Chapter 2243 Magic Water
Chapter 2243 Magic Water
"Continue?" Ji Sang extended an invitation to Jun Jiu.

Jun Jiu frowned, and turned her head to look at Ji Sang.Ji Sang smiled slightly, his expression sincere, but Jun Jiu shook his head.

Jun Jiu said: "Please first, I will wait for Xiao Wu and the others."

"Aren't you afraid that they will delay the time and miss the opportunity to enter the Sea Gate?" Ji Sang asked.

The corners of his mouth hooked slightly, Jun Jiu smiled softly.

She looked up at the two people above who were still competing with Bingshuang, Jun Jiu said confidently and proudly, "They won't drag me down."

"Well then, hopefully I can see you behind the door."

After Ji Sang finished speaking, he turned around and continued down.Although Jun Jiu didn't move, she still looked down at Ji Sang. Jun Jiu wanted to see, what would be the third level?
But Jun Jiu never expected that Ji Sang's figure disappeared directly.

That's right!

It disappeared in an instant, without any power fluctuations, and disappeared out of thin air.

Looking at the gate of the sea again, Ji Sang is nowhere to be seen.Ji Sang disappeared halfway, took a deep breath, and Jun Jiu's eyes sank.This is probably the third level.

Jun Jiu then raised her head to look at Nie Xueqing and the others, and they tried their best to deal with Bingshuang.But they are directly above, they are directly below, as long as you are not blind, you can see Ji Sang disappearing.But no one showed a strange expression.


With the sound of shattering frost, Nie Xueqing came to Jun Jiu, and she reached out to pat the frost crumbs off the skirt.

Nie Xueqing patted her frozen red hand again, "Finally here, this frost is too cold."

Nie Xueqing also raised her hand to take off her hairpin, seeing that the little flower was frozen hard and broken, making it unsightly.Nie Xueqing sighed, threw away the little flower, then took out a fresh one from the space, with water droplets on it, like a freshly picked flower, and put it on again.

When the hairpin was ready, Nie Xueqing smiled in satisfaction.

Then Nie Xueqing looked up at Jun Jiu, blinked her smart eyes, and said with a smile: "I don't know what method you and Ji Sang used, but it's very powerful, even Bingshuang can't do anything to you. By the way, where is Ji Sang? Others Woolen cloth?"

"Go down." Jun Jiu replied.

Nie Xueqing lowered her head immediately, then was taken aback, "Where's the person?"

Jun Jiu: "You can't see him?"

Nie Xueqing nodded repeatedly.

Jun Jiu asked again: "Did you see Ji Sang when you were in the second level just now?"

Nie Xueqing was stunned for a moment, and then she realized Jun Jiu's meaning.Nie Xueqing frowned, and told Jun Jiu that she had seen her and Ji Sang when dealing with Bingshuang, after all, they were her motivation.

But until they came here, Nie Xueqing saw Ji Sang, and Ji Sang was beside Jun Jiu.As soon as she came, Ji Sang was out of sight.

When Jun Jiu heard the words, his eyes flashed.

Jun Jiu said: "It seems that this third level will swallow people up and disappear."

Nie Xueqing nodded and said, "There are still two-thirds of the world, but we all have to be careful."

Speaking of which, Nie Xueqing looked up at Zong Yihai, Zong Yihai was behind Hua Xiang, Gong Chen and Xiao Wu, it seemed that it would take some time before he came over.

Frowning, Nie Xueqing said, "I'll wait for him for a while, and I'll leave when I can't wait."

They are not like Ji Sang, who have no worries and cares, and Cumin can leave whenever he wants.

But Jun Jiu and Nie Xueqing didn't regard Xiao Wu, Gong Chen and Zong Yihai as burdens either, they were different and had special meaning to them.Therefore, they will not leave them easily, and go first by themselves.

After a stick of incense, the flowers arrived.

Hua Xiang nodded to Jun Jiu and Nie Xueqing, and then entered the next level.

Afterwards, Gong Chen took advantage of the space decision and arrived first.Then came Xiao Wu, as soon as the two of them came over, they hurriedly took the elixir and refined it to supplement the large amount of spiritual power that was lacking in their bodies.

While they were adjusting their breathing, Jun Jiu told them about the rigor of the third level, so that they could get ready.

Xiao Wu and Gong Chen finished adjusting their breathing, and Zong Yihai also arrived, but he needed to adjust his breathing, so Nie Xueqing could only wait.Jun Jiu, Xiao Wu and Gong Chen set off first and entered the third level.

Behind them, there are Yin Xiu, Pei Sisi and Nie Xueqing who are stuck in the second level, but how they are progressing, let's skip it.

Only those who can reach the gate of the sea will be able to attract people's attention.


The third pass.

As soon as Jun Jiu came in, he first noticed a slight abnormality, and then there was a wave of water in front of him, and when Jun Jiu turned around, Xiao Wu and Gong Chen were gone.

There is nothing around, just her standing here.

Jun Jiu stretched out her hand, and she could feel the invisible water flow around her body, which was gentle, harmless and non-aggressive.But when Jun Jiu wanted to move forward, the water flow blocked her, no matter whether she used spiritual power or divine weapon attack, she couldn't cut through it.

Jun Jiu weighed it in his heart and decided to use the Nine Scales Sword.

At this moment, Jun Jiu fumbled with his hands and found a passage.Surprise flashed in her eyes, Jun Jiu put away the idea of ​​using the Nine Scale Sword, she stretched out her hands and groped for the passage and took a step...

At the same time, Jun Jiu called Xiao Wu in his heart.

This pass seems to be able to isolate the message transmission, even the telepathy is affected, Jun Jiu called for a long time before contacting Xiao Wu.

When I asked about Xiaowu's situation, it was the same as her.

Jun Jiu told Xiao Wu about the channel, and asked Xiao Wu to explore carefully, and then tried to contact Gong Chen, but couldn't.

Jun Jiu sighed in his heart, he couldn't help Gong Chen anymore.But he is a master of space, and this kind of space isolation should not be difficult for him, only the next level will be met.I hope to see Xiao Wu and Gong Chen, both of them are quite a few.

Jun Jiu put away his thoughts and concentrated on exploring forward.

After walking for a while, Jun Jiu felt a fork in the road, and he hesitated in his heart, which way to go?

Seeing this scene, Mo Wuyue frowned slightly, "Phantom water?"

"Going to the gate of the sea, there are only three passes. After passing through the magic water, you can pass through the gate of the sea and go to the gate of the mountain." Aunt Mirage said.

Mo Wuyue: "What about behind the gate of the mountain?"

Aunt Mirage replied that behind the gate of the mountain is the gate of mirage, and the mirage is sleeping behind the gate of mirage.

Only when you can reach the Mirage Gate, you will have a real chance to try to awaken the Mirage.The person who can awaken the mirage can raise the mirage, and the mirage world will belong to him.

Aunt Mirage looked into the vortex channel, and besides her little lady who loves Hope, there are a few people who are particularly outstanding.Therefore, Aunt Mirage is not sure. With a strong competitor, can the little lady get the mirage?

Aunt Mirage doesn't want her child to fall into the hands of others, but there are rules that she cannot intervene to affect the final result.Aunt Mirage had no choice but to suppress her mood and quietly watched the next development of the matter.

At this time, Jun Jiu has already chosen a fork in the road.

She chose the left side, but she didn't go far, and there was a fork in the road again.And this time there are still three forked roads, Jun Jiu couldn't help frowning.

After a pause, Jun Jiu still chose the far left.

A section ahead, the fork appeared again.Jun Jiu groped, and as expected, there were four forked roads this time.

Jun Jiu stopped moving, there is no point in going down...

(End of this chapter)

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