Chapter 2134 What if I run away?
Chapter 2134 What if I run away?
Xiao Wu's words were also heard by Qing Yu on the other end of the connection, and they heard a neat inhalation sound immediately.

Especially Qing Yu and Leng Yuan, they stood up and looked at each other with ugly faces.In the core continent, there are parents of junior sisters/empresses!

Jun Jiu clenched his fists.

Then a big warm hand stretched out and grabbed Jun Jiu's fist, and Mo Wuyue spoke in an extremely gentle and seductive voice.Mo Wuyue said: "Don't panic, little Jiuer, let's check the situation in the core continent first."

"But we are in God's Domain, too far away from the core continent, I'm afraid we won't be able to make it in time." Xiao Wu said anxiously.

Hearing this, the voices of two people immediately came from the other end of the interrogation.

Qing Yu: "I'll go!"

Wen Xie: "I'll go!"

Qing Yu looked at Wen Xie, and Qing Yu didn't have much respect for the god emperor who succeeded Emperor Frost after leaving.

Because he knew Wen Xie's little plan, Qing Yu snorted coldly and said, "There is a city of chaos in the core continent, and there is the Nine Feathers Sect, so I can go. There is no need for Emperor Wen to come in person."

"Jin Shengtian came from God's Domain, Qing Yu, do you think you have met him and have the strength to deal with him? Or send him to your door and let him arrest you and threaten Jun Jiu." Wen Xie looked at Qing Yu coldly and mockingly.

Qing Yu's face darkened, and she stared at Wen Xie.

He knew what Wen Xie said was right, so he couldn't refute it.But he still found a way to fight back, Qing Yu: "Then if you bump into it, can you deal with it?"

Wen Xie's eyes darkened, and he clenched his fists.

After all, Jun Jiu needed help, but she was not strong enough to help, Wen Xie couldn't help being frustrated.It seems that his breakthrough speed is still too slow!

"Qing Yu, Wen Xie, Leng Yuan, you guys go. You know the core continent best, so set off immediately to investigate the situation in the core continent. If Jin Shengtian is there, don't fight with him, just check the situation clearly." Mo Wuyue opened his mouth. Break the dispute between the two.

Mo Wuyue paused after finishing speaking, and looked down at the frowning Jun Jiu, Mo Wuyue's golden eyes darkened.

Mo Wuyue held Jun Jiu's hand, and said again: "No matter what happens in the core continent, report back as soon as possible."

"it is good!"

"As ordered!"

Qing Yu and Leng Yuan were the first to take orders.Wen Xie then agreed.

Immediately, the three of them turned around and left the Emperor Youdi Palace, before they had time to pack anything, they immediately set off to the core continent.The faster the better!

Mo Wuyue continued to order, "Yin Han, You Xin, Devil Emperor, you all keep an eye on the entrance and exit of Shangsanzhong. No matter whether Jin Shengtian has gone to the core continent or not, he will always come back."

To return to the realm of the gods, the only way is to pass the upper triple!
Especially after the upper third level was affected by the clouds of the devouring beast, it was difficult to erase the traces of the whereabouts when returning to the God Realm from the upper third level.

Mo Wuyue didn't want Yin Han and the others to deal with Jin Shengtian, he only wanted Yin Han, You Xin and the others to notify him as soon as they discovered Jin Shengtian's whereabouts.At that time, he will go to meet Jin Shengtian himself!
After ordering one by one, everyone in the upper triple layer took action.

Mo Wuyue cut off the contact, he turned his head to look at Jun Jiu, Jun Jiu kept frowning, clenched his hands into fists, silently made Mo Wuyue feel distressed.

Mo Wuyue and Xiao Wu looked at each other again, their eyes met, and Xiao Wu spoke first.

Xiao Wu leaned in front of Jun Jiu and said, "Master, don't worry, they will be fine! Jin Shengtian will definitely not succeed."

"Little Jiu'er, you have me." Mo Wuyue said.

Hearing this, Jun Jiu's eyes flashed.She raised her head, her thoughts receded, Jun Jiu looked at Xiao Wu and Mo Wuyue calmly.

With slightly parted red lips, Jun Jiu asked, "Where is the Jin's headquarters?"

"The first continent." Mo Wuyue replied.

In the Jin clan, although there is a god emperor in the clan, there are many descendants of the demigod realm in the clan.Moreover, the three continents in the middle have strict rules and regulations, and they cannot be crossed in one step.

Based on the Jin family, he is not qualified to establish his family at the second level.Therefore, the Jin family's base camp is in the northwest of the first continent, and only where demigods, god kings, and god kings live together can the Jin family stand on the top of the pyramid.

Hearing Jun Jiu's question, Mo Wuyue guessed it right away, and he said, "Xiao Jiuer is going to the Jin's headquarters?"

Jun Jiu nodded.

Looking up, there was a cold look in the eyes, killing intent and coldness intertwined like the eve of a storm.

Jun Jiu said coldly: "Jin Shengtian dares to touch my parents, and I will destroy the entire Jin family!"

"Okay, then let's go to the first continent." Mo Wuyue nodded, and a terrifying bloodlust flashed in his golden eyes.

Angry Xiao Jiu'er is no less than poking him against the scales!

It is not enough to destroy the Kim Palace!The entire Jin family will pay the price for what Jin Shengtian has done.

Xiao Wu also nodded, and supported all Jun Jiu's decisions without hesitation.Xiao Wu asked again: "What about the God King who is in power, and Xiao Yufeng?"

"The god king in power is Jin Shengtian's biological father, so people naturally want to keep it. Xiao Yufeng and Xiao Yufeng both keep the same. They can test the holy alliance on them, and all three of them are useful." Jun Jiu said.


Jun Jiu and the others went out and gathered Xiao Mo, Yun Xiao, and Hua Jingtong together.

Jun Jiu didn't say anything else, only said that they were going to the First Continent, and everyone bid farewell and left on their own.

Xiao Mo jumped up and down, "I'll go with my sister!"

There is a contract between them, and Xiaomo must be together.Jun Jiu nodded, "Okay."

Yun Xiao and Yun Qin looked at each other, the brothers had guessed something, but they didn't say it out loud.Yun Xiao said: "Let's go together! We also want to go back to the Yun family. The Yun family is also in the first continent. We can go together."

"If I'm going to the Jin's base camp, do you want to go the same way?" Jun Jiu raised his eyes, looked at the two brothers coldly and said.


Yun Xiao and Yun Qin looked at each other again, they guessed right.

Jun Jiu and the others are going to the first continent all of a sudden, just for the Jin family!Yun Xiao didn't hesitate at all, he nodded: "Go!"

"Jin Shengtian has not been caught yet, and the Jin family has not given me a satisfactory answer from the Yun family. The Jin family's base camp, I, the Yun family, are also going to settle accounts with them. If Miss Jun and the evil emperor don't mind, we will go together !” Yun Qin said.

Jun Jiu glanced at the two brothers, and the coldness at the corner of his mouth melted a little, adding a smile.

Jun Jiu: "Okay, then we will go the same way."

Hearing this, Hua Jingtong also wanted to talk about going the same way.Although the base camp of the Huashen Clan is not in the first continent, he also wants to help!But before Hua Jingtong could speak, Fufu gave him a hand and shook her head at him.

Fufu reminded Hua Jingtong through sound transmission that this visit is not just an ordinary door-to-door visit.

As the little prince of the Huashen Clan, Hua Jingtong represented the Huashen Clan in every move, so he could go there.But you must ask the opinions of the clan first, and the two of them alone cannot make the decision.

Hearing this, Hua Jingtong was depressed.

He had no choice but to stay with Fufu, watching Jun Jiu and the others leave in Yun's spirit boat...


From the barren land to the first continent, even through the super teleportation array between the two continents, it will take a while.

During this period of time, it happened to be convenient for them to do some things on the road.

Like Yunxiao, he learned from the God King in power that their whereabouts were leaked, and it was Xiao Haiqing who did it!Xiao Haiqing rebelled, and secretly teamed up with Jin Shengtian to keep the whereabouts of them and Jun Jiu out.

Originally, after Jin Shengtian planned to deal with Jun Jiu and Yun Xiao, he would use his power to destroy the God of Medicine Sect!But knowing the identity of the Evil Emperor Mo Wuyue by accident, Jin Shengtian and the God King in Power immediately had no time to deal with the God of Medicine Sect.This allowed the God of Medicine Sect to survive.

Knowing that it was Xiao Haiqing who leaked the secret, Yunxiao had no time to clone and rush to Yaoshenzong, so he sent a voice transmission to Mu Wan'er, asking her to deal with Xiao Haiqing!

Abolished his dantian, broke off his hands, and drove out the Yaoshenzong!
From now on, Xiao Haiqing is a useless person, not only unable to cultivate, but also unable to touch alchemy and medicine anymore.

Regarding the position of the suzerain of the God of Medicine Sect, after discussing with Yun Xiao and Qing Ye, they selected Wen Chang, and the elders supported him.Mu Wan'er stayed behind, and after Wenchang took over, she would come to the First Continent to join them.

Mu Wan'er is not afraid to miss the good show, before Jin Shengtian shows up, Jun Jiu will not directly destroy the Jin family!

the other side.

Jun Jiu also contacted You Ming and the others on the way.

At the beginning, I said that the matter was over, and I went back to Nether Valley, but now it seems that Jun Jiu may not be able to return to Nether Valley for a long time.

After receiving Jun Jiu's news, You Ming was silent for a while, and looked up at Wu Shanqing and Gong Chen who were sitting opposite.You Ming said: "Jun Jiu and Evil Emperor, I am afraid that after going to the first continent, they will not return to the barren land."

"If you kill the Jin family and Jin Shengtian, you will face the Holy Alliance. The triple continent is their battlefield." Wu Shanqing stroked his beard and said.

Gong Chen's eyes were firm, "I'm going to help Jun Jiu!"

"Just you?" Old You Ming looked helplessly at his apprentice.

Although Gong Chen is already a master of time, he is also good at space magic arts, and his strength is far superior to that of monks of the same rank.Leapfrog battles are not a problem.Although it is not as perverted as Jun Jiu, it is still extremely evil.But Gong Chen was still too weak to be mentioned in front of the Holy Alliance.

You Ming shook his head, then nodded again, making Gong Chen very confused.

Elder You Ming said: "You can't help much. But you are right, we all have to help Jun Jiu! Old guy, we are both Supreme Elders, so we don't have to stay in the Yuanyuan Continent forever."

Wu Shanqing smiled and nodded upon hearing this.

He knew what You Ming wanted to say, Wu Shanqing said with a smile: "Yes! The grand elders of Shenyi are all in the triple continent, so we should go to the triple continent. But wait for two days, and the grandson-in-law will leave the customs soon. Take them with you when the time comes."

"It just so happens that Xiaorou'er is going to look for her master Qianqiu Mausoleum. I asked someone to check it out, and this Qianqiu Mausoleum seems to be in the first continent." Wu Shanqing said.

Hearing this, Gong Chen heaved a sigh of relief.

They are also going to the first continent. Although they are a bit slower than Jun Jiu, they will definitely be able to catch up and help her!

However, Gong Chen was still a little worried and curious.Jun Jiu was going to deal with the Jin family. Although the evil emperor was by his side, there were not many of them. How could he deal with the millions of people in the Jin family's base camp?
What if Kim runs away?
(End of this chapter)

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