The Evil Emperor's Pampering: Divine Doctor Ninth Miss

Chapter 2075 One person and one rabbit join forces

Chapter 2075 One Man, One Rabbit Join Forces

Chapter 2075 one person and one rabbit team up

To ask Hades?

Sharp teeth, sharp mouth, I will send you to see Hades first!

Mr. Ba Dao made a killer move as soon as he made a move. The strength of the seventh-level god king was fierce and murderous, and the audience was terrified and gasped.

Xiao Mo was unambiguous, seeing Mr. Ba Dao approaching, he immediately greeted him with lightning.The lop-eared rabbit, a black furry mass that can be held up with both hands, is not weaker than Mr. Ba Dao at the moment.

In the spectator seats, Mr. Yan took a deep breath, staring nervously at Xiaomo's every move.

Xiaomo: "Forbidden spirit!"

The talent is wide open, the forbidden spirit is shrouded, Mr. Ba Dao is suffocated, and the spiritual power in his body is stuck, unable to function.

It won't be long before the seventh-level god king bans the spirit. Xiaomo seizes this opportunity and rushes up like a small cannonball.

With a pain in his chest, Mr. Ba Dao backed up again and again. At this moment, the spiritual power in his body was able to function.Mr. Ba Dao immediately grabbed Xiao Mo with his left hand, Xiao Mo reacted faster, and kicked Mr. Ba Dao in the chest with his hind legs, taking advantage of the momentum to fly out.

When Xiao Mo bumped and kicked, even if he was a seventh-level god king, Mr. Ba Dao almost vomited blood in pain.

With a gloomy and contorted face, Mr. Ba Dao ignored Jun Jiu and slashed at Xiao Mo first.

Xiao Mo was not afraid, and shouted provocatively: "Come on, come on~"

"go to hell!"

The ultimate artifact—the Ba Dao slashed down, and hit Xiao Mo in the middle, bang!
With a muffled impact, Xiao Mo was slashed on the body with a knife, and under the impact of force, he hit the ground with a bang, creating a hole.

But before Mr. Ba Dao showed a smile on his face, Xiao Mo crawled out of the pit nimbly, shaking his hair.He also grinned critically at Mr. Badao, showing two front teeth: "Have you not eaten? It just hurts a little."

Mr. Domineering Sword: ...

My chest hurts even more, and my heart hurts from anger!
With a ferocious face, Mr. Ba Dao slashed at Xiao Mo again, but this time Xiao Mo dodged flexibly.

Mr. Ba Dao wanted to chase him, but at this moment he couldn't move his legs.Mr. Ba Dao looked down, only to find that ice had condensed on the ground of the arena at some point, and the frost had spread all the way to the bottom of his feet, freezing his feet to the ground.

Noticing something, Mr. Ba Dao immediately raised his head and glared at Jun Jiu.

Jun Jiu's fingertips pinched the tactic to run the cloud and water tactic.

Mr. Ba Dao laughed mockingly: "Hahaha, how dare you use this little trick against me? Break it!"

Mr. Ba Dao circulated his spiritual power, and the power of the seventh-level god king swarmed into the soles of his feet, which instantly cracked and shattered the ice that had frozen his feet.The power is overflowing, with him as the center, all the frost is shattered.

The shattered ice crystals flew in all directions, although beautiful, but also too fragile.

Everyone clicked their tongues, is this what Jun Jiu is capable of?
Mr. Ba Dao broke free from the shackles, drew his sword and killed Jun Jiu and Xiao Mo, "Go to hell!"

"Xiao Mo retreats." Jun Jiu said, stopping Xiao Mo who was rushing forward.

Xiao Mo slammed on the brakes and looked at Jun Jiu in puzzlement, why did he let him retreat?

Mr. Ba Dao is about to kill him!
Seeing that Jun Jiu was not in a hurry, the spiritual formula in his calm and calm hand changed, Jun Jiu lightly shouted: "Burn!"

What burns?

In an instant, the ice crystal fragments on the ring exploded with a click.The blue ice crystals instantly turned into flames, and the surrounding flames surrounded Mr. Ba Dao just right.

Mr. Ba Dao squinted his eyes in disdain, "A child's trick, ridiculous!"


At this moment, a dragon chant overwhelmed Mr. Ba Dao's words.

The instant danger caused Mr. Ba Dao to stop his forward figure.He raised his head in shock, his pupils constricted suddenly, and he saw the flames gather, and the spiritual power transformed into a huge and mighty dragon with silver scales and blood eyes.

To be precise, it's not silver scales, it's more like platinum blue.

The blood eyes were red, like a raging flame.

The blue dragon transformed from the fire of heaven and earth raised its head to the sky and roared loudly, swooping towards Mr. Ba Dao with the raging flames enveloping him.

"It's just a dragon, don't try to scare me!" Mr. Ba Dao put away his horror, with a disdainful smile on the corner of his mouth, he drew his sword and slashed at the fire dragon of heaven and earth.

In the spectator seats, Mr. Yan was shocked and muttered: "Heaven and earth fire."

Someone actually gathered the heaven and earth fire!

Mr. Ba Dao condensed the power of the seventh-level god king with one sword, and cut off the fire dragon of heaven and earth with ease.Jun Jiu was neither annoyed nor in a hurry. Her level of Tiandihuo attack could not threaten Mr. Badao, but the power of Tiandihuo itself should not be underestimated.

Cut off with one knife, the dragon shape exploded into a sea of ​​flames.

Mr. Ba Dao just showed a smug and contemptuous smile on his face, and within two seconds, he suddenly changed his face and screamed in pain.

The sea of ​​flames gathered, enveloping Mr. Ba Dao and turning it into a fireball.

Mr. Ba Dao's screams of pain kept coming, and Xiao Mo's hair exploded. Xiao Mo turned to look at Jun Jiu: "Sister, what kind of fire is that, so powerful?"

"Heaven and earth fire, but it can only burn him, stop it, but it can't seriously hurt him. At this time, Xiaomo, you and I have to prepare the next move." Jun Jiu said.

She deliberately used the Yunshui Jue to condense the ice to lower the vigilance of Mr. Ba Dao, and deliberately let him shatter the ice crystals, so that the heaven and earth fire can surround him.Otherwise, the world will be on fire as soon as he makes a move, and Mr. Ba Dao can easily avoid it.

She took the advantage of the strategy, but the trick can only be used once, Mr. Ba Dao is not easy to deal with.

Just after Jun Jiu and Xiao Mo finished exchanging the next move, a terrifying coercion descended on the ring, and a destructive power spread from the fireball, blasting the fireball abruptly, and the spiritual power extinguished the fire of heaven and earth like a tide.

I saw Mr. Ba Dao standing where he was, with his chest heaving and his face distorted.

His clothes couldn't stand the flames of heaven and earth, and they were torn like a beggar, and his exposed skin was also burned by the fire of heaven and earth, so bloody and ferocious that people dare not look at it more.

Including half of his face, he was also burned by the heaven and earth fire.

Mr. Ba Dao didn't use his spiritual power to repair the injury, he wanted to take advantage of the pain, the more the pain, the more he reminded him that he must be tortured so that Jun Jiu's life would be better than death!

Holding the knife and pointing at Jun Jiu and Xiao Mo, Mr. Ba Dao gritted his teeth and said, "I want you to die ugly!"

"Come on! Master is not afraid of you."

Xiao Mo geared up to attack Mr. Ba Dao directly.

Jun Jiu was behind, and started to make a tactic, and seeing the mysterious tactic in Mr. Yan's eyes, he gasped again. "Isn't it, time decides?"

Mr. Yan's voice was not low, and Tao Hongniang and Jin Shengtian, who were also at the VIP table, also heard it, and they all looked at Mr. Yan.What?
Time decision?
He only glanced at Mr. Yan, and immediately turned his head to look at the ring, for fear of missing a second of excitement.

In the arena, Xiao Mo used his forbidden spirit talent and his tough physical body as a meat shield to stop Mr. Ba Dao.At first, Mr. Ba Dao was able to attack Xiao Mo brutally and ferociously. Although the hard fur blocked it, he was not injured, but Xiao Mo grinned in pain.

Slowly, as time came, Mr. Ba Dao's movements became slower and slower, and now Xiao Mo fought back.

Although it looks like a lop-eared rabbit on the outside, it is actually as aggressive as a Tyrannosaurus rex.

The short legs were full of explosive power, kicking and beating Mr. Ba Dao until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen. Mr. Ba Dao exploded in anger and shouted: "Black Crow!"

(End of this chapter)

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