Chapter 212 You Are The Slut!
Chapter 212 You Are The Slut!
There is only one female elder in a sect.Jun Jiu looks so good-looking, it's like entering a den of tigers and wolves!What if they bully Jun Jiu?Yun Qiao and Jun Xiaolei lost their smiles.

Yun Qiao opened her mouth and asked anxiously: "Is there still time for us to persuade Jun Jiu not to go to Tianwuzong?"

"It's too late. I announced it in front of everyone. How could I go back on my word? I didn't expect Jun Jiu to agree to Sect Master Qing so readily. It's unreliable to see it drunk. Why did she agree?" Gu Song Also want to cry without tears.

He also dreams that Jun Jiu will go to Hunyuanzong, and they will meet every day in the future!In the end, I didn't go to Danzong, but to the most wonderful Tianwuzong!

Then they heard loud noises and footsteps coming towards them.Looking up, hey!It was Jun Yunxue and her newly minted servant.After knowing that Jun Yunxue was the main closed disciple of the Sword Sect, except for Yun Qiao and the others, Gusu Ying and Yan Hai, the other ten disciples all became Jun Yunxue's followers.

Surrounded by flattery and fawning all the way, Jun Yunxue came over, without even thinking about it, she knew that she was here to show off her might.

Jun Yunxue raised her chin high, and glanced at Yunqiao and the others out of the corner of her eye.She sneered and said, "Isn't this the follower of that bitch Jun Jiu? You all dare to come here when Jun Jiu is not here. Aren't you afraid that Miss Ben will make you look good?"

"Jun Yunxue, you are the bitch!" Jun Xiaolei retorted, staring at her.

"Presumptuous! This is the closed disciple of the future master of the Sword Sect, what a noble status. How dare you insult Senior Sister Yunxue, you are insulting the Sword Sect. You are an ordinary disciple of the little Canghai Sect, don't you want to live?" Jun Yunxue's follower scolded angrily.

Another person took over the conversation, "That's right! Apologize to Senior Sister Yunxue, otherwise you'll be in for a treat!"


"Jun Xiaolei." Gu Song raised his hand to stop Jun Xiaolei, he looked up at Jun Yunxue with cold eyes.Gu Song said mockingly: "What's wrong with the closed disciple of Jianzong? What's the matter with Canghaizong, the dog of Jianzong? If you want to show your prestige, go to Jianzong to play, what are you here?"

Jun Yunxue's face darkened instantly, but the veil was so tight that no one could see it.

Just as she was about to open her mouth, Yun Qiao interrupted her directly and said, "What Gu Song said makes sense. One of us is Hunyuanzong and the other is Canghaizong. I don't recognize you as the closed disciple of the suzerain of Jianzong, and we don't even look at it." Monkey show. Hurry up and get out of the way."

"You!" He gritted his teeth angrily.Jun Yunxue stared at the three of them.

How dare you call her a dog and a monkey, and how dare you mock her?Jun Yunxue suddenly laughed angrily, and she said, "I remember the three of you. Now this lady is not as knowledgeable as you, and when the Wuzong Grand Competition is over, I will personally trample you under my feet!"

"Hmph, you don't know about the Five Sect Grand Competition, do you? That's right, you are just ordinary disciples in the Five Sect, how are you qualified to know such confidential information? Jun Jiu is here, and I am still in the mood to teach her a lesson. You guys? Wasting my saliva. Let's go!"

Jun Yunxue flaunted her power, and then took her follower Ben away in a domineering manner.Not to mention her, her followers were all terrified, looking at them one by one, as if saying that they were destined to die.

Seeing Gu Song, Yun Qiao and Jun Xiaolei's chests heaving in anger, they really wanted to beat them to death!Where did Jun Yunxue come to show her face so arrogantly?Did she forget that she was once beaten into a dog in the water by Jun Jiu?

Gu Song frowned, and said, "Yun Qiao, Jun Xiaolei. Have you noticed that Jun Yunxue is becoming more and more arrogant. She used to be afraid of Jun Jiu, but now the lawless one is almost on the verge of going to heaven!"

Yun Qiao: "You're right. When I get back, I must tell Miss Jun the news! Jun Yunxue must have something to rely on, and her goal is Miss Jun. We have to remind Miss Jun to be careful of Jun Yunxue in advance."

"Then why are you still standing there? Let's go back and tell Ninth Sister now. Anyway, this banquet is so boring, I don't want to participate anymore." Jun Xiaolei frowned, showing dislike.

During the banquet, a group of bigwigs from the five sects sat high in the hall and drank by themselves.Everyone looked solemn and unpredictable, only Qing Yu was lying on the seat drinking, unkempt and casual.The style of painting is incompatible with other people.

But Yan Hai and Gu Suying stood together, they were both talented and beautiful.But ignore others.They could only look at Jun Yunxue and her followers, they couldn't drink the disgusting wine anymore.

The more you look at it, the more annoying it gets, so just leave!
Gu Song clapped his hands: "Let's go! Let's go find Jun Jiu."

"it is good."

The three of them left as soon as they said they would, completely unaware that the big bosses in the hall were actually paying attention to them.But they didn't see Yun Qiao and the others, but it was a pity that Jun Jiu really didn't come.

Elder Qing sighed, "It's a pity that Jun Jiu entered Tianwuzong."

"Isn't it? A group of elders in Tianwuzong, the only female elder is also..." Meng Zhiyuan couldn't say anything, and he glanced at Qing Yu who was paralyzed from drinking.Opened his mouth: "Maybe Jun Jiu begged us, and the old man would take her with regret, but went to Tianwuzong."

"Tianwuzong is not too bad. Don't forget, everyone, this year's five competitions have already been presided over by Tianwuzong." Elder Tuqi said quietly, and everyone turned green instantly.

At the thought of handing it over to Qing Yu as host, they all felt stomachaches.Yi regretted that what he said was too early and too decisive, and missed the good seed Jun Jiu.Er was heartbroken that he had lost the bet miserably, and even lost to Qing Yu as the host of the five competitions.

Leave it to this weird lunatic to host, it will be over sooner or later!
Qing Yu slumped on the chair with her head down and her feet up.He shook his feet and said drunkenly: "Hey! I heard it all. It's useless for you to regret it. Jun Jiu belongs to my Tianwuzong, and the Wuzong Grand Competition is also my Tianwuzong. Hahahaha, do you want to cry? I read?"

Everyone: "..."

Itchy hands!I really want to beat him to death.

Not to mention all the things that happened at the banquet.In the yard, Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue drank for a long time.The empty bottles on the table were arranged into a heart shape by Jun Jiu humming a song, it was purely for fun and nothing else.And Mo Wuyue couldn't understand, so Jun Jiu was more free-wheeling.

I don't know how much I drank, Jun Jiu's cheeks were flushed and hot.She sat casually on the chair, blinking at Mo Wuyue. "Mo Wuyue, just drinking is so boring. Let's play some fun games~~"

She was drunk again.

Mo Wuyue looked at Jun Jiu deeply, and he said in a low voice, "Happy game?"

"That's right. Stretch out your hand, hurry up!" Seeing that Mo Wuyue didn't move, Jun Jiu frowned slightly and took on an orderly tone.Mo Wuyue's thin lips were raised evilly, and a hint of pampering flashed in his eyes.As soon as he stretched out his hand, Jun Jiu immediately grabbed him with both hands, smiling slyly.

(End of this chapter)

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