Chapter 2382 She's Not a Waste

Chapter 2382 She is not a waste

After all, the audition is not a God's election conference, and the audition has the largest number of people, so many that it is unimaginable, and it is impossible to count accurately.

If people are allowed to kill in the audition, the number of deaths will be very scary, especially if there are many people mixed together, accidents are easy to happen.God's Choice City doesn't want to be in trouble, it would be better if no murder is allowed in the audition, so how much trouble can be saved.

On the day before the start of the God's Choice Conference and audition, the monks who were going to participate flew out of the God's Choice City and headed for the God's Choice Mountain Range.

There is a rule in the audition, which is the same as the God's election conference, division.

The Shenjun District is to the east of the Shenxuan Mountain Range, and the Shenwang District is to the south of the Shenxuan Mountain Range. There is a light curtain in the middle that divides the Shenxuan Mountain Range into two parts, and also cuts off the road between the two sides.

Xiao Wu reluctantly hugged Jun Jiu for a long time, and then let go of his hand under Mo Wuyue's sharp eyes and Cang Chen's sour gaze.

Xiao Wu, Cang Chen, Wu Rou, and Leng Yuan are going to the east of the mountains.

Jun Jiu, Mo Wuyue, and Zong Yihai went to the south of the mountain range.

Jing Yuan and You Xin stayed in the city. When the audition starts, there will be water mirrors everywhere in God's Choice City, and everyone can watch the whole game from their own rooms.There is no need to fly to the God's Choice Mountains, crowded with people.

If you really want to watch the battle at close range, you can also take out the spirit ship and fly high in the sky above the God's Choice Mountain Range.

It's just an audition, and Jingyuan and the others won't pass it yet.

set off!

After reaching the south of the God's Choice Mountain Range, it is divided into three districts according to the realm.

The God's Choice Mountain Range is very vast. After being divided into two, there are still endless rolling mountains.It is further divided into three districts, and each district has hundreds of peaks, enough for countless people to hide in them.

Level 1-3 god kings are in the first area.

When Jun Jiu set off, he untied a phantom star stone on his wrist, and his strength returned to the level of a second-level god king.

Zong Yihai is a third-level god king, and they can enter the first district together.Mo Wuyue was hand-picked by the city lord of God's Choice, and secretly reminded all the supervisors and persons in charge that when they saw the evil emperor with silver hair and golden eyes, they all pretended not to see them.

But they can pretend they didn't see it, and the monks in the first district queuing up to receive tokens couldn't pretend.

As soon as Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue came over, all the monks were dumbfounded.

Silver hair and golden eyes... evil, evil emperor? !

The entrance of District [-], which was originally full of voices and crowds, became quiet for a moment, only the sound of everyone's beating heartbeat and swallowing saliva could be heard.Everyone was silent and dumbfounded, watching the two people walking from a distance and then passing by in disbelief.

You ask why there are two people, Zong Yihai?

Zong Yihai became the background board~

With Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue walking in front of him side by side, he is no different from the air, no one will take a look at him.

This kind of scene, until Jun Jiu and Zong Yihai received the tokens and went to the side to wait for the audition to start the next day, people gradually came back to their senses.

Some people are crazy, some people are scared, some people hold their heads in a daze... The whole area exploded.

Why did the evil emperor come to the God's Selection Conference!
Seeing that all the monks were about to collapse, some even wanted to withdraw their tokens with a sad face, begging to quit.The guards of God's Choice City who were in charge of distributing the tokens had to bear the pressure, and spoke their spiritual power to spread their voice to the crowd in the area.

Cheng Wei said: "Everyone, calm down! Your Excellency the Evil Emperor will not participate in the God's Choice Conference. He is the supervisor and will not attack you."

After a pause, the city guard had to add another sentence under the eyes of other city guards: "But I hope that when everyone asks for help, don't disturb His Excellency the Evil Emperor. There are still many supervisors who will rescue you in time."

The audience was silent, everyone rolled their eyes at the city guard.

Who dares to ask the evil emperor for help?
However, Cheng Wei's words made many people feel calm and at ease. At any rate, the Evil Emperor did not participate in the God's Choice Conference, but was just a supervisor.

Afterwards, everyone realized that the peerless beauty who was with the evil emperor was Jun Jiu, the wife of the evil emperor, right?
Jun Jiu participated in the God's Choice Conference, and the evil emperor came to accompany him?
Hey~ Everyone was stuffed with dog food.

After everyone calmed down, everyone took out the communication jade and spread the news.It was like a storm passed by, and soon the second, third, and three districts east of the God's Choice Mountain Range all knew about it.

Not to mention how much sensation it caused, the most notable thing was that everyone was talking about the God's Selection Conference, but now they were all talking about Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue.

The more you gossip, the more you eat the dog food, the pain and happiness~

South of the God's Choice Mountain Range, at the entrance of District [-], in a certain corner.

Even though it was divided into districts, there were still as many people as a tide, and the people hiding under the cloak were like a drop of water falling into the sea, inconspicuous at all.

He quietly listened to the people around him gossip about Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue, blinked for a while, and pursed his lips.At this time, the person who was also wearing a cloak spoke, and the woman's delicate voice was full of jealousy and disdain.

She said: "Even to participate in a God's Choice Conference, you have to rely on the escort of the Evil Emperor. This Jun Jiu is such a waste. I don't know what skills I have to make the Evil Emperor look at her? Is the Evil Emperor bewitched by evil?"

"Shut up." Wen Xie's voice was cold, and no one could hear his anger.

The woman beside her turned her head to stare at Wen Xie, narrowed her eyes and said, "Wen Xie, I heard that you know Jun Jiu, you don't like her, do you?"

Wen Xie didn't respond.

Silence is acquiescing, and the woman's tone of voice was surprised and unbelievable: "You really like her? A trash who doesn't know her origin, but who became famous in the God Realm only by hugging the evil emperor's thigh, do you like her?"

Wen Xie was furious.

He raised his head and stared at the woman, his hood was slightly tilted back, revealing Wen Xie's chin.Wen Xie said coldly: "She's not trash, she can kill you."


The woman laughed, "Wen Xie, what are you talking about in your sleep?"

"It's a fact." Wen Xie said coldly.

The woman laughed louder, folded her arms around her chest, and leaned closer to Wen Xie.Wen Xie didn't move, he was as cold as a statue, allowing the woman to approach.

The woman stopped in front of him, and the two of them were very close. The woman said, "Wen Xie, you have to find out, grandma, I am not just a beautiful waste. I killed all the competitors and became the youngest apprentice of the master." , this is my skill!"

"Also, Auntie, I'm here to protect you. If you continue to disrespect me because of that trash, you will suffer at the God's Choice Conference. Anyway, I just want to keep you alive, and I don't care about the rest."

With a low laugh and mocking laughter, the woman said again: "You offend me for her, and suffer so much, she won't know. Why bother?"

When Wen Xie heard the words, killing intent flashed in his eyes, but he quickly restrained himself and didn't say anything.


Wen Xie thought it was more like surveillance.He was allowed to leave the Holy Alliance, but his every move was watched, for fear that he would run away or contact other people.

Wen Xie looked up again in the direction Jun Jiu and the others left, his eyes were cold and dark.

(End of this chapter)

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