Chapter 2351 A good show

Chapter 2351 a good show

Jin Xiaoyang immediately widened his eyes when he heard that, and looked at Jun Jiu with a horrified mouth: "Dear guest, you mean something happened to Lord Qingyu? It's impossible, this is Qinglong Dungeon, and the guards are heavily guarded! Master Qingyu is already a national teacher, who dares?" ……hiss!"

Jin Xiaoyang took a deep breath when he remembered that his previous national teacher died at a young age.

Now the little golden goat was in a hurry, fluttered his wings and rushed far away, but had to retreat, even though he was worried about the safety of Master Herring, he couldn't leave the distinguished guest behind.

Seeing the expression on Jin Xiaoyang's face, Jun Jiu curled his lips to comfort it: "Don't worry, there is no big movement in the dungeon at the moment, Herring should be fine."

"Huh, that's good." Jin Xiaoyang heaved a sigh of relief.

Then Jin Xiaoyang looked at Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue in shock and suspicion, and Jin Xiaoyang asked: "But how do you know that Master Qingyu is in danger?"

"A woman's intuition." Jun Jiu replied.

When he saw the brass carriage, Jun Jiu felt that the carriage had been tampered with.

But even Jin Xiaoyang didn't find out the problem, either Jun Jiu felt that something was wrong, or his passive behavior was very sophisticated, so Jin Xiaoyang couldn't find the problem.Jun Jiu believed in her intuition and tended to be tampered with, but Jin Xiaoyang couldn't find out.

Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue looked at each other and exchanged eyes.

There is a sign on the carriage, except for the herring, the other Mortals will not move the carriage.

Now that the Fanling clan already knew the identities of Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue, anyone who dared to tamper with the carriage was probably aiming at herring!

They have just formed an alliance with Herring, but they don't want the alliance to die at the beginning, so thanks?

Anyway, I haven't left Qinglong Dungeon yet, so it's not far to go back and have a look.

Jun Jiu and the others quickly returned to the palace. Looking from a distance, the gate of the palace was closed tightly, and there was no movement at all. It was too quiet but there were monsters.

The golden lamb was in a hurry, flapped its wings and flew over, just approaching the palace... Crack!

The golden lamb seemed to have bumped into something, and fell to the ground with his head up, and hissed while covering his forehead: "It's so hard."

After the golden lamb hit it, there was a faint humming in the air, the stream of light passed by, and a hood covering the entire palace appeared in an instant.Moments later, the cover disappeared.

The golden lamb stretched out his hand to touch it, and there was really something covering the palace, not its illusion.

Jin Xiaoyang suddenly became anxious, "Master Herring! It's me, Jin Xiaoyang! Master Herring, are you alright? Master Herring?"

Herring: "Come in."

Herring's indifferent and calm voice came, and then the cover in front of him opened a crack, just enough for Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue to pass through.

Jin Xiaoyang was anxious and rushed in directly.Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue stepped in unhurriedly, into the cover, and the scene in front of them suddenly changed.The palace is no longer closed and silent, but a place of ruins.

Herring stood in the ruins, and Yuelu half-kneeled opposite Herring with blood on her body. She was tightly bound by chains and gleamed with black light, pressing her down and unable to stand up.

Seeing this, Jin Xiaoyang was stunned, Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue raised their eyebrows.

Sure enough, something went wrong!

Herring looked up, and when he saw Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue, annoyance flashed across his eyes, then Herring frowned and looked at Jin Xiaoyang: "Why are you back?"

"The carriage seems to have been tampered with. The honored guest said that you are in danger, Master Herring, so we rushed back." The golden lamb flew to Herring's side, and while speaking aggrievedly, he waved his hand and took out countless bronze pieces, surrounding Herring for defense Protect up.

After protecting it, Jin Xiaoyang looked at Yuelu in shock, and asked again: "Master Qingyu, what's wrong with Master Yuelu?"

Herring didn't answer the Golden Lamb.

After he glanced at Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue apologetically, he stared at Yue Lu coldly, Herring asked, "Yue Lu, did you tamper with the carriage?"

"It's not me." Yuelu said, spitting blood.

There is nothing gentle and beautiful on Yuelu's face and body now, only a strong sense of impatience and sarcasm, Yuelu said: "I only kill you, what do others have to do with me? Don't blame me for everything. "

"Master Yuelu, why did you kill Master Herring! Master Herring is now a national teacher. If you have this idea, it is tantamount to treason, why?" Jin Xiaoyang looked at Yuelu in disbelief, his eyes widened.

Among the Fanling clan, if anyone wants to kill the herring, it is possible to say that the golden dragon, cardinal, etc., but it is Yuelu, who is respected and loved by countless Fanling clans, has a very good reputation, and is friendly and gentle with everyone. For example, after Yuelu was eliminated, she still helped Yueyan compete in a friendly and considerate manner.

Even if he saw it with his own eyes, Jin Xiaoyang couldn't believe it.

Jun Jiu watched with interest, looked at Jin Xiaoyang's expression, and then looked at Herring.Herring wasn't surprised or angry at all, as if he had expected it a long time ago.

Jun Jiu became more and more interested. She never expected to watch a good show before leaving.

Jun Jiu looked at Yue Lu and said, "Tell me, why did you kill the herring?"

"Damn him, he is like his brother, he will drag the entire mortal race into hell. You should also stay away from him, otherwise he will drag you into the water, even if the evil emperor is the son of the gods, he will not escape death " Yuelu said, turning her head to stare at Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue.

Hearing this, Jun Jiu raised his eyebrows.

Mo Wuyue hooked his sly lips, and his golden eyes were cold and mocking, dragging him into hell?Just rely on herring?

Yuelu saw the reaction of Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue, she looked hideous, and said bitterly: "I am not alarmist! The fate of the mortal spirit clan was doomed ten thousand years ago, and some people want to change their fate against the sky. , Evil Emperor, as the son of the gods, you should know what it means to fight against the destiny and the rules of heaven and earth!"

"Herring and his elder brother want to seek death. If they die, why should they bring the Mortal Spirits with them? Another catastrophe will wipe out the remaining few hundred years of life of the Mortal Spirits. He and his elder brother want to kill Mortal Spirit Race!" Yuelu stared back at Herring with hatred and anger.

Herring looked calm and mature as always, he looked at Yuelu quietly and said, "You killed my brother?"

"Yes." Yuelu admitted.

Herring clenched his fists and said, "Then you know, my brother likes you."

Yuelu froze, she lowered her head to avoid Herring's sight, and let out a low sneer.Yuelu said: "I know, if he didn't like me, I wouldn't have gotten it so easily."

When Jun Jiu heard this, surprise flashed in her eyes, she didn't expect that this good show would be a bit bloody.

Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue looked at each other, and then looked at Herring, wondering if Herring could bear the truth?
To Jun Jiu's surprise, Herring was unusually calm. He stared at Yuelu calmly, and opened his mouth: "I should have guessed that it was you. Except for you, no one in the Fanling Tribe has the ability to kill him. As a national teacher, I have One purpose is to lure you to show up."

(End of this chapter)

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