The Evil Emperor's Pampering: Divine Doctor Ninth Miss

Chapter 2018 Drag Jun 9's hind legs

Chapter 2018 Drag Jun Jiu's hind legs
Chapter 2018 Drag Jun Jiu's hind legs
Xiao Haiqing secretly sent a voice transmission: "Junior Sister Wang, do you believe in Senior Brother? If you believe in Senior Brother, go to Elder Jun."

Wang Yingjun blinked and stared at Xiao Haiqing in a daze.

Of course she believed in Xiao Haiqing!
Not only believed, Wang Yingjun also admired and admired him endlessly, otherwise he would not have helped Xiao Haiqing speak outside the hanging building at first, so that Jun Jiu would not misunderstand Xiao Haiqing's intentions.

Xiao Haiqing winked at Wang Yingjun again, and Wang Yingjun lowered his head and reluctantly walked to Jun Jiu's side.

"The nine groups of 130 are complete, and now the clearance requirements for this level are announced. In front of you, there is phantom star sand under your feet, and sinking into it will cause hallucinogenic confusion. , considered a failure and eliminated."

"What is above your heads is the phantom star fog, and phantom star stone meteors are hidden in the mist. Only by getting a phantom star stone meteor can you pass the level. The order in which you pass the level will be ranked as an advantage for the next level assessment."

The puppet guard said in detail that this level requires a group of two people to complete it at the same time.

One person entered the phantom star fog to look for the phantom star stone.

One person will enter the Magic Star Sand.

The puppet guard said again: "According to the results of the previous customs clearance, the top-ranked ones will be assessed first. Remember: first, the sooner you take the magic star stone, the easier it is to get."

"Second, the longer you stay in the phantom star fog, the teammates in the phantom star sand will sink into the phantom star sand over time. Once the teammates are submerged by the phantom star sand, no matter whether the teammates in the phantom star fog above have obtained phantom stars Shi, both of them are regarded as failures and will be eliminated."

Everyone was in an uproar, turning their heads and discussing with each other excitedly.

This level is too perverted, pass the level not in your own hands, but in the hands of your teammates!
Those who stay in the magic star sand can only pass the level by the teammates in the magic star fog to get the magic star stone.

And those who enter the magic star fog must also ensure that they get the magic star stone in time before their teammates sink into the magic star sand to pass the level.

If one person makes a mistake on both sides, both will be eliminated!
The puppet guard gave everyone a little time to discuss, and then spoke loudly like a bell, suppressing everyone's discussion with ease.The puppet guard said: "You have three times to decide who will go to Huanxingwu and who will be in Huanxingsha."


Wang Yingjun immediately looked at Jun Jiu, but Jun Jiu didn't even look at her, and said in a cold voice, "I'm going to Huan Xing Wu."

Wang Yingjun: "Why not me?"

Wang Yingjun couldn't help asking: "Elder Jun, do you not trust me? Although we had some misunderstandings before, I was also thinking about the Divine Medicine Sect, the fairness of the Xuanlou assessment, and your reputation, Elder Jun!"

Wang Yingjun spoke eloquently, and his annoyed and aggrieved expression seemed to be bullied so much.

Jun Jiu glanced at her coldly, "If you don't want to be eliminated, just stay in Huanxingsha."

Thirteen characters, one not too many, one not too many, nothing else.

Wang Yingjun gritted his teeth watching Jun Jiu. At this time, the puppet guard counted to two, and Wang Yingjun turned his head to look at Xiao Haiqing aggrieved.

Xiao Haiqing's side has already been divided, so naturally he went to Huan Xingwu and let his teammates stay in Huan Xingsha.Looking up and seeing Wang Yingjun looking over, Xiao Haiqing sent a voice transmission: "Elder Jun asked you to stay in Huan Xingsha?"

"Hmm! Brother Xiao, Elder Jun is going too far, she..."

"Okay, okay, senior brother knows that you have good intentions, but Elder Jun is ignorant." Xiao Haiqing interrupted Wang Yingjun's words through sound transmission, and he secretly glanced at Jun Jiu, then stared at Wang Yingjun and said a few words through sound transmission.

Hearing this, Wang Yingjun was stunned.

Wang Yingjun was a little hesitant, and went back via voice transmission: "Senior brother Xiao, is it really okay for us to do this?"

Xiao Haiqing: "Junior Sister Wang, she bullied you, don't you want her to pay a little price? Only she knows that you are not easy to bully, so she will not dare to ignore you in the future. Don't worry, Master has me to explain."

Seeing that Wang Yingjun was still a little shaken, Xiao Haiqing added: "Junior sister Wang, brother will thank you."

This sentence is worth a thousand words.

Wang Yingjun nodded inaudibly, her eyes became firm, she promised Xiao Haiqing!

"One, it's time. Now No.1 enters the phantom star fog, and No.2 is ready." The puppet guard said loudly.

Jun Jiu glanced coldly at Wang Yingjun, tiptoed and flew into the phantom star mist, the mist covered Jun Jiu's figure...

At the same time, Wang Yingjun was pulled by an invisible force and teleported to the middle of Huan Xingsha.She was a little panicked, and looked down at the bottom of her feet began to sink at a slow speed. The speed was very slow, but Wang Yingjun was still worried and nervous.

Soon, Xiao Haiqing's teammates also came to accompany her, and Wang Yingjun calmed down a little.

Seeing Wang Yingjun, Xiao Haiqing's teammate smiled and said, "Don't worry, Senior Sister Wang, as long as we stand still, the sinking speed will be very slow. This time is enough for Elder Jun and Senior Brother Xiao to get the Magic Star Stone. "

"En." Wang Yingjun answered absently.

She lowered her eyes to hide the emotion in her eyes.In order for Jun Jiu to fail, she must sink fast, but not so obvious that it doesn't make sense to be discovered.

In the Huan Xingsha, Wang Yingjun was still thinking about how to hold Jun Jiu back.

In the phantom star fog, Jun Jiu was surrounded by fog as soon as he entered, and he couldn't see his fingers around him.The flickering light in the phantom star mist can even confuse the sight, and the consciousness is also blocked a lot, Jun Jiu is not in a hurry, she uses her spiritual power to fly a certain distance in the phantom star mist.

The Phantom Star Stone is hidden in it, Jun Jiu will go around more, the more you know, the easier it is to start.

But to Jun Jiu's surprise, she flew around for quite a while, but didn't find any phantom star stone at all.There is only phantom star fog around, and nothing else.

Spiritual consciousness can't detect too far away, so Jun Jiu can't say how far away, will he find anything?

Just when Jun Jiu was confused, hehe——

There was a sound of breaking through the air in the distance, and something rushed over menacingly from a distance.Jun Jiu backed away subconsciously, and at the speed of lightning, Jun Jiu saw a beam of light flying past his eyes like a meteor, and disappeared in the phantom star fog in the blink of an eye.

In an instant, something broke in Jun Jiu's mind.

Without even thinking about it, she immediately turned around and chased after the shooting star. Jun Jiu had a strong intuition that it was the Magic Star Stone!
Jun Jiu's speed is very fast, but Huan Xingshi's speed is even faster, and Jun Jiu couldn't catch up even though he tried his best.And the speed of the magic star stone is getting faster and faster, Jun Jiu finally understands the meaning of the puppet guard.

The further you go, the speed of the magic star stone will only get faster and faster.

The further you go, the less likely you are to get the Magic Star Stone.

Going on like this is not the way to go, Jun Jiu raised his hand to make a formula, stretched out his spiritual power to disturb the phantom star fog around him, and condensed a big hand to grab the phantom star stone...

(End of this chapter)

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