Chapter 2345 Evil Emperor Tyrant
Chapter 2345 Evil Emperor Tyrant
"Golden Lamb, come here." Jun Jiu hooked his fingers at the Golden Lamb.

The golden lamb couldn't come over, instead he flapped his wings and flew back, creating a distance.

Seeing this, Jun Jiu raised her eyebrows, but didn't speak, and looked at it with a half-smile.Looking at each other, Jin Xiaoyang flew over with his hands behind his back, pretending that nothing happened, and said, "What's the matter, honored guest?"

"You just said that Herring introduced Timberwolf's guests?" Jun Jiu asked it.

Jin Xiaoyang's eyes widened, and he quickly looked around, seeing that other people were still immersed in the identity of Yin Xiu who was shocked, and no one noticed this, so Jin Xiaoyang was relieved.

The golden lamb looked at Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue again, and said in a very low voice: "You are the honored guests of Lord Qingyu, I can tell you, yes. The guests of Lord Wood Wolf are not distinguished enough, so Lord Herring helped Wood Wolf Your Excellency has invited these two distinguished guests."

The relationship between Timber Wolf and Herring has always been very good. Although Timber Wolf has a poisonous tongue, he is a very nice person, so Herring helps Timber Wolf, even if they are both competitors, Golden Lamb can understand.

But Jin Xiaoyang never expected that the honored guest invited by Lord Herring to Lord Wood Wolf would be so honorable and powerful!
Jin Xiaoyang is in a hurry, isn't Master Herring making a strong enemy against him?

If the distinguished guests invited by Master Herring are no match, then you will lose!
The Golden Lamb looked at Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue without saying these words, it only quietly added: "Only I know about this matter, honored guest, please don't tell anyone else."

Jun Jiu glanced at the worried Jin Xiaoyang and nodded lightly.

Then he turned his head and looked at Mo Wuyue, Jun Jiu's eyes flashed with enlightenment, so that's it!She finally understood.

When he first met Yin Xiu and the three elders of the Honghuang Alliance, Jun Jiu was still surprised. Yin Xiu and Herring had a good relationship, why didn't they invite Yin Xiu instead?
Now that he knows Yin Xiu's true identity, Jun Jiu can be sure that Herring must know about it!

But he introduced Yin Xiu and the three elders of Honghuang Alliance to Wood Wolf, and then invited her and Wuyue, Jun Jiu felt that he had touched some secret doors.

Just close to opening the door and figuring out the truth.


At this time, there was a light coughing sound, the volume of the voice was not loud, but it miraculously quieted the audience.

Everyone looked at Herring with different expressions.

Some are joking and watching a good show, some are curious and playful, and some are calm and unchanging.

Not only looking at the herring, but also frequently looking at Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue who were sitting in the VIP seats.It is not difficult to guess the thoughts of the owner of these gazes, he must be guessing that the honored guests of the herring can compare with the guests of the cardinals, golden dragons, and wood wolves?

Unless, it is someone from another alliance!
Jin Jiao thought the same way. He deliberately taunted Herring, saying: "Herring, you should have spoken earlier, so that everyone would still listen to you. Now tsk tsk, everyone is shocked about the identity of Wood Wolf's guest, you are in danger."

"Hmph, Jin Jiao, shut up." The wooden wolf glared at Jin Jiao unhappily.

Jin Jiao stared back, he opened his mouth to say something, but thinking of the honored guest invited by Wood Wolf, Jin Jiao endured it.

When he looked back, he couldn't help but catch a glimpse of the cardinal's expression out of the corner of his eye. The golden dragon was stunned. Why did the cardinal look restless and panicked?
At this moment, Herring spoke.

Herring is still young and mature, indifferent and ruthless, and his calm tone is not affected at all.

Herring said: "My distinguished guests are the Evil Emperor and his wife."

A simple sentence, without a tone of showing off, and without arrogance of pride and confidence, and then fell silent after one sentence, and there was no more word.

But the audience was dead silent.

Sometimes the shorter the words, the more extraordinary!

After a while, only the Mortal Spirit lowered their voices in surprise and asked, "Who is the evil emperor?"

Someone quietly glanced at Mo Wuyue and Jun Jiu, lowered his voice, and secretly introduced: "You are so busy studying institutions that you don't know that the evil emperor is the son of the gods, and the evil emperor and tyrant that the three major alliances can't afford to offend." .Few people in God’s Domain would dare to oppose him.”

"Really?" Some mortal spirits didn't believe it.

Mo Wuyue has never been to the Mortal Spirit Continent, and most of the Mortal Spirit Clan has no news about it, and they don't know the rumors about the God Realm.

The Fanlings who knew it nodded repeatedly, and hastily grabbed the unbelieving Fanlings, and introduced again: "Don't offend the evil emperor. The evil emperor has a tyrant's temper, and if he raises his hand in anger, he will destroy the entire clan. Our Fanlings will also block it." Can't live with him."

"Shenyi knows, his parents are the master of Shenyi, and he is the young master of Shenyi!"

"If you don't believe me, look at the Primordial Alliance and the Holy Alliance. They don't dare to disrespect the evil emperor! Tsk tsk, as expected of a herring, once the evil emperor comes out, which distinguished guest can compare?"


No matter how low the voices of the Fan Lingzu were, but when the whole audience was silent, their words were more or less clearly heard by others.

Many mortal spirit clansmen looked at Nie Ziqi and Fang Qing, and then at Yin Xiu and the three elders of the Honghuang Alliance. The former's face was pale and his body was stiff as if he was afraid.The latter had no arrogance at all, and sat there quietly, allowing them to scrutinize him.

It was the Evil Emperor and Jun Jiu.

All the mortal spirits had noticed them a long time ago, the two of them were really outstanding and dazzling, peerless, stunning and evil, they could compare to other distinguished guests only in terms of appearance and imposing manner.

Never expected that the identities of the two of them are so shocking and terrifying!
The expressions of all the mortal spirit clans faintly separated into camps, showing signs of voting tendencies.

But I can't vote yet, and Yueyan didn't introduce her. Although she didn't invite any distinguished guests, the rules are there, and it's impossible to skip her directly.

People looked at Yueyan one after another, and only then did everyone realize that it seemed that Yueyan was not as flustered as before, as if she had taken a reassurance.

Seeing more and more people looking at her, Yueyan took a deep breath, and looked up at Yuelu who was out of the game and sat on the viewing seat.Yuelu nodded to her, Yueyan pursed her lips, and turned her head to look at Emperor Langya and Jingyuan who were seated at the VIP table.

Meeting Yueyan's eyes, Jing Yuan raised his brows and let out a surprised "Huh".

Yueyan said: "My distinguished guest is one of the seven saints in the alliance of saints, Emperor Langya. There is also the domain master of Langya."

Hearing this, Jun Jiu, Mr. Yan, and Yin Xiu at the VIP table all looked at Emperor Langya and Jing Yuan.Jing Yuan was also stunned, never expecting Yueyan to talk about them, Jing Yuan immediately turned to look at Emperor Langya.

Emperor Langya said calmly: "It's just a deal with Yuelu, be careful."

"Oh." Jing Yuan nodded, restraining his expression of eating melon and eating himself.

too fast!
They thought that Yuelu was out and they could just watch on the sidelines, but when they turned around, they changed from Yuelu's guests to Yueyan's guests whom they had never seen before.

I don't know when Emperor Langya made the deal with Yuelu.

But right now, all five of them have distinguished guests, and who will abstain next?
How to vote.

(End of this chapter)

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