Chapter 2015 Reasons to Doubt

Chapter 2015 Reason to doubt

Thousands of lamps!

It turned out that the thousand lamps were all lit up!
Inside and outside the hanging building, everyone was stunned. They couldn't help counting the lights one by one from the beginning to the end. It was meaningless to count how many lights were lit.

It's better to find out if there is one that is not lit, as long as one is not lit, they seem to have won the victory!

However, none were found.

All lights up!
Absolutely perverted!What's even more abnormal is that although Jun Jiu's face cannot be seen, Jun Jiu's outstretched hand is smooth and steady, without any trembling.

Anyone who looks at it feels calm and easy.

Lighting up thousands of flame lanterns in one go, and being so relaxed and casual, this pervert is beyond description.

Jun Jiu is a monster!

"Okay." Jun Jiu looked at the puppet guard and said.

The puppet guard has no emotions and will not be frightened. It nodded calmly: "The results have been recorded."

Hearing this, Jun Jiu took back the Heaven, Earth Fire and Silver Dragon, turned around and prepared to walk back to the original position.

Wang Yingjun: "Wait!"

Everyone looked at Wang Yingjun, but Wang Yingjun didn't know what she was thinking, and she couldn't accept this result in her heart.

Wang Yingjun stared straight at Jun Jiu, and then looked at the puppet guards. Wang Yingjun said, "The last time the one who lit the Thousand Fire Sun Flower Lantern was the founder of the Medicine God Sect, I have reason to suspect that the Thousand Fire Sun Flower Lantern Is something wrong!"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the disciples suddenly became subtle.

Both Xiao Haiqing and Wenchang were fine in front, how could something go wrong when Jun Jiu came here.

What Wang Yingjun meant was more like suspecting that Jun Jiu was cheating!

Xiao Haiqing also recovered from the shock when he heard the words, his expression changed, and finally a fake smile appeared on his face.Xiao Haiqing walked up to Wang Yingjun, looked at Jun Jiu and said, "Elder Jun, why don't you take the exam again?"


Jun Jiu looked at Xiao Haiqing and Wang Yingjun playfully and coldly.

Being stepped on by her, these two people couldn't bear it, could they?

Jun Jiu said again: "What qualifications and identities do you two use to ask me to re-evaluate?"

Wang Yingjun: "Elder Jun, I am doing this for your own good. Otherwise, everyone will disagree with your grades, which will affect your reputation. You should re-evaluate, so that you can convince everyone!"

Fearing that Jun Jiu would not agree, Wang Yingjun added another sentence: "Elder Jun, since you can light up a thousand Huoyang flower lanterns, if you start over, you can still light up a thousand lanterns the second time, right?"

Jun Jiu: Heh.

Wang Yingjun meant that she had to start all over again to prove that her achievements were true.

If she refused, then Wang Yingjun and Xiao Haiqing would have an excuse to insist that she cheated.But even if she starts over and lights up thousands of lamps, the two of them can still question again and again.


A cold look flashed across Jun Jiu's eyes, who gave them the confidence that she would be threatened by them?
Jun Jiu looked up and glanced at everyone coldly, and said, "Who has any objection to my grades?"

No one speaks.

Although they felt that what Xiao Haiqing and Wang Yingjun said made sense, but thinking about it, Jun Jiu's spirit fire was stronger than Xiao Haiqing's once it came out.Since Xiao Haiqing's spiritual fire can light more than 900 lamps, Jun Jiu's spiritual fire is stronger, and Jun Jiu is still an elder.

That Jun Jiu can light up a thousand lamps seems to be a matter of course, there is no problem.

No one responded, Jun Jiu looked at Xiao Haiqing playfully.

Xiao Haiqing was stunned and gritted her teeth.He thought that everyone would respond to him and Wang Yingjun, but unexpectedly, no one spoke out!

Xiao Haiqing immediately asked the puppet guard: "Whether Elder Jun's grades are true or not, as the guard of this level, you must know?"

"Elder Jun's score is a thousand lamps, please prepare for the next examiner, Wang Yingjun." The puppet guard didn't understand their dispute and said sternly.

This answer also proves that Jun Jiu's results are true.

Xiao Haiqing and Wang Yingjun still refused to admit it. They looked at each other, and Wang Yingjun opened his mouth to say something.

As a result, the words reached his throat, and before he could utter them, a wave of heat and frost rushed towards him.

Xiao Haiqing and Wang Yingjun's bodies were stiff, and they looked at the heaven, earth, fire and silver dragons rushing towards them in horror.The red golden eyes were scorching hot, staring at the two of them, making them feel like they were going to be burned.And the platinum blue pupil of the right eye was actually cold.

It was bitingly cold, and the cold soul was shivering, and it was about to be frozen to pieces.

There was only a moment when Yinlong appeared, Jun Jiu raised his hand, and Yinlong immediately turned his head and returned to Jun Jiu meekly.Then it turned into a raging flame and gradually entered Jun Jiu's body, before disappearing.

The terrifying high temperature and coercion that enveloped the second floor of the hanging building subsided, and the disciples were able to breathe.

But Xiao Haiqing and Wang Yingjun were not so lucky to escape the influence.

The puppet guard spoke again: "Disciple Wang Yingjun is ready, counting to three times has not yet been assessed, it will be regarded as abstention and eliminated."

"Senior Sister Wang, hurry up! If you don't go to the assessment, you will be eliminated." A disciple opened his mouth and called out to Wang Yingjun.

Only then did Wang Yingjun come back to her senses, she didn't dare to look into Jun Jiu's eyes at all, and Wang Yingjun walked towards the center in a trance.Wang Yingjun summoned her spirit fire, the 23rd ranked Pill Spirit Fire.

Wang Yingjun made a tactic, Dan's heart was ignited, and he began to light up thousands of Huoyang flower lanterns.

I don't know if Wang Yingjun is still immersed in the influence, or if she is not concentrating and her mind is wandering.

She lit the lamps very slowly, and it took a long time to light more than 400 lamps, which made everyone frowned and puzzled.With Wang Yingjun's strength and talent, it shouldn't be so slow!

Xiao Haiqing watched, and couldn't help turning his head to stare at Jun Jiu. Xiao Haiqing said angrily, "You are the one who influenced Junior Sister Wang!"

"Heh, I was ugly by Wang Yingjun just now, why am I not affected?" Jun Jiu said with a sneer.

Xiao Haiqing choked.

Jun Jiu said again: "If you can't do it yourself, you can't blame others. But if you are blindly jealous and refuse to admit that others are better, such a person will never achieve anything in his life."

Xiao Haiqing gasped, Jun Jiu was clearly mocking him!
Xiao Haiqing clenched his fists in his sleeves, and opened his mouth to refute, but after thinking that the situation here could be thrown out by the pool and the light mirror, Xiao Haiqing took a deep breath and opened his mouth again, and changed his words.

Xiao Haiqing said hypocritically and apologetically: "I'm sorry, Elder Jun. I was too excited before to question your grades. Please forgive me, Elder Jun."

Jun Jiu: "Don't worry, I won't have the same knowledge as ants."

Xiao Haiqing's face twisted again.

At this time, Wang Yingjun's results came out.Her results stunned everyone, unlike Jun Jiu's, everyone was unbelievably disappointed with Wang Yingjun.

Wang Yingjun only lit [-] lamps, and barely passed the level.

With this result, customs clearance is also at the bottom.

Seeing that her grades were unacceptable, Wang Yingjun covered her face and ran out of the crowd crying.

(End of this chapter)

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