Chapter 2211 Xuanzhu Shell

Chapter 2211 Mysterious Pearl Shell

The matter of choosing a direction, Gong Chen will leave it to Jun Jiu without a doubt, he thinks it is fine for Jun Jiu to choose any direction.

Jun Jiu raised her eyebrows when she heard the words, curled her lips and raised her hand, and casually pointed in a direction, "Where are you going?"

"Good! Let's go."

Jun Jiu and Gong Chen flew all the way to the southwest of the mirage. The mirage is extremely vast, and after five blowouts, the area of ​​the mirage is not inferior to any ocean in God's Domain.So far, Jun Jiu and Gong Chen have traveled all the way, but they haven't met anyone else yet.

There was no one on the road, Jun Jiu and Gong Chen were also at ease, and began to analyze the previous battle.

Gong Chen has rich experience and unique vision. He pointed out the advantages and disadvantages of Jun Jiu when he used Time Jue one by one. Only by maintaining the advantages and improving the shortcomings can he display a stronger strength.

Not only the time decision, Gong Chen also watched the whole process of the battle between Jun Jiu and the bird guard man when he performed the space decision.

Gong Chen said: "Although I'm being clumsy, I also know how to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, but I don't need to expose your realm of a ninth-level god, and I don't need to expose your hole cards. I think you can kill the bird guard man in three moves."

"Three tricks?" Jun Jiu raised his eyebrows and looked at Gong Chen in surprise.

Gong Chen nodded, and gave Jun Jiu a look, don't underestimate herself.

Gong Chen continued to analyze: "You used the Nine-Bone Thunder Umbrella and the Nine-Scale Sword, and the Nine-Bone Thunder Umbrella has both offensive and defensive capabilities, so you don't have to dodge the first move, just block the Sparrow Guard's move, and then prepare the Nine-Scale Sword. "

"From the very beginning, the Sparrow Guard man underestimated you and didn't take you seriously. So in the beginning, you tricked him with the Nine-Bone Thunder Umbrella, and charged up the Nine-Scaled Sword with one move. He will surely die if you hit him at close range. Three moves , with only three moves, you will definitely be able to kill him!"

Jun Jiu looked at Gong Chen, opened his mouth and remained silent in the end.

Jun Jiu does not deny Gong Chen's analysis, she can indeed do it, because whether it is the Nine Bone Thunder Umbrella or the Nine Scale Sword, they were far from showing their true strength in the previous battle.

Gong Chen also looked at Jun Jiu, seeing Jun Jiu's silence, he sighed quietly: "It's not because of you, but because of me that you surpassed three moves."

Gong Chen is very clear about how amazing Jun Jiu's methods are.

On the surface, he made a great effort to open the space channel at the end, but in fact he was behind.

After sighing, Gong Chen continued: "The speed of my space art is still too slow. If it is faster, the time can be shortened by half, and it can even be completed in an instant. Then your three moves are enough."

"We all have problems. It's not because of you alone. Gong Chen's problem is that your cultivation base is low. If you are a ninth-level god like me, it is not a problem to arrange the space in an instant. Besides, if you use three moves Done, I haven't had time to attack Pei Sisi yet." Jun Jiu said with a smile.

Gong Chen knew that Jun Jiu was trying to explain him away, the corner of his mouth raised up, Gong Chen nodded with a smile.

People are constantly improving.

Reflect on your mistakes and correct them.To become stronger!
Seeing Jun Jiu's strength, Gong Chen is full of energy, he does not lack brains, talent, or hard work, he will catch up!
Gong Chen spoke again, changed the subject and said: "The three major alliances are here for the mirage, and they may have news early in the morning, but the Shenyi collects the information of the God's Domain, but they don't know this. Jun Jiu, do you have any information?" Have you ever suspected anything?"

"It's very simple, someone told the three major alliances, but kept it from Shenyi." Jun Jiu said.

Gong Chen was startled when he heard this.

He looked at Jun Jiu in amazement, and said, "Who can hide from Shenyi?"

"Naturally someone who has the ability. But this is good. Take precautions from the beginning, give time to prepare, and know who the strongest and most difficult enemy is." Jun Jiu said again.

While Gong Chen was astonished, he was a little dazed.He always felt that what Jun Jiu said knew something, but he couldn't figure out what it meant?
Confused, half-understood.

Gong Chen was a little confused, so he simply ignored it, because he was in a mirage, and he would figure it out sooner or later.The point of Gong Chen's coming to Mirage is not the Mirage Pearl, nor the Divine Spirit Soil, he is here to sharpen the actual combat and improve his strength.

In addition, he is on Jun Jiu's side, and he will do his best to help Jun Jiu when he is needed.

While talking, there was a movement gradually coming from the distance, Jun Jiu and Gong Chenchu ​​caught it, and immediately looked at each other, the two drew back and approached silently...

The closer they got, the clearer the sound of fighting became, and the fluctuations in the surrounding spiritual power became more and more intense.

Soon Jun Jiu and Gong Chen saw that in the mirage not far away, there was a group of five people surrounding a treasure.

Jun Jiu and Gong Chen locked onto the treasure together. It was a shellfish with the size of a human head, and its whole body was dark blue with the luster of sea water.As the mouth of the shellfish opens and closes, a fist-sized pearl can be seen inside the soft shellfish.

This shellfish is alive and intelligent.Five people besieged and attacked, and it took an unknown amount of time, but they have not been able to capture it yet.


I saw the shellfish open its mouth, and the pearl inside immediately turned light blue.

A cloud of mist blew out from the color-changing pearl, and a group of five people saw the color change instantly, and hurriedly backed away to distance themselves, taking out the elixir at the same time.Seeing this, Jun Jiu raised his brows and his eyes flashed.

Gong Chen said: "This is the Xuanzhu shell. It is petite and can grow as big as a human head. It is at least three thousand years old. People look for the Xuanzhu shell for the pearls in it, but the Xuanzhu shell is hard and difficult to break. Its pearl contains It's very poisonous, you can't get close to it, and it's tricky to take it down."

Gong Chen swept across a group of five people surrounding Xuan Zhubei, their strength was similar to his, only two were stronger than him.

Insufficient strength, that's why he can't do anything with Xuanzhubei.

Gong Chen asked Jun Jiu again, "Jun Jiu, do you think the Xuan Pearl will be the second Mirage Pearl?"

Jun Jiu: "No."

Jun Jiu was too sure, Gong Chen couldn't help being surprised, he looked at Jun Jiu puzzled: "How can you be sure?"

Jun Jiu raised his chin slightly, and his eyes signaled Gong Chen to look at the group of five people.Gong Chen looked, and saw Xuanzhubei spraying out poisonous mist again, the team of five had to back away again, and raised his hand to take out the elixir.

Gong Chen hesitated for a while, and said, "They have prepared a lot of detoxification pills."

"Their detoxification pill is the Linglian Qingxin Pill obtained at the Mirage Treasure Auction." Jun Jiu said.

Gong Chen was slightly taken aback.

Gong Chen also went to the mirage treasure auction and knew what it was.Immediately Gong Chen also reacted quickly, he looked at the five people again, and said: "They have prepared the detoxification pill long ago, and they have known that Xuanzhubei is here."

"Not bad." Jun Jiu nodded.

Gong Chen's eyes flashed, "The Xuanzhu shell was here more than a month ago, so it can't be a mirage pearl."

call out!
Just then, a gust of wind blew.

Jun Jiu and Gong Chen looked, and saw Xuan Zhubei suddenly broke free from the siege of the five people, and came straight towards them...

(End of this chapter)

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