Chapter 2146 Oh, do you dare?
Chapter 2146 Oh, do you dare?
Jun Jiu cleared his throat, smiled at the frightened two people on the deck, and then disappeared in front of their eyes.

Brothers Yunqin and Yunxiao stared blankly, their faces blank.Yun Xiao opened his mouth: "What is Jun Jiu doing teleporting on the spirit ship?"

"It's not teleportation, there is no fluctuation of spiritual power, there is no sign at all. This should be an extremely advanced agility!" Yun Qin was well-informed, and he was different at a glance.

Yunxiao understood now, and looked at Yunqin in astonishment, Jun Jiu is practicing agility?

Yun Qin nodded.

King Langya came with Jin's messenger, and he didn't hide it from anyone.So soon they all knew that Jin Shengtian wanted to meet Jun Jiu alone, and Jun Jiu agreed.

Practicing agility now should be in preparation for meeting Jin Shengtian.

Practicing only at the last moment is tantamount to holding on to Buddha's feet temporarily.If it was someone else, Yun Xiao and Yun Qin would definitely be grinning, what are they thinking?There is no way to reach the sky in one step.But when this person was Jun Jiu, the two brothers looked at each other and thought: Nothing is impossible.


One night, one morning.

Jun Jiu not only comprehended smoothly, but also practiced Wuzongbu smoothly, and reached the realm of Xiaocheng.

There is still time to look through the magic of time in the compass, adding an extra point of protection.

After the sound of the afternoon, Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue walked out of the room, and they came to the deck.Xiaowu, Xiaomo, Brother Yunqin, and Langya Wang Jingyuan were all waiting on the deck. When they heard footsteps, they all looked over.

Xiao Wu strode up to Jun Jiu, with a worried look on his face: "Master is really going?"

"Yeah." Jun Jiu nodded.

Xiao Wu clenched the corners of his mouth and frowned.Xiao Wu continued: "Jin Shengtian said that the master can only go alone, but he didn't say that we can't be nearby. In this way, if something happens, we can also meet the master!"

"This is a good idea." Jing Yuan said, agreeing with Xiao Wu's decision.

Jun Jiu smiled and didn't say anything, but raised his eyebrows and looked at Mo Wuyue with a brisk smile in his eyes.

Mo Wuyue also looked at Jun Jiu, seeing the smile in Jun Jiu's eyes, Mo Wuyue's seductive thin lips slightly raised.Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at the silver chain on Jun Jiu's wrist, and said, "I've already prepared, it's enough for you to keep an eye on Wan Jincheng."

Everyone: Huh?

Although I don't know what preparations Mo Wuyue made, but hearing what he said, they all heaved a sigh of relief and put down the big stone.

Thinking again in his heart, Jun Jiu is Mo Wuyue's darling, he cares more and worries more than any of them.With Mo Wuyue around, Jun Jiu will not be injured.

Jun Jiu: "I'm going."

"Master, be careful."

Jun Jiu raised his hand and touched Xiao Wu's head, stepping on the spiritual power under his feet, with a flash of Wu Ting Bu Ling Jue, Jun Jiu disappeared in front of everyone in an instant.

After a night of study and practice, Jun Jiu's traceless step has been achieved, and his speed is far faster than teleportation, and he is about to close the tearing space and hurry.And it leaves no trace of spiritual power, making it difficult to trace.


An hour later, Jun Jiu came to the agreed place.

Jin Shengtian set the location in Baya City, a tea house in the city.

Jun Jiu walked all the way, and the city was obviously depressed a lot. I wonder if it was because of the blockade of Wanjin City, the headquarters of the Jin family.However, I could still see a lot of people, but after arriving at the teahouse, the whole teahouse was emptied.

no one.

Jun Jiu stepped into the teahouse, and instantly noticed prying eyes coming from all directions of the teahouse.

With a cold light flashing in his eyes, Jun Jiu coldly pursed his lips and walked up to the teahouse.Jin Shengtian didn't say which floor, Jun Jiu randomly chose the second floor, and chose a seat by the window.Looking up from the window, the scenery is quite good.

I don't know when Jin Shengtian will come, Jun Jiu didn't wait, she sat down and raised her hand to take out the book of Ben Dan's decision from the space, and read it leisurely.

after a little while.

Jin Shengtian's voice came from behind Jun Jiu, and he said with a half smile but not a smile: "It's so comfortable, I'm really envious."

Jun Jiu calmly turned over a new page, glanced at it, and then lightly raised her eyes to look at Jin Shengtian.Jin Shengtian had already walked in front of her, lifted up his clothes and sat opposite her, his eyes stared at her with dark and cold eyes on his aloof and outstanding face.

Jun Jiu closed the pages of the book, and looked at Jin Shengtian while retracting into the space.

In terms of appearance, Jin Shengtian was similar to Jin Tianyu and Jin Yujiao.Apart from appearance, there is no similarity.

Jin Shengtian was more cunning, wiser, and more ruthless than Jin Tianyu.Obviously already torn face, one person grabbed the other's father, and the other trapped the other's entire clan, but still sat here patiently, allowing her to scrutinize her.

Jun Jiu curled his lips coldly, "Jin Shengtian, I finally see you."

Jin Shengtian said: "You are meeting me for the first time, but I am not."

Jun Jiu raised his eyebrows, staring at Jin Shengtian with cold eyes, Jun Jiu sneered and said, "Heh, Mr. Ba Dao in Dark Boat City was planned by you, right?"


Jin Shengtian promised cleanly and without any hesitation. Up to now, he never thought of continuing to hide it.

Jin Shengtian continued: "It's also my plan to force the clouds into the deep abyss, how about it?"

Jun Jiu looked at Jin Shengtian coldly, with no superfluous expression on his face.There was no anger or killing intent, it just made people feel that being watched by Jun Jiu, the whole body was frozen, and the soul trembled.

Seeing this, Jin Shengtian's eyes widened.

When he saw Jun Jiu for the first time, he was amazed and praised by Jun Jiu's beauty.

Seeing Jun Jiu again, he knew that this woman should not be underestimated, her ability was as peerless as her beauty.

Seeing you again now, sitting down face to face, Jin Shengtian had to admit that he felt palpitations from Jun Jiu.Among his peers, there are no more than five fingers who can make him feel this way, but Jun Jiu is not of his peers, she is only a fraction of his age.

Jun Jiu is the first one who can still make him feel heart palpitations at such a young age.

It was hard for Jin Shengtian to stay silent anymore, he opened his mouth to break the cold and intimidating atmosphere, Jin Shengtian asked Jun Jiu: "Jun Jiu, if you attack the Jin family, are you not afraid that I will attack your father in a fit of anger?"

"Oh, do you dare?" Jun Jiu asked without answering.

With heavy eyes, Jin Shengtian grinned and said, "How do you know I dare not?"

The problem came back again.

Jun Jiu leaned slightly closer to Jin Shengtian, the distance between them was only the table, and now they were getting closer.

The two eyes meet.

Cold-blooded versus vicious, mocking versus ruthless.

Jun Jiu said, "Jin Shengtian, if you hurt my father, I will destroy the whole family of the Jin family. And you, hunted down from the ends of the earth, will never stop dying. None of you Jin family can escape."

Jun Jiu backed away, his cold-blooded mocking tone added a bit of playfulness and teasing, Jun Jiu asked Jin Shengtian again: "Do you still dare now?"

Just for hurting Jun Mingye, one has to pay the price of destroying the family.

Killing Jun Mingye...Jin Shengtian knew without thinking that Jun Jiu would make his life worse than death.

(End of this chapter)

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