The Evil Emperor's Pampering: Divine Doctor Ninth Miss

Chapter 2363 There are apprentices and grandchildren

Chapter 2363 There are apprentices and grandchildren
Chapter 2363 There are apprentices and grandchildren
Hearing this, Xiao Wu and Gong Chen all looked up to the sky, their spiritual consciousness looked over the roof to the sky, and there was no change.Looking around again, there was still no abnormal reaction, they were confused, how did Tiandi respond to Jingyuan?

Until Mo Wuyue narrowed his golden eyes, looked at Jing Yuan and said, "From this moment on, Jing Yuan of the Turtle Clan will be my first apprentice."

A white light appeared out of thin air, and the light flashed across the bodies of Jing Yuan and Mo Wuyue, successfully witnessing the rules of heaven and earth.

In the end, all that remains is to conclude a master-apprentice contract.

Mo Wuyue got up and stood in front of Jing Yuan, who raised the tortoise shell with both hands, then lowered his head and waited quietly.

Mo Wuyue stretched out his right hand and made a gesture with his fingertips.Mo Wuyue's speed was very slow, which also allowed everyone to see clearly the steps of his formula. It was a very difficult, mysterious contract that made people feel headaches.Judging from Mo Wuyue's actions, it seems that every step of completing such a contract has been greatly hindered.

Indeed, there are obstacles. Races of gods like the Evil Emperor and the Tortoise establish fetters, which are extremely terrifying and will not be easily accepted by the law.

But this obstacle is not enough for Mo Wuyue. At most, the contract is a little slower.

Mo Wuyue finally succeeded in condensing the contract. He waved the master-student contract and flew out of the turtle shell that fell into Jing Yuan's hands. The light of the turtle shell was even more dazzling.

Mo Wuyue flicked his fingers again, "Go."

The tortoise shell shattered with a buzzing sound, turning into countless streamers, and then the streamers were divided into two parts, and part of it sank into the center of Jingyuan's eyebrows, leaving a mark at last, which disappeared in the flicker of light.

Part of it flew into Mo Wuyue's palm, condensed into the same imprint, and then disappeared.

"Master!" Jing Yuan raised his head and called out with great excitement and joy.

Now he is the apprentice of the serious Mo Wuyue!

Jing Yuan was excited, and looked at Jun Jiu again and called happily: "Master!"

Jun Jiu nodded, and said with a smile on his lips: "The apprenticeship is successful, get up."


Jing Yuan was so happy, he stood up as if he was jumping up, which provoked Xiao Wu and Cang Chen to smile kindly and teasingly.

No one can believe that Jing Yuan, who is as excited as a kid, will be the famous King Langya.

Jing Yuan also realized that he was too excited and reckless. He stood up straight and stretched out his hands to straighten his sleeves.Only the shining light in his eyes never restrained, revealing Jingyuan's excitement at the moment.

Then Jing Yuan turned around and looked at Awang, and said, "You can now become a teacher. Our apprenticeship does not need to be so complicated, just kneel down and kowtow to me three times, and just call me Master."

"Okay." Awang nodded obediently, and was about to kneel down immediately.

Jing Yuan suddenly realized something, he quickly grabbed Awang's arm to prevent Awang from kneeling down.Ngawang looked up at Jing Yuan blankly, puzzled.

Jing Yuan let go of his hand first, coughed lightly and opened his mouth to ask him, "Is your name just Awang?"

Awang hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

Jing Yuan frowned immediately, looked at Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue, then continued to look at him with a frown, shook his head and said, "Since you want to be my apprentice, the name Awang is not acceptable, it sounds like a dog's name , how do I introduce you to others?"

Awang pursed his lips and lowered his head. He didn't say that the name Awang was originally the name of a dog.It was the people of Yuanjizong who shouted on purpose, deliberately insulting him.

After years of shouting, Ngawang gradually became his name, and only he and his deceased grandfather remembered the original name.

At this time, Jing Jingyuan said: "You have to change your name, don't ask how domineering and majestic, at least you can listen to it."

"Can I call back the name my grandfather gave me?" Awang asked, looking up at Jingyuan eagerly after hearing this.

Jing Yuan was taken aback, "What's it called?"

"Li Fuling, grandpa wishes me good luck." Awang replied.

Jing Yuan stroked his chin and nodded, "This name sounds very blessed, much better than Awang or something, then your name is Li Fuling."

Jingyuan didn't ask Awang since he has a name, why is he still called Awang?

Even if he becomes his apprentice, he won't ask about the past.

Jing Yuan rushed to Awang, who should be called Li Fuling now, and gestured to him. Li Fuling immediately knelt down facing Jing Yuan, kowtowed to Jing Yuan three times firmly and sincerely, and then shouted loudly: "Master!"

"Very good. Now you are my apprentice, get up. Hurry up and meet your master and grandparents." Jing Yuan said with a smile on his face.

Li Fuling got up meekly, walked to Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue and saluted and changed his words.

Therefore, after Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue had apprentices, they immediately ushered in disciples and grandchildren, and the division developed three generations in minutes.

This is a happy event!

The happy event is worth celebrating, Jun Jiu thought about it, and she took out all the Fushengzui.

Jun Jiu said to everyone: "This is the spirit and beast family's fine wine Fushengzui given by Xiaomo's brother. It is very beneficial to monks and can also intoxicate people. Today, I will use this wine to celebrate that Wuyue and I have gained a disciple and grandson. "

"Okay! Meow is already smelling the wine, and I want to be the first to taste it!" Xiao Wu sniffed the cat's nose, staring at the wine jar with shining golden eyes.

Holding the wine jar to drink, definitely not, it's too rough.

Take the wine and put it into the jug, each person has a jug, pour the wine by himself and toast to celebrate.Immediately, the room was filled with the intoxicating aroma of wine, and just smelling the aroma of the wine made people feel a little bit giddy, and their eyes were blurred.

Jun Jiu took a sip, the taste was mellow and attractive, but Jun Jiu had to put down the wine glass, shook his head and let himself wake up a bit.

This wine is too overbearing!

Just one sip can make people feel a little bit overwhelmed, no wonder it can make the god emperor drunk.

Jun Jiu wanted to try it again, but thinking that he hadn't seen his father and mother after returning, Jun Jiu had to stop for a while.It is enough to take a sip and celebrate and share the joy with everyone, let them drink slowly next.

Jun Jiu looked at Mo Wuyue, Mo Wuyue only drank a glass, and put the empty glass aside and did not pour any more wine.

The corner of Jun Jiu's mouth was curved, Jun Jiu smiled and looked at Mo Wuyue, Wuyue knew that she wanted to visit her parents, so she stopped after just one drink, he would go with her, it was really a tacit understanding.

Jun Jiu blinked at Mo Wuyue, "Let's go?"


Mo Wuyue got up first, and stretched out his hand to Jun Jiu.

Jun Jiu handed over his hand, and Mo Wuyue slightly pulled Jun Jiu up, and the two of them looked side by side at the people who were greedy for drinks in the room.Fu Shengzui was too domineering and too intoxicating, the more he drank, the more reluctant he was to put down the glass.

Fortunately, this wine is beneficial, and it will not harm the body. It is okay for everyone to drink too much.

Jun Jiu pursed his lips and said: "You guys drink first, and Wuyue and I will come back later, and then drink with you."

(End of this chapter)

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