoppably.

He lowered his head and glanced at the traces of blood left by him along the way.Yun Qiao raised her hand and cut off a piece of cloth with her sword.One end was biting his mouth, and the other was holding a difficult hand to tie up the wound to stop the blood from dripping.Suddenly, an idea flashed in Yunqiao's mind.

His eyes were cold and bright.Looking up and looking around, Yun Qiao immediately made a decision.He reluctantly raised his right hand and deliberately spilled the remaining blood on the ground.After wiping it on her body, Yun Qiao dodged and hid on another road in the maze.It was a corner, just enough to hide him.

Soon, Yun Qiao heard footsteps approaching.Jun Yunxue's vicious voice sounded, "Catch Yun Qiao, kill him and grab the winter daisy!"


"Jun Yunxue, why are you so anxious, we will catch him. How far can he escape if he is injured again?" Murong Nanjin's haughty and disdainful voice sounded.Make sure that Yunqiao can't run out, and the winter daisy is theirs too!
Chase over and see the blood on the ground.Jun Yunxue immediately took the lead and rushed to the opposite fork in the road.Murong Nanjin walked behind, beckoning the twins. "I'll catch Yunqiao later, and grab Dongdiehua first. Jun Yunxue can't take it easy!"

"Boss, don't worry. We discovered Yun Qiao, and the winter daisy will definitely belong to you, boss!"

"Hahaha." Murong Nanjin laughed triumphantly.He was very lucky, he first met Jun Yunxue and joined forces immediately.Then, he accidentally saw Yun Qiao and the winter lily in his hand.That's winter dazzle! There's nothing wrong with that!Murong Nanjin can be sure.

It's just that Yun Qiao was surrounded by them, but he just killed three people and escaped.hateful!
Yun Qiao hid at the corner and saw Murong Nanjin and the others walking away.Only then did he come out and return to the original road for a while, then quickly turned around and rushed into another fork.The only advantage in the maze is that when being chased, the winding maze route can delay a little time.

Yun Qiao didn't know how long she ran, she was almost exhausted, and it became very difficult to breathe.Due to excessive blood loss, his eyes turned black.He gritted his teeth and poured out a few pills to eat, and his complexion improved a little.

Raising her hand to touch the bulging part of her heart, Yun Qiao's eyes became firm.The winter daisy flower was what he wanted to give to Miss Jun.He will definitely keep it!If you can't keep it, if you destroy it, you won't let Dongdiehua fall into the hands of Jun Yunxue, a poisonous woman.

Hearing footsteps again, Yun Qiao immediately backed away, holding her breath, and hid herself behind the vines.He pricked up his ears and focused all his attention on them.Listen carefully to the movements over there.

Yun Qiao heard a man's terrified voice, "I saw them near here before. Now they must have gone far away! I only know this place. I have already brought you here. You should keep your promise and let me go."

"You said it's here? What if you find a random place to lie to me and Ninth Sister? No! You have to take us to find Yun Qiao, otherwise we don't want to leave."

It's Jun Xiaolei!

Yun Qiao's expression brightened.Then he heard his longing voice again.Jun Jiu said: "There is a bloody smell here."

Her senses were keen, and she clearly caught the faint blood blowing in the wind.Even if it was deliberately covered up, it still couldn't escape her sense of smell.The smell was very close, Jun Jiu turned around and looked around.right around here!

Miss Jun!
Yun Qiao was overjoyed.He stepped out in a hurry to prevent being attacked by misunderstanding.Yun Qiao shouted, "Miss Jun is me."

"Yun Qiao." Jun Jiu and Jun Xiaolei walked towards Yun Qiao.The man leading the way took this opportunity to flee in a hurry, Jun Jiu saw it but didn't stop him.It's just that three seconds later, a man's scream came from a distance.

Jun Jiu raised his head and looked in the direction where the voice came from.Across the tall blue wall, Jun Jiu said coldly, "Yun Qiao, Jun Yunxue and the others are still chasing you?"

"I just got rid of them. They probably won't..." Yun Qiao suddenly fell silent in the middle of speaking.He took a deep breath and stared straight at the group of people walking across.Headed by Jun Yunxue and Murong Nanjin, they stared at them with vicious and excited eyes.

Jun Yunxue: "It doesn't take much effort to get here! Jun Jiu, you are here too. This is really great!"

Excited and venomous voice, at the end the tone was full of distorted hatred.Jun Yunxue stared at Jun Jiu, drew out her sharp sword and pointed at Jun Jiu.She laughed loudly and said, "You are all here. I will kill you all, and then leave this ghost place with winter dazzle."

"Winter daisy?" Jun Jiu raised his eyebrows.

Yun Qiao walked up to her, and hurriedly said: "Miss Jun, I found Dongdiehua. You quickly take Dongdiehua and go out! Don't let Jun Yunxue, a poisonous snake and scorpion, succeed in her plot!"

Jun Jiu immediately understood.The reason why Jun Yunxue and Murong Nanjin are chasing Yun Qiao is because Yun Qiao found Dongdiehua.But Jun Jiu was surprised that Yun Qiao actually kept the winter daisy and gave it to her instead?

"Miss Jun, what are you still standing there for? Get out quickly! Jun Xiaolei and I can get rid of them." Yun Qiao urged.

Jun Yunxue: "Don't even think about leaving! Surround them."

Murong Nanjin glared at Jun Jiu, "I met you again in Yuanjia Luzhai! Just in time, I want to avenge my shame. Last time I underestimated the enemy, this time I will let everyone see. I Murong Nanjin and you Jun Jiu, who are you? Is it the most powerful one?"

"Heh, the two defeated generals dare to talk nonsense in front of me. It seems that in this maze and illusion, your skins have thickened a lot." Jun Jiu curled his lips and smiled coldly.

Thick-skinned?fine.She is best at face punching.

Glancing at Yun Qiao out of the corner of her eye, Jun Jiu asked, "Where's the winter daisy?"

"Here!" Yun Qiao took out the winter lilies from the clothes with difficulty with her left hand.He kept it in his heart, not allowing anyone to take it away.As soon as the winter daisy is taken out, there is a faint blue light.In an instant, Jun Yunxue and the others on the opposite side looked straight at him, and their eyes became hot and greedy.

Once you get the winter daisy flower, you can clear the labyrinth and become an official disciple of the five sects!
Yun Qiao didn't feel nostalgia or reluctance at all.He looked at Jun Jiu scorchingly, and stretched out his hand to give her the winter daisy flower. "Miss Jun gives it to you."

(End of this chapter)

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