Chapter 2246
Chapter 2246 life is coming to an end
Seeing Pei Sisi rushing towards the mountain flower, Xiao Wu and Zong Yihai's expressions changed, and they wanted to move to stop Pei Sisi, but they were stopped by Jun Jiu and Nie Xueqing respectively.

The same person who stopped her, Jun Jiu and Nie Xueqing looked at each other, and Nie Xueqing blinked at Jun Jiu.

Then he jokingly said to Zong Yihai: "Let her grab it."

"Master Aunt, she snatched the mountain flower, what should we do?" Zong Yihai asked puzzled.

Xiao Wu also looked at Jun Jiu in confusion, the Gate of the Mountain and the Flower of the Mountain must be related.It's not a good thing to be caught by Pei Sisi.

Nie Xueqing/Jun Jiu said in unison, "She can't grab it."

Just as the two of them finished speaking, there was a bang, everyone heard the sound and saw that Pei Sisi flew upside down and landed heavily on the ground, making a big hole in the ground of Qingyan Rock.

Who shot?
Everyone looked at the mountain flower, there were only two mountain flowers of different colors, and there was no one there.

"It's the flower of the mountain! The flower of the mountain attacked her." Huaxiang said.

Shanzhihua's attack was not just as simple as knocking Pei Sisi into the air.Looking at Pei Sisi again, she got up from the ground, her darkened face could be seen distorted by the pain, Pei Sisi couldn't even stand up, she could only half kneel on the ground and inhale continuously.

After a while, Pei Sisi quickly took out the elixir from the space and took it to relieve pain.

Seeing this, Xiao Wu was happy: "It's what it deserves!"

"Yes, yes!" Zong Yihai agreed in agreement.

A mockery flashed in Jun Jiu's eyes, "The Gate of the Sea, the Gate of the Mountain, you can tell from the names that the Gate of the Mountain is a new level.And the mountain flower is the core of the customs clearance. If you don't listen to the rules, you will go to grab the mountain flower, and you will insult the pig if you say that Pei Sisi is a pig.

At this time, Aunt Mirage's voice sounded again, and Aunt Mirage said: "The gate of the mountain, you will climb the mountain gate. Those who hold the flower of the mountain and reach the top of the mountain will pass the customs. The losers will get the gift of the flower of the mountain, deprive the mirage beads, and leave this place Have a treasure hunting time of one hour."

This level failed, and there was a gift of flowers from the mountain more than the gate of the sea.

I don't know what it is, but Yomo is a treasure!
Everyone looked at the mountain flower. There are only two mountain flowers. Could it be that only two people can pass the level in the end?
Then Aunt Mirage solved the confusion for everyone, not two people, but a team.

Aunt Mirage said: "The gate of the mountain, you will be divided into two teams. One team will protect the red, and the other team will protect the blue. Only those who are still intact when they reach the top of the mountain can pass the customs. Be careful, the mountain flower is special. Fragile and will shatter at the slightest touch."

Everyone looked at Shanzhihua, then at Pei Sisi who was still moaning, and was speechless for a while.

This is called fragile?

Although they complained from the bottom of their hearts, they listened carefully to every word Aunt Mirage said, and took it seriously.

"Because there are nine of you, the teams are not evenly divided. Therefore, one of you doesn't need to participate, and you will advance directly and join the winning team. The remaining eight will be decided by Shanzhihua, which team they will be in." Aunt Mirage said again.

As her words fell, the two red and blue mountain flowers moved.

The red and blue flowers of the mountain were almost scrambling to rush towards Jun Jiu. Nie Xueqing, Zong Yihai, and Hua Xiang were stunned. Are they all going to choose Jun Jiu?
But in the end, red took the lead, and now that Jun Jiu was a little bit in front of her, a blush suddenly appeared between Jun Jiu's brows.

The blue mountain flower was half a step behind, swaying its leaves angrily, then turned to pick out its teammates who were protecting it.

I saw that whoever taps the flower of the mountain, the corresponding color will appear between their eyebrows, which looks like petals, representing their team.

Soon the team was completed, and everyone looked at the color of each other's brows, some were happy and some were sad.

Xiao Wusheng was extremely wronged, "Master."

I saw that the center of Xiao Wu's eyebrows was blue, and Gong Chen was also blue.From Aunt Mirage's words, it can be known that only one team can be promoted in the end, and they have become opponents.

Jun Jiu shrugged helplessly at Xiao Wu, then looked at the others.Ji Sang, Zong Yihai and Yin Xiu have red eyebrows, they are his teammates.Nie Xueqing and Huaxiang are blue, they are teammates of Xiao Wu and Gong Chen.

The two teams of eight were divided, except for Pei Sisi.

Didn't she advance directly?
Pei Sisi also reacted belatedly, seeing the color of the petals on Jun Jiu's head, and seeing that she had nothing.Pei Sisi was so excited and ecstatic that all the pain in her body was thrown away immediately.

Pei Sisi laughed wildly, staring at Jun Jiu and the others with great pride, Pei Sisi opened her mouth and said, "Be envious! Be jealous! But it's useless for you to be envious and jealous. I'm the one who advanced, hahahaha! You didn't expect me to advance directly to this stage, right? Hahaha!"

"What are you proud of?" Zong Yihai muttered with a dark face.

Xiao Wu also turned dark, "She can also advance? Is Shan Zhihua blind?"

Xiao Wu was lightly tapped by the blue mountain flowers, as if beating her angrily to get angry, but the movements were very gentle and felt nothing.

Jun Jiu stared at the two mountain flowers. They were intelligent, and they picked Pei Sisi to advance directly. It seems that they did it on purpose?
This question, Mo Wuyue is also asking Aunt Mirage, why Pei Sisi?
Aunt Mirage replied: "The Flower of the Mountain hates her, so naturally she won't give her a gift. Although she was promoted directly, she was hated by the Flower of the Mountain, and it's over."

A cold look flashed in Mo Wuyue's eyes, Pei Sisi was always swaying in front of him, spoiling Xiao Jiu'er's good mood, her life was about to end.

Mo Wuyue asked again: "The team is divided, and then?"

"The red team and the blue team are competitors with each other. In the end, only one team can reach the top of the mountain. If both teams reach the mountain, they are all failures, and they are all eliminated. Destroy a team of mountain flowers, and they can be eliminated That team." Aunt Mirage said.

Aunt Mirage's words were not only said to Mo Wuyue, but also to Jun Jiu and the others.

Hearing this, the eight people looked at each other, especially Xiao Wu and Gong Chen, their brows were tightly frowned.

Zong Yihai cautiously asked his aunt, "Aunt, will you let me?"

"Nephew, let's dream." Nie Xueqing replied with a smile.

Then Nie Xueqing looked at Jun Jiu, Ji Sang and Yin Xiu, Nie Xueqing narrowed her nimble eyes slightly, she raised her chest and raised her head, her aura suddenly became dangerous and powerful.Nie Xueqing said: "Everyone, I will not show mercy. I will destroy your mountain flowers!"

"I'll return this to you too." Ji Sang gently fanned the cloud fan and said.

"Master QAQ" Xiao Wu looked at Jun Jiu with aggrieved eyes, she didn't want to become a rival with Jun Jiu, let alone destroy the master's mountain flower!

Either, or...

Xiao Wu turned his head to look at Gong Chen, the two looked at each other, Xiao Wu secretly encouraged: Why don't we destroy the flower of the mountain ourselves?

"Xiao Wu, you can't." Jun Jiu knew what Xiao Wu was up to at a glance, and immediately stopped Xiao Wu.

Jun Jiu stared at Xiao Wu and Gong Chen, and she said, "Next, both of you must do your best for me! Don't hold back your teammates."

(End of this chapter)

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