Chapter 2336 Five Hotspots
Chapter 2336 five hot spots
The buildings of the Fanling Race are very obvious and unique, and they cannot be seen on the other continents of God's Domain.

The whole is built with bronze as the base, so it doesn't look the same.Because each building is unique, looking out of the window, it is almost impossible to see repeated architectural shapes at a glance.Because they are all bronze, they are quite harmonious and neat.

However, not all the buildings in the city are made of bronze, and there are also scattered brass buildings in the distance, which stand out like a group of chickens.

Jin Xiaoyang introduced heartily and enthusiastically: "This is Fangri City in Qinglongsu. We just passed by here. The brass building is the place where the city lord and adults live, and the bronze building is the place where ordinary mortals live. It's all elves living there."

Golden Lamb pointed to himself, and continued: "Elves are just like me. They have many shapes and different personalities. But most of them can't compare with me. I am one of the most outstanding elves under Lord Herring's command." one."

When Jin Xiaoyang spoke, he raised his chest and looked up, very proud and proud.

You know, every adult can have thousands of elves under his command.But only the three most outstanding elves can follow and do things for adults!
Such elves all have real power, and the power is different according to ability.

The Golden Lamb is ranked second under Herring's command.

Originally, Herring wanted the number one elf to welcome Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue, but because of something, she couldn't leave.Only then did the golden lamb come.

From here, Golden Lamb could see that Lord Herring attached great importance to these two honored guests, so naturally its attitude was extraordinarily enthusiastic.

Jin Xiaoyang pointed to a direction outside the window, and opened his mouth: "We have to go through three city mirrors before arriving at Jiaomu City. On the way, we will pass Fangri City, Xinyue City and Kangjin City. The scenery in the city is unique!"

There was a pause after he finished speaking, and Jin Xiaoyang blinked, raised his hand and touched his horns and said, "If you two distinguished guests have any questions, you can ask me! I will know everything and talk about it."

"Then let's talk about the National Teacher Election Conference." Hearing this, Jun Jiu looked away from the car window and said to Jin Xiaoyang with pursed lips.

Jin Xiaoyang widened his eyes and looked at Jun Jiu in surprise, as if he didn't expect Jun Jiu to be so direct!

He touched the horns again, and the cheeks of the golden lamb were bulging.

Thinking about the reason why Lord Herring invited the two distinguished guests, Jin Xiaoyang nodded. There is a saying among the monks that only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win every battle.The more the two distinguished guests must know, the more they can help Master Qingyu!

The golden lamb clenched his left hand and smashed it on the palm of his right hand. It had a serious face, folded its wings in a straight posture, and knelt down opposite Mo Wuyue and Jun Jiu.

Jin Xiaoyang said: "Let's start with the five most popular adults in the National Teacher Election Conference!"

The number of members of the Fanling Clan is not large. Since the Fanling Continent was divided into four phenomena, the Fanling Clan has been divided into four camps.

Each of the four camps governs its own sphere of influence, but they all have to obey the orders of Master Fanling!
Almost, the national teacher can be regarded as the leader of the Mortal Spirit Clan, leading a class.With the guidance of the national teacher, the Fanling clan have lived in peace and harmony with each other for thousands of years.Until a hundred years ago, the last national teacher died for unknown reasons.

Every national teacher will train his own successor, and the successors selected and trained by the national teacher will also be recognized by the Mortal Spirit Clan.

However, the last national teacher was still very young, and he had only become a national teacher not long ago, so he had no time to train a successor.After the fall of the national teacher, the Fanling Continent began to be in turmoil. The four camps of Sixiang wanted to elect a national teacher from their own camp to lead the Fanling clan, but other forces refused.

The fall of the national teacher broke the peace of the Fanling clan and started a century of turmoil and disputes.

Until now, the Fanling tribe has finally unified the conditions and requirements, and they will hold a national teacher election meeting to select the most popular national teacher!

Among the Fanling clan, not everyone can be a national teacher, only the outstanding and powerful Fanling clan can!
For example, in this National Teacher Election Conference, Sixiang has proposed candidates, and there are ten candidates in total.But among these ten people, only five people are the most popular, and their chances are the greatest!
Jin Xiaoyang: "Based on the strength of these five adults, Master Jin Jiao in Qinglongsu has a tough wrist and a brutal personality, which is very dangerous! As far as I am concerned, I don't want Master Jin Jiao to be a national teacher. Everyone is a disaster."

When Jin Xiaoyang spoke, he would inevitably bring his own opinions, and Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue didn't mind either.

From the viewpoint of the golden lamb, more information can be seen.

Jin Xiaoyang continued: "The second place is Xuanwusu, my Master Qingyu! Master Qingyu has a very high voice, has the full support of the Great Desolation Alliance, and is also well-known in other continents. I really hope that Master Qingyu can become the National teacher! Hehe."

"The third is Lord Yuelu from Suzaku. Lord Yuelu didn't want to run for election at first. She is the king of Suzaku. If she becomes a national teacher, she will have to give up her position as king. Lord Yuelu loves Suzaku very much, but she is not very happy." I like to leave Suzaku Suzaku." Jin Xiaoyang said.

Hearing this, Jun Jiu raised his brows with interest.

Jun Jiu asked, "Then why does Lord Yuelu still participate in the national teacher election meeting?"

"It's not because of the cardinal. The cardinal is more dangerous than Lord Jinjiao, and Lord Yuelu is also for the good of the Mortal Spirits." Jin Xiaoyang pouted and said unhappily, his eyes were full of boredom.


Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue looked at each other, the cardinal was the second Mortal Spirit they knew besides the herring.

Cardinal and Nie Ziqi of the Holy Alliance teamed up to find Wen Xie at the final event, and You Xin almost fell because of this, and there was no time to go to them to settle the debt.In the end, it was Wen Xie who took the initiative to leave with them.

At that time, they guessed that Linque and Nie Ziqi joined forces to plot against the national teacher of the Mortal Spirit Clan.Just as herring has a close relationship with the Primordial Alliance, Cardinal must also want to form an alliance with the Holy Alliance and let the Holy Alliance help her.

But judging from Jin Xiaoyang's tone, Cardinal has a bad reputation in the Mortal Spirit Race.

Jun Jiu's eyes deepened, she nodded to Jin Xiaoyang: "Continue."

"I will continue. The fourth is Lord Timber Wolf of Baihusu. Lord Timber Wolf is very fierce. Everyone is afraid of him, but he is actually very good. Lord Herring likes Lord Timber Wolf the most!"

"The fifth one is..." Jin Xiaoyang showed a bored expression again.

He curled his lips, and then said: "The fifth is Zhuquesu's Cardinal. She is very narrow-minded and loves to take revenge. I don't know how she became a popular candidate. Apart from Master Yuelu, Zhuquesu supports her the most. If it wasn't for her, Master Yuelu would not participate in the election either."

The golden lamb calls everyone else adults, but the cardinal calls them by their names, which is evident.

Cardinal... Jun Jiu read twice, his eyes dark and deep.

(End of this chapter)

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