Chapter 2138 Action
Chapter 2138 Action
Not to mention the first continent, the Langya Territory is unimaginably large, with roads in all directions. If the Jin family escapes, how will they arrest people?

Jing Yuan raised his brows slightly when he heard the words, his peach blossom eyes flashed with arrogance, Jing Yuan curled his lips and said, "The Jin family can't escape! I am the King of Langya and the domain owner. The domain owner has the authority to close all the teleportation arrays in the domain. The formation is closed, and the Jin family can't leave."

"The Jin family has to rely on the spirit boat and legs to escape. At that time, I will order the Yun family and other forces to intercept and kill the Jin family. They won't be able to escape the Langya domain at all. There is no need to worry about that."

At this moment, Jing Yuan shed the shell of a fanboy, arrogant and cold, with a domineering side.

He is the king of Langya, in Langya domain, he is the sky!
However, within two seconds of the domineering side leaking, Jing Yuan looked at Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue, and the aura visible to the naked eye instantly subsided completely.Grinning and smiling, Jingyuan said: "Mr. Jin can't escape, Madam, just do it! We will all help."

After Jun Jiu was surprised, she curled her lips slightly. "Then thank you."

"You're welcome, ma'am, you haven't said how to deal with the Jin family yet!" Jing Yuan looked at Jun Jiu expectantly.

"Don't worry, with you blocking the escape route of the Jin family, I just need to block the direct line of the Jin family, and the rest depends on what Jin Shengtian does." Jun Jiu's eyes were cold, and he smiled bloodthirsty coldly.

Jun Jiu's smile inexplicably made everyone in the room feel as if they saw the evil emperor smiling, their backs were fluffy, and their hearts trembled.

very dangerous!
Jing Yuan couldn't help muttering in his heart that in the future, the teacher's wife and the master really have a husband and wife relationship.Then he turned his head and asked the patriarch Yun beside him, "Who is Jin Shengtian?"

"He is the son of the Jin family who worshiped under the elders of the Holy Alliance. He is the grandson of the younger brother of the patriarch of the Jin family. His father is the king of gods in the Barren Yuan Continent." Patriarch Yun explained.

A flash of enlightenment flashed in Jing Yuan's eyes, he understood.

Since Jun Jiu only wanted to surround the Jin family, Jing Yuan immediately stood up and said goodbye.He went back to prepare first, and sealed off Jin's teleportation array!

Patriarch Yun wanted to go back and give orders, so he left with Jing Yuan.

Yun Xiao and Yun Qin stayed and continued to send Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue to Jin's base camp!
After they took their leave and left the spirit ship, Jing Yuan stopped and asked Patriarch Yun again. "What did Jin Shengtian do?"

When Patriarch Yun heard the words, strong killing intent and anger flashed in his eyes.

Patriarch Yun said: "Jin Shengtian forced my son into the deep abyss. If the evil emperor and his wife hadn't entered the deep abyss to save my son, I'm afraid my son would have died in the deep abyss with no bones left. With the grace of regeneration, it is also a great benefactor to me, the Yun family."

"The word of thanks, Yun Qin has already said it for me. I don't need to say it again, thank you again and again is worse than expressing it with action. This time they want to destroy the Jin family, and I, the Yun family, will do my best to help them!" Clan Chief Yun said.

Jing Yuan nodded, understanding the kindness and resentment.

Patriarch Yun went on to say: "The Jin family's palace was destroyed, the king in power was arrested, Jin Tianyu was killed, and only Jin Shengtian escaped."

Jing Yuan was surprised: "So, my future mistress will surround the Jin family without doing anything, just to force Jin Shengtian to show up?"

"Yes." Patriarch Yun nodded.

It is reasonable to say so, but Jingyuan frowned, he thought it was not that simple!
If you just want to kill Jin Shengtian, you can go after Jin Shengtian after you have wiped out the entire family of the Jin family.On the contrary, keeping the Jin family hostage and not moving is more like Jin Shengtian has something in his hands that makes Jun Jiu and the others fearful.handle?Or weakness?

Jing Yuan touched his chin and thought for a while, no one can hold the handle of the evil emperor, the possibility of weakness is even greater!
But based on his understanding of the evil emperor, the only weakness of the evil emperor is the future teacher, right?

After doing the math, Jin Shengtian has a weakness in his hands, it should be the weakness of the future teacher!
clap clap clap!
Kyung-won applauds himself, what a genius he is.

Jing Yuan applauded suddenly, and Patriarch Yun was taken aback for a moment, not knowing why.Patriarch Yun: "King Langya?"

Jing Yuan waved his hand, "Let's go! Let's take action immediately. I sealed the teleportation formation, and then ordered the major forces to take you as the leader to intercept and kill the Jin family halfway. No Jin family can leave my Langya domain!"

Jing Yuan was gearing up, and said excitedly: "I've already thought of an excuse. Word spread that the Jin family had the audacity to assassinate the evil emperor and his wife, and all the forces in the Langya Region must hand over the Jin family. Otherwise, they will fight with the Jin family." Together, go face the wrath of the evil emperor by yourself."

In the realm of the gods, there are no more than ten fingers who dare to blatantly oppose the evil emperor.

In the first continent, almost none.

The news from Jingyuan is to let all the forces in Langya Region know how to isolate the Jin family, so that it will be easier for the future master to solve the Jin family!
Jing Yuan is very excited, if he handles his errands well, the evil emperor will definitely accept him as his apprentice!


In the spirit boat.

Yun Xiao and Yun Qin stepped back, consciously giving up the space to Mo Wuyue and Jun Jiu.

Only Jun Jiu, Mo Wuyue, Xiao Wu and Xiao Mo are left in the house.Jun Jiu asked Mo Wuyue curiously: "Why did King Langya want to worship you as his teacher, but you beat him up?"

"Yeah, I want to know too. This King Langya looks smart and smart, and he's also your fanboy. Don't be afraid of your bad name, why don't you accept Mo Liao as an apprentice?" Xiao Wu also asked Mo Wuyue curiously.

Xiao Mo didn't speak, but his pink ruby ​​eyes stared straight at Mo Wuyue, his curiosity was self-evident.

Mo Wuyue didn't even think about it, and replied directly: "Trouble."

He is free to do whatever he wants, and accepting apprentices is too much of a hindrance.

Even now, Mo Wuyue's thinking has only changed a little.He and Xiao Jiu'er are in a world of two, free and easy, doing whatever they want.


There are already a lot of light bulbs, and one more light bulb is still not bright enough.

But now Mo Wuyue finally remembered why he felt Jing Yuan's eyes were familiar.In Mo Wuyue's eyes, there are two types of people, ants who are not worth wasting time to remember, and sandbags with good strength.

Mirrors are the latter.

Mo Wuyue said: "Jing Yuan is a mixed race, with half of the turtle blood in his body, that's why I remember him."

"Savage turtle? An ancient race of gods at the same level as Canglong?" Jun Jiu asked in surprise.

Mo Wuyue nodded.

The world is big, and the universe is even more boundless.The Canglong is not unique. There are wild phoenixes, barbarian turtles... and other races at the same level as the Canglong.

These ancient races of gods who live as long as the heavens and the earth are very rare in number, and it is difficult to see them normally.Like Mo Wuyue, the wild turtle he has seen is only a half-breed Jing Yuan.

But Jingyuan is worth mentioning by Mo Wuyue, that's all.What Mo Wuyue cared more about was Jun Jiu's plan.

Mo Wuyue asked Jun Jiu, "If Jin Shengtian shows up, what will Xiao Jiuer do with it?"

"Before Jin Shengtian showed up, apart from Jingyuan's actions, I planned to place dragon scales and monster giant electric pythons in Jin's base camp. After Jin Shengtian showed up, it all depends on what he did in the core continent."

Jun Jiu's eyes were cold and bloody, and he continued, "If he touches someone who shouldn't be touched, he deserves to die! Mrs. Jin must also be buried with him."

The dragon has reverse scales, and Jun Jiu also has them.

In her previous life, apart from Xiao Wu, she had no family, friendship or love.In this life, Jun Jiu has obtained all these things, and Jun Jiu cherishes and loves them very much.

Hitting their idea is to move Jun Jiu's Ni Lin, and he must be killed!
"Okay." Mo Wuyue nodded.

He stretched out his hand to hold Jun Jiu's hands, Mo Wuyue hooked his lips, and said: "When we arrive at the Jin family, I will teach Xiao Jiuer how to place the dragon scales. The effect is the best. Once triggered, the Jin family will be destroyed by the gorgeous fireworks." Among them, no one can save."

"Yeah." Jun Jiu looked at Mo Wuyue, his cold-blooded and ruthless eyes flickered and softened.

Xiao Wu rolled around in her arms again, raised his head and rubbed against her chin, tickled, and the corners of Jun Jiu's mouth curled up.

There was a lot of joy and harmony, only Xiao Mo was depressed.

He shouldn't be here, he should be outside the door!
One mouthful of dog food, one mouthful of cat food, he was about to cry.Too bullying the rabbit QAQ


Langya Domain, the news spread quickly.

While people were horrified by the news from the Wild Yuan Continent, Shen Yuan disappeared!Before they recovered, when many powerful forces planned to send people to take a look in person, another shocking news came, which shocked everyone and made them dumbfounded.

The Jin family assassinates the evil emperor and his wife, Langya does not protect him, and warns all forces to stand in line and not become an accomplice of the Jin family.

Hearing that the evil emperor is on his way to take revenge, all the big and small forces in Langya Domain exploded!

Is Kim crazy?
How dare you assassinate the evil emperor!

Also, what's the situation with Mrs. Evil Emperor?
Isn't the evil emperor alone, men and women are not close, why did a lady suddenly appear!But this news came from the Langya Department himself, and all the forces had to disbelieve it.

All the forces in Langya Region exploded, and the Jin clan also exploded. Everyone gathered in the Golden Palace, anxiously waiting for the important figures in the clan to give an answer.

The Golden Palace, the most sacred and most magnificent and ancient hall of the Jin family.

For thousands of years of the Jin family's inheritance, the Golden Palace has always been used as a place to deal with important events in the family.

Now that the news of the assassination and the evil emperor's revenge came, all the elders of the Jin clan, from the patriarch down to the bottom, gathered and rushed to the golden palace.Tens of thousands of people gathered in the Golden Palace, whispering in panic, talking to each other about what's going on?

The fierce reputation of the evil emperor and tyrant is unknown to everyone in the entire God Realm.

Even those top powers, such as the Holy Alliance, would not easily provoke the evil emperor.How dare they assassinate the evil emperor, they are crazy!Do you want to die?
Everyone promises that they didn't do it, and they look for each other to expose it. If this is true, who did it?
"The patriarch is here!"

With a loud shout, the noisy Golden Palace fell silent, and everyone looked up at the patriarch and his party walking towards the gate.

The patriarch was in front, and the Supreme Elder was behind. This group of people were the pillars of the Jin clan. When people saw them, they all became silent and calmed down.I just watched eagerly, asking for an answer and an explanation.

Patriarch Jin passed through the crowd all the way, seeing the expressions of everyone, his face turned black, and he glared at the man behind him from the corner of his eyes.

Look what your grandson has done!

(End of this chapter)

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