Chapter 2291
Chapter 2291 fruit picking competition, action

"The fruit-picking competition begins! All the monks are enthroned." Zong Yihai's voice once again spread throughout the audience.

Gong Chen stood up and straightened his sleeves.

Jun Jiu put away the thoughts in his heart, curled his lips and looked at Gong Chen, and said, "Come on! I wish you a successful start and win the top three."

"Come on, Gong Chen! You will definitely crush other people!" Xiao Wu also cheered for Gong Chen.

Then Cang Chen, Xiao Mo and the others cheered and encouraged.

Everyone has encouraged Gong Chen many times, every time, Gong Chen felt warmer in his heart.After the Lotus Blossom Sect was destroyed, he was always immersed in loneliness, grief, anger and hatred.It wasn't until I got to know Jun Jiu that I had a big warm family again.

With a warm heart, Gong Chen smiled and nodded to everyone, "I'm going."

Gong Chen left the pavilion and flew towards the projection of the sacred tree in the middle of the square.Together with Gong Chen, people from the pavilions around the square also flew out one after another.

Jun Jiu and the others looked up, and after a rough count, they broke a hundred!
Xiao Wu was surprised and said: "Didn't it mean that monks with space talent are very rare, there are a hundred of them here."

Cang Chen: "For monks with spatial talents, the grand meeting of the Sky God Clan is a huge temptation and a huge opportunity. Anyone who can come over will come and participate! Even if they are not qualified, they will temporarily take refuge in some forces, To get a ticket."

While talking, Cang Chen winked at Xiao Wu.

Cang Chen: Wu'er, your seat is next to me, don't sit in Mo Wuyue's seat.come back soon.

Xiao Wu saw it, but she pretended not to see it.Rubbing to Jun Jiu's side affectionately, Xiao Wu blatantly dominates Jun Jiu, after all Mo Liao is not around, this is a great opportunity!

Seeing this, Cang Chen finally had to give up, and sighed faintly.

In Wu'er's heart, Jun Jiu's position is unshakable, Jun Jiu's position is the boss, and he barely ranks second.

Everyone looked at the center of the Sacred Tree Square. A group of monks participating in the fruit picking competition stood under the projection of the Sacred Space Tree. Everyone looked at the Sacred Space Tree in amazement and fascination.

They know it's just a projection, but it's hard to yearn patiently!

When everyone was assembled, Zong Yihai, Yaoyao, and Elder Qiu walked out from the projection of the sacred tree.

Zong Yihai is the person in charge, standing in front of everyone with his chest upright, Zong Yihai said: "The rules of this fruit-picking competition are very simple. Each of you has three days, and for these three days, you can only use Use space means to obtain the space god fruit and seal fruit."

"Once it is discovered that anyone has used other means in private, or hurt someone, the Space Sacred Tree will throw you out immediately. Those who are thrown out will not only be deprived of their qualifications, but also have their seals taken back. Only those left after three days Only monks can take away the Indian fruits in your hands!"

Zong Yihai originally had a small plan and wanted to hold a good game to make the fruit-picking competition extra "interesting".

But after seeing Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue, Zong Yihai changed his mind.

He focused on the roots of the Space Sacred Tree. The simpler the fruit-picking competition, the better, so that he could escape easily.The participants didn't know it yet, so they escaped unharmed.

Zong Yihai went on to say: "After three days, we will count the fruit harvested in your hands, and the more you win, the more you win! The top three will receive a gift from the Kong God Clan. The above are the rules of the fruit picking competition, I wish you good luck!"

After finishing speaking, Zong Yihai turned sideways to get out of the way.

Elder Qiu waved his sleeves and opened a door in the projection, and all the monks entered the door one by one.

As soon as you get started, start the game immediately!
As each monk entered the door, a leaf-shaped mirror appeared around the projection of the Space God Tree, and the figure of that monk happened to be in the mirror.

The performance of the monks in the fruit picking competition will also be displayed in front of the eyes of the forces in time.Those who perform well will naturally receive countless olive branches.This is also the way out for many monks with spatial talents.

After Gong Chen walked in, Jun Jiu, Xiao Wu and the others immediately found the mirror showing Gong Chen's figure...

After all the monks entered the door, Zong Yihai saw that everyone was looking at the mirror, and no one noticed it.He backed away quietly, to Yaoyao's side, Zong Yihai lowered his voice and said: "Yaoyao, next you will take over from your grandfather, I have something to leave."

Hearing this, he immediately stared at Zong Yihai suspiciously, and at the same time stretched out his hand to stop him.

Yaoyao snorted softly: "Second Young Master, where do you want to go? Tell me something."

"I, my stomach hurts!"

Zong Yihai immediately covered his stomach, his performance was quite exaggerated, he directly forcibly broke through Yaoyao's obstruction, and escaped.

Yaoyao frowned and tried to catch up, but was stopped by Elder Qiu.Yaoyao was puzzled, "Grandpa! The Second Young Master is the person in charge of this event, but the event is not over yet, how can he be allowed to leave. If this is known by foreigners, they will say that our Kong Shen clan has no rules."

"Let's go with the second son. He arranged the fruit-picking competition fairly well, which is already very good, and it's useless to keep him. As for what the foreigners say, don't pay attention to it." Elder Qiu said.

Hearing this, Yaoyao couldn't refute for a while, she glanced at the direction Zong Yihai was leaving, finally sighed and turned around to continue watching the game.

The second son is gone, she and grandpa can't go, they have to maintain the order of the fruit picking competition!
Zong Yihai left, Jun Jiu saw it.

His eyes flickered, Jun Jiu knew that Zong Yihai was going to fulfill his promise, a piece of root of the Space Sacred Tree, wondering if Zong Yihai could get it smoothly?
Then Jun Jiu raised his head to look in the direction where Mo Wuyue left, wondering if Wuyue has arrived now?


Space God Tree.

Zong Yihai hurried over, and immediately slowed down when he arrived, Zong Yihai carefully looked around.

The space god tree was guarded by the imperial guards of the God race, and they were a little puzzled when they saw Zong Yihai's sneaky appearance.

One of them asked, "Second Young Master, what's the matter with you?"

"Cough cough!"

Zong Yihai choked. In the past, the guards were almost as silent as statues, and they suddenly spoke to startle him.

Straightening his back, Zong Yihai said solemnly: "I'm here to find my mother."

After finishing speaking, Zong Yihai stepped into the space inside the Space Sacred Tree.There are no guards in the space, but there is his mother, Zong Yihai feels uneasy. To take a piece of the root of the space god tree, the most difficult and difficult thing is his mother!
Avoid, is unavoidable.

Zong Yihai was beating a drum in his heart, and he kept acting in his heart. If his mother asked him not to watch the fruit-picking competition, what would he do here?How should he answer so that mother won't be suspicious?

But when Zong Yihai walked in, he found that his mother, Mrs. Kong Ling, was not here, and all his thoughts were useless.

Not disappointed at all, Zong Yihai was ecstatic.

God help me!

Zong Yihai didn't bother to find out why Mrs. Kong Ling was not there. He seized the opportunity and time, and immediately made a trick, opened the door and entered the huge root world buried in the ground of the Space God Tree...

(End of this chapter)

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