Chapter 2252
Chapter 2252 convinced
Gong Chen heard the words, his eyes fell on the golden sword in Jun Jiu's hand.

No matter who it is, when they look at the Nine Scales Sword, they can't help but marvel at the beauty of this sword, it's dazzling and amazing.If swords are compared to beauties, then the Nine Scales Sword must be the most beautiful of all swords!
In addition to the beauty, the sharp sword light of the Nine Scales Sword will be found at the second glance. Even if the sword is not drawn, the sword's power is terrifying and frightening.

This sword is beautiful and strong!

Gong Chen also knows more than ordinary people.He knew that Mo Wuyue forged this sword for Jun Jiu. He didn't know what materials were used, but he could imagine how terrifying it was just because the evil emperor and tyrant made the sword.

Can space stop the Nine Scales Sword?

I haven't tried it, Gong Chen doesn't know, and the answer that emerges from the bottom of his heart is inexplicably not good.

Taking a deep breath, and slowly letting out a mouthful of turbid air, Gong Chen looked at Jun Jiu and said, "Try it and you'll know."

Jun Jiu nodded, with a frivolous smile on the corner of his mouth, Jun Jiu said: "Yes, Gong Chen, you have to be careful, I won't show mercy."

The voice fell, and the sword came out!


Jiulinjian told Jun Jiu and Gong Chen with the facts that space cannot stop Jiulinjian.

There are many space restrictions in front of him, all of which are shattered by the perverted edge of the Nine Scales Sword.Gong Chen had been prepared for a long time, so he was not shocked and lost his mind, he immediately started making up the space trick.

Jun Jiu's eyes flickered, and he moved forward with his sword drawn.

There is space in front of him to block them, and they are all cut apart with one sword!Even though Gong Chen kept repairing it, Jun Jiu's destructive power was too strong, and the space couldn't bear it.

Coupled with the fact that Space Absolute consumes too much spiritual power, Gong Chen had to let go.

As soon as the fingertips changed, the time decision that Gong Chen had ambushed earlier was activated.As time went on, Jun Jiu suddenly felt that his body became heavy, and it was extremely difficult to move and raise his hands, as if a mountain was pressing on him.

The flow of time slowed down, even if she raised her sword to attack Gong Chen, her speed was still so slow that there were flaws everywhere in Gong Chen's eyes.

Jun Jiu resolutely gave up the Nine Scale Sword, she raised her eyes and glanced at her eyes, then moved her fingertips slightly.Both she and Gong Chen are evildoers who are proficient in Time Jue, and they also learned from You Ming together. The difference is that Gong Chen has far more experience than Jun Jiu.

Gong Chen's experience is not as good as that of Jun Jiu's.

She only needs to pick out the weaknesses in Time Jue, and break them one by one, Time Jue can't do anything to her.


Jun Jiu threw something, it fell to the ground, and opened it immediately.The light flickered, the magic of time was running, and the time magic that trapped Jun Jiu immediately became invalid.

Jun Jiu raised his sword again, and he slashed straight to Gong Chen's face. Gong Chen avoided the sword because of his embarrassment.

Look at what Jun Jiu threw on the ground, it's an artifact of time!
Gong Chen's eyes flickered, and he immediately took out the artifact of time that he refined, and then Jun Jiu and Gong Chen put together the artifact of time...

Behind them, the battle between Zong Yihai and Huaxiang became anxious.

Zong Yihai's paintbrush has a magical power that cannot be described in words. With Zong Yihai's possession, it not only breaks all the attacks of Huaxiang, but also traps Huaxiang in the cage of his paintbrush.But it can only be trapped for a moment, they are almost repeating this process constantly.

Xiao Wu and Yin Xiu.

Their fights are much simpler and rougher, head to head!
With the help of Xiaolin, the gap between Xiaowu and Yinxiu was bridged, and she was able to fight freely, and the fight with Yinxiu was hearty.

Yin Xiu also sensed Xiao Wu's strength from Xiao Wu's hands. Putting aside the difference in realm, Yin Xiu and Xiao Wuyue fought more and more...

Let's talk about the opposite square.

Nie Xueqing gradually realized that something was wrong. She wanted to rush back to the small forest square, but she was trapped by Ji Sang and couldn't get out of the square at all.

As time passed bit by bit, Nie Xueqing felt uneasy in her heart. Could Jun Jiu really let Jun Jiu destroy their Blue Mountain Flower?


clack clack-


Gong Chen panted heavily, leaning against a big tree with his back, big beads of sweat slipped off his forehead, and his clothes were soaked with sweat.

Looking at Jun Jiu again, her breathing is not steady, and there are also many beads of sweat on her forehead.But Jun Jiu is still standing, her body is still full of spiritual power, and she can still fight fiercely!
Gong Chen sighed, "I can't compare to you pervert, you can kill the other party even with your spiritual power alone."

"Are you still shooting?" Jun Jiu asked Gong Chen with a smile while adjusting his interest rate.

Gong Chen shook his head, he has no fighting power.

However, this does not mean that he lost and could not defend the Flower of the Mountain.

Gong Chen raised his head to signal Jun Jiu to look in the direction of Shanzhihua.Gong Chen said in a playful tone: "Huaxiang left behind his trump card. You have to solve it, and you can still meet Shanzhihua, but you have to hurry, otherwise Huaxiang and the others will come back, and you will have no chance."

"Yeah." Jun Jiu nodded.

Although Zong Yihai said that he would stop Huaxiang even if he tried his best.But Zong Yihai really makes people feel unreliable, Jun Jiu feels that he has reached the limit if he can procrastinate till now.

The safest thing is for her to destroy the Flower of the Mountain as soon as possible, so as to determine the outcome.

Jun Jiu stepped in front of the huge flower bud.

The buds are blue, the center of the flower is dark, and the color of the petals gradually becomes lighter.The two leaves tightly wrapped the buds, and Jun Jiu's spiritual energy flew out and hit the leaves, making the sound of iron objects colliding.One can imagine how strong it is.

To break it open as soon as possible...

Jun Jiu rubbed the hilt of the Nine Scale Sword with her fingertips, and after thinking for a second, Jun Jiu inserted the Nine Scale Sword into the ground.

Although the Nine Scales Sword is a good choice, Jun Jiu has other ideas.

In the dantian, the fire of heaven and earth is jumping eagerly, as if saying to Jun Jiu, use them!The power of the heaven and earth fire, a flower bud must not be able to stop it, burn it, and the flower of the mountain inside will naturally be exposed.

But Jun Jiu didn't intend to use Heaven and Earth Fire either, she directly stretched out her right hand to Huabu.Seeing this, Gong Chen gasped, "Jun Jiu, what are you doing, be careful!"

Jun Jiu: "It's okay, I'll just try."

Jun Jiu put his palm on the bud leaf.The spiritual power was running, from Jun Jiu's palm into the flower bud, and then a miraculous and amazing scene happened.

Jun Jiu withdrew his hand, and the buds let go of the leaves, and then slowly bloomed to reveal the blue mountain flowers inside.Seeing this, Gong Chen was stunned, and opened his mouth: "How did you do it?"

"The methods of the Huashen Clan are magical, but they are not invulnerable, especially for me, there are flaws everywhere." Jun Jiu said.

Hearing this, something flashed through Gong Chen's mind, and he immediately understood.

Gong Chen smiled and shook his head, convinced!

The Flower God Clan is a race that is close to all things in the world, so they can control the flowers, plants and trees. But in terms of closeness, how can the Flower God Clan compare to the demigod spirit body known as the daughter of heaven and earth?
Jun Jiu reached in, and the petals of the buds rolled up slightly, rubbing against the back of Jun Jiu's hand.

Jun Jiu smiled and took out the blue mountain flower directly.

Here it is!
(End of this chapter)

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