Chapter 2196 You Have Been Trapped
Chapter 2196 You were cheated
It was Zong Yihai who took down the Yubai Mandarin Duck Stove.

Zong Yihai, as a representative of the pharmacist group, is also a divine pharmacist himself, and the mere Linglian Qingxin Pill is not a problem, and everyone can't compete with him.It's just that everyone is confused, Zong Yihai does not lack a Tianpin alchemy furnace, right?
But when they saw the beaming expression on Zong Yihai's face, everyone was dumbfounded again.

When Jun Jiu looked at Zong Yihai, he met Shang Zong Yihai's eyes.Zong Yihai turned his head to look at her, winked at her, and smiled extremely happily.

Jun Jiu raised his eyebrows, and looked away indifferently.

But on the way, Jun Jiu was surprised to find that Pei Sisi was also staring at Zong Yihai, the surprised and happy eyes seemed to know Zong Yihai.

Immediately afterwards, Pei Sisi followed Zong Yihai's line of sight to see Jun Jiu, took a look, and looked away with disdain.

Seeing this, Jun Jiu chuckled indifferently, and reached out to hold Mo Wuyue's hand, Jun Jiu said: "You should hold me. Bailiyuan said that there are three things today, but I don't know what the remaining two are. what?"

The second thing is the broken sea pearl.

The broken sea pearl obtained from the mirage can not only break the waves, but also break through the mirage and open a path.

This is tested by the bidder himself, and there is absolutely no falsehood, and he dare not use it to deceive everyone.

The role of Po Haizhu is much more eye-catching than Yubai Yuanyang Furnace, and it also arouses everyone's interest.Bailiyuan hadn't started bidding yet, and there were already many people with burning eyes, looking forward to it, waiting to open their mouths to bid.

Bailiyuan said, "The condition for breaking the sea pearl is to exchange it for a defensive artifact. Whoever produces the defensive artifact is of good quality, and the broken sea pearl will belong to him."

Hearing this, everyone was in an uproar and was extremely surprised.

Someone even blurted out, disdainfully saying: "He must be daydreaming!"

A broken sea pearl, I want to change the defensive artifact, and I want to change it only if I want the best quality. This is not a dream, what is it!
Bailiyuan smiled calmly and continued, "Everyone knows the effect of this broken sea bead. Whether you are entering the mirage to find treasure now, or waiting for the fifth blowout in one month, the mirage bead will appear before entering the mirage. The effect of breaking the sea bead It’s not bad for a defensive artifact, right?”

"The mirage treasure auction is for those who are interested. If you are interested in Pohaizhu, you can bid. The lowest level of defensive artifacts participating in the auction is character." Bailiyuan said.

After the voice fell, the crowd was silent for a while, and some people began to speak.

Take out a character defense artifact shield and participate in the auction.

After the first person bid, gradually, people began to follow the auction, taking out all kinds of defensive artifacts.

The rank of the defensive artifact has also changed from character to land rank.

"I'll bring out an earth-grade defensive artifact." Hua Xiang of the Flower God Clan said, a ball of light appeared in the palm of his hand, and a miniature golden bell fluctuated in the light.

Yin Xiu: "I have created a heavenly defensive artifact, the soul bell."

Yin Xiu stretched out his hand and took out a pair of bone bells carved from white bones.He is a disciple of the Prehistoric Alliance, and there is no shortage of heavenly artifacts around him. Yin Xiu thinks it is worthwhile to exchange the heavenly defensive artifacts for broken sea beads to increase the chances of finding mirage beads.

But other forces hesitated. To them, the Tianpin artifact was far less indifferent than Yin Xiu.Gradually, the forces participating in the auction dropped sharply.

"I'm offering a heavenly defensive artifact, the Lingyu Umbrella!" Zong Yihai also spoke and joined the auction.

"This lady has produced a heavenly defensive artifact, the Spirit Shield Talisman." Pei Sisi said in a high-pitched manner, raising her hand to show off a jade talisman in her palm.

Pei Sisi glanced at Huaxiang, Yin Xiu and Zong Yihai, and proudly said: "My lady's spirit shield talisman was personally refined by the Supreme Elder of the Holy Alliance of my grandfather. As long as this talisman is crushed, it can resist low-level gods." A blow from the king realm. It is much more advanced than your soul bells and spirit jade umbrellas."

Pei Sisi's spirit talisman was indeed better than those produced by Yin Xiu and Zong Yihai.Of course, they have more and better defensive artifacts in their hands, but they don't need to take them out to bid for a Broken Sea Pearl, so they just shoot at will.

Like Pei Sisi, who took out something better than them and then praised himself for stepping on them, which made both Yin Xiu and Zong Yihai blush.

Pei Sisi didn't notice it at all, and continued proudly: "How about it, do you still want to bid? Haha, let me put the words here first, this is the sea pearl that Miss Ben is going to fix, and moreover, Miss Ben is full of defensive artifacts."

Yin Xiu: ...

Zong Yihai: ...

They looked at each other, and after their eyes met, they both said in unison: "Exit."

She would rather not break the sea pearl than mess around with Pei Sisi and waste time.

Pei Sisi didn't realize that the two of them quit to annoy her at all, she only thought that the two of them were afraid of her, and immediately smiled smugly and wildly.He patted the table and said, "No matter what the third item is, I want it too!"

The corners of everyone's mouths twitched, and the expressions on their faces showed their mood, which was extremely bad.Someone wants to leave immediately, but still wants to see, what is the third treasure?
Bailiyuan then took out the third piece, which was a jade tablet.

Baili Yuan said, "There is a map engraved in this jade tablet, which is a mirage map hand-painted by the bidder himself."

Hearing this, everyone became excited in an uproar.

Mirage map!

Although the mirage continues to expand with every blowout, the original position of the mirage has not changed. If they have a map, it will save time and effort for them to enter again.

Immediately, someone opened his mouth impatiently and asked Bailiyuan, "Miss Baili, how do you bid for this map?"

"The bidder's request is that the person who wins this jade card must take him with him and escort him to find the Mirage Pearl and enter the Mirage Realm." Baili Yuan said.

Hearing this, everyone's expressions changed again and again, and then they all raised their heads to look at the few people in front of the private room.Those who can protect people and enter the Mirage Realm will naturally have the final say on strength, they are incomparable, and they will be out of the game before bidding.Especially, what Pei Sisi said just now.

Pei Sisi represents the Holy Alliance, and the one who can compete with the Holy Alliance is the Prehistoric Alliance, right?
Therefore, everyone's eyes kept going back and forth between Yin Xiu, Zong Yihai and Pei Sisi.

Will they grab it?
Jun Jiu also looked at the three of them curiously.As for her, Jun Jiu is not interested in snatching a hand-drawn map, let alone how accurate the map is, Jun Jiu believes in her intuition and judgment.

In particular, the map is actually useless~
Only to see Yin Xiu turned around to look at Herring, his mouth moved slightly, and he didn't know what he said in secret voice transmission.

Yin Xiu then nodded, turned around and sat down, with a very indifferent expression.

Looking at Zong Yihai again, he rubbed his chin and mumbled to Luo Qing for a while, and they both shook their heads in unison.

"Hey, do you want to fight with Miss Ben? Of those present, you two are the only ones who can fight with Miss Ben. The others are not worthy. If you have an idea, speak up as soon as possible." Pei Sisi crossed her arms and raised her chin arrogantly , looking at Yin Xiu and Zong Yihai playfully.

Yin Xiu spoke first: "Not interested."

Yin Xiu was arrogant and withdrawn, taciturn, and answered as concisely as possible.

Pei Sisi smiled sarcastically, then stared at Zong Yihai, "What about you?"

Zong Yihai: "No."

"Hmph, it's interesting for you guys. Alright, this map belongs to Miss Ben. Go and tell the person who drew the map, I, the Holy Alliance, will cover him!" Pei Sisi raised her chin at Bailiyuan, as if ordering a servants to deliver her orders.

The three treasures were all auctioned off, and Bailiyuan didn't plan to use the Eight Gods Pavilion to rely on the "thigh" of the Holy Alliance.

Immediately, her smile faded, and Baili Yuan snapped the Po Haizhu and the jade tablet over, wrapped in spiritual power and placed them on the table in front of Pei Sisi.Bailiyuan said lightly: "He is here, he will come to find distinguished guests."


Pei Sisi was just angry, and Bailiyuan smiled neither humble nor overbearing: "The identity of the auctioneer is kept secret, and I don't know who it is, please wait patiently."

Pei Sisi choked suddenly, her expression changed back and forth, and finally she could only snort, and cursed: "It's really useless!"

Bailiyuan ignored her, turned around and walked towards Zong Yihai with Yin Xiao, and traded Yubai Yuanyanglu and Linglian Qingxin Pill.Then Yin Xiao sent the Linglian Qingxin Pill to the auctioneer, and the auction ended, and people left one after another.

After Zong Yihai got the Yubai Mandarin Duck Furnace, he was overjoyed and got up to leave.

But after taking a step, Zong Yihai stepped back and looked up at Pei Sisi, Zong Yihai smiled slightly and said, "Pei Sisi, I actually don't want to say it, but I still have to say it after thinking about it, you've been tricked."

"What?" Pei Sisi was taken aback.

"Haha, I don't understand. There are so many people here so that you don't lose face. Take your time and think about it!" Zong Yihai finished speaking, oiling the soles of his feet and pulling Luo Qingfei onto a boat.

Pei Si thought it was too late to ask, and could only stare at Zong Yihai's leaving back, frowning, puzzled.

What do you mean she was cheated?

Pei Sisi turned her head and asked the two maidservants, "Lan Fu, Bi Rong, do you know what he means?"

The two maidservants looked at each other and shook their heads in confusion, not knowing.


Pei Si was confused, but Jun Jiu knew it.

After the auction ended, Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue immediately summoned a boat with a jade card and left the private room.

A small boat floated unhurriedly among the water lilies on the lake, Jun Jiu looked at Mo Wuyue jokingly and said: "At first glance, this map seems to be very useful, but it is very useless."

Mo Wuyue nodded, "Yes. Those who come to the mirage are all looking for mirage beads. No one knows the shape of the mirage beads, and no one knows where they appear. It's useless to have a map."

Even if you know the location of the entire mirage, in the vast mirage, do you know what the mirage beads look like?



In fact, it is not a big deal to be able to take out a hand-painted map.The mirage appeared, and many people entered it, and people who frequented it could draw maps.

The advantage of the map is also suitable for forces like them who came late, saving trouble.

But the condition of the map is to lead people to find the Mirage Pearl and enter the Mirage Realm.In other words, the people behind the map were opportunistic, and they embraced the thigh of the Holy Alliance. They didn't need to find the mirage beads by themselves, and they could enter the mirage world steadily.

Pei Sisi was stupid and didn't react.After reacting later, I don't know what kind of anger will become?

"But she has to bring people into the Phantom Realm, otherwise so many people see it today, Pei Sisi is shameless, the Holy Alliance is shameless, and she will definitely bring people in." Jun Jiu said jokingly.

(End of this chapter)

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