The Evil Emperor's Pampering: Divine Doctor Ninth Miss

Chapter 2305 Digging, digging on his head

Chapter 2305 Digging, digging on his head
Chapter 2305 dig someone, dig on his head
Under the guidance of Mr. You Ming, Mirage quickly made a map, and by looking at the map, you can get a glimpse of the current mirage world.

The territory is circular, and there are hundreds of large and small islands in the mirage sea, scattered like a sky full of stars.Jun Jiu and the others gathered around, standing around the territory, looking down at the Mirage Realm.

"Ahem!" You Ming cleared his throat, causing everyone to look at him.

Old You Ming straightened his back, put one hand behind his back, stroked his beard with the other and said, "I asked Mirage, you haven't decided on a plan yet, I have some suggestions, do you want to listen to them?"

"Listen! Teacher just say it." Hearing this, Jun Jiu saw Elder You Ming's eyes burning two points.

Seeing Jun Jiu's reaction, Mo Wuyue's golden eyes flickered, then he looked at Old You Ming, nodded and said, "Please tell me."

Xiaowu, Cangchen and Mirage also looked at Lao Youming eagerly.

Elder Youming raised his hand and pointed to the Sea of ​​Mirage, and Elder Youming said: "The Sea of ​​Mirage is the best place to practice. Looking around, only the top sects can compare with it. You don't need to prepare any more training places. .”

The top sects will prepare a lot of squares for unified practice, attracting the hard-to-absorb spiritual energy from heaven and earth for their disciples to practice.

They have Sea of ​​Mirage, this step is saved!
Elder You Ming then continued: "Although this is the Mirage Realm, outsiders cannot enter without permission, but there must also be defenses. Zongmen forces must be divided into two parts, internal and external, and the defense levels of the two steps are different. Quarantine."

Jun Jiu nodded: "The teacher is very right. It's just that we haven't decided where to start the separation, and how to build palaces and pavilions after the separation, we haven't decided yet."

"We have blueprints, but they are so complicated that we can't do it. That's why we need to build a space altar and let the barbarians help us." Xiao Wu took Jun Jiu's words and said.

Cangchen also said: "With manpower, we can start."

But even with manpower, this is still a huge project, and I don't know how long it will take to get it done.

Jun Jiu and the others looked at each other, feeling that the road ahead was bleak and far away.

Building your own faction is fun, but the process is tedious, complex, and frustrating.Even if they are powerful, they have no way to deal with this kind of thing, nothing to do.

You Ming looked at the expressions of Jun Jiu and the others, and even Mo Wuyue frowned, with a troublesome expression that he couldn't help, You Ming couldn't help it.He burst out laughing loudly, shaking his head while laughing.

Everyone looked at Mr. You Ming quietly, Jun Jiu: "Teacher, what are you laughing at?"

"Laughing that your thinking is too complicated. Needless to say, Jun Jiu and the evil emperor, you are the suzerain, right? Xiao Wu, Cang Chen and the others are also elders. How can you do this kind of grassroots thing yourself? You are not good at it either. , can only waste time in vain." Old You Ming said.

Mo Wuyue: "We know."

For the first time, a few people grouped together to study for a few days, and they discovered by themselves that it was not that piece of material.That's why Jun Jiu asked Old Nether for help.

Facing Mo Wuyue's cold golden eyes, You Ming clenched his fists and coughed heavily on his mouth twice, restraining himself from laughing.

Elder You Ming pointed at the map, and continued: "You just need to finalize the internal and external scope. Then deploy defenses and isolation, and finalize the drawings of the inner sect. As for the outer sect, you don't even have to think about it."

"Since we want to create power, we must naturally recruit disciples. If nothing else, just rely on Jun Jiu, you and the evil emperor's reputation, as long as the news spreads, there will be so many people wanting to join the God's Domain. When the time comes, let them bring their own materials. Build a residence, and slowly, the Outer Sect will rise."

You Ming said and looked at Mirage.

Mibao raised his head, his face was fleshy, and he looked at him without blinking, so obedient!
You Ming had no descendants of his own, and the more he saw Mirage, he liked it more and more, so he couldn't help but reached out and touched Mirage's head.While touching, Old You Ming continued: "This is the territory of the mirage, and the mirage knows all about the wind and grass, and is not afraid of the disciples of the foreign sect playing tricks."

"These outer sect disciples, you should find a way to evaluate them. If they are good, they will be accepted into the inner sect and formally accepted as disciples. When they enter the inner sect, they will stay outside, and those who come later will not worry about where to live." Said.

Xiao Wu opened his mouth in shock, "Isn't this an empty-handed white wolf?"

You Ming nods his head, he is an empty-handed white wolf!
For a newly established force, the inner sect is the core, and the outer sect can be stocked first, and then take care of it when it grows in scale.

Anyway, the suzerain is Jun Jiu and the evil emperor, disobedient?Want to rebel?

You Ming always felt that few people in God's Domain had the guts to do so.Even if you have the guts, you don't have the ability to succeed.

You Ming stroked his beard proudly, and asked Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue with a smile: "Jun Jiu, Evil Emperor, what do you think of these proposals?"

"That's right." Mo Wuyue spoke first, agreeing to Elder You Ming's proposal.

Jun Jiu nodded and gave a thumbs up to Mr. You Ming!

Originally, they thought Yin Han and Leng Yuan had to come to make progress, but they didn't expect Mr. You Ming to directly solve the biggest problem for them.It's a lot easier now.

With the approval of Mo Wuyue and Jun Jiu, You Ming was a little flustered. He continued with a smug smile, "There are not enough materials, so you can go to Dark Boat City to buy them. That is the biggest trading place in God's Domain."

"Once your defense and isolation are settled, and the inner sect has a scale, you can spread the news to recruit disciples."

"Students are simple, and elders don't worry much. Look at me, You Xin and King Langya are very happy to come to you to be elders."

Every time You Ming said something, Jun Jiu and the others nodded.

When Mr. You Ming stopped to take a breath, and thought about what else to suggest, Jun Jiu looked at him quietly.Jun Jiu asked: "Teacher, why don't you also come to us to be an elder? Ordinary elders are definitely not enough. Teacher, you are at least the Supreme Elder."

You Ming was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Jun Jiu in bewilderment.

How did you dig someone up on his head?
Mo Wuyue nodded, and followed Jun Jiu's words: "As long as you are willing, I will talk to Qiongmeng, and he will let you go. If you don't want to part with Shenyi, you can also be the Supreme Elder on both sides. Xiaojiuer and I do not mind."

"Yeah! As long as you're okay, teacher, we're fine." Jun Jiu narrowed his lips and nodded.

Old Nether: ...

You Ming always swallowed his saliva, this temptation is great!

Elder You Ming also knew that what Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue said was true, in fact, Mo Wuyue didn't need to say anything, as long as he was willing to accept the help of the gods, the gods could send all the backbone of the Shenyi station.

As if aware of what You Ming was thinking, Mo Wuyue frowned slightly, and said, "I only want people whom Xiao Jiu'er and I know well."

"Then Wu Shanqing?"

"Yes." Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue nodded in unison.

To poach people, first poach Mr. You Ming and Wu Shanqing, they are also the best.

(End of this chapter)

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