Chapter 2392 Jingling ~
Chapter 2392 Jingling~
Boundless darkness enveloped the canyon, Lingli turned his eyes, Jun Jiu and the others all saw the condensed and deformed ink color in the darkness.

Like fog, like liquid, like unreal evil.

There is more than one such thing, and there are all of them wherever the eyes touch!They are either separated by a certain distance, or surrounded by each other, without eyes, but they give Jun Jiu the feeling that this thing is staring at them.


Everyone heard the alarm bell ringing in the bottom of their hearts.

Sima Jin sent a voice transmission: "Everyone be careful, don't act rashly for now!"

"Hmm." Liu Xue was the first to respond.

Meng Lang, Song Ping and the others looked at each other, their bodies were tense, and they were ready to strike at any time.The comer is not good, and the short-term security stalemate will not last long.

Sure enough, after staring at them for a long time, the dangerous evil seemed to have figured out where to start.They swarmed up, turned into a black mist thicker and deeper than the night, and slashed at them with claws and teeth.

"Do it! Don't let these things get close!" Sima Jin shouted immediately.

Before the words were finished, four people including Sima Jin, Liu Xue, and Meng Lang attacked the evil thing immediately.The evil thing rushed over and touched the spiritual power, making a piercing hissing sound, and disappeared.

The attack was effective, everyone's spirits were shaken, and the shots became more fierce and swift.

But there are too many evil things, they are everywhere in the canyon, they seem to be endless, no matter how many are destroyed by the attack, they will continue to breed, and they will pounce on them again...

Jun Jiu is in it, but she seems to be independent, and has nothing to do with her.

Just because, no evil thing pounced on her.

It was as if he couldn't see Jun Jiu, or in other words, he was afraid and kept away from Jun Jiu.The area around Jun Jiu became a vacuum, which was in extreme contrast with Sima Jin and the others.

Jun Jiu raised his eyebrows and watched, his eyes flickered, thoughtful.

If Mo Wuyue was here at this time, he would hold Jun Jiu's hand, and he would find Jun Jiu's body temperature rising.The fire of heaven and earth is eager to try, and the aura of those who bark their teeth and claws in Jun Jiu's dantian looks more ferocious than these evil things.

Tiandihuo can't wait to show its skills and burn these evil things to ashes!

The answer came out, these evil creatures were afraid of the fire of heaven and earth, so they avoided Jun Jiu.

Even so, Jun Jiu did not put away the spiritual power that was running all over her body, she was always cautious.But the evil thing didn't attack her, and she didn't continue to stare at the evil thing, Jun Jiu turned her head to look at her teammates.

A cyan whirlwind blew up around Meng Lang's body, tearing and smashing the evil things, none of them could get close to him.

Sima Jin was holding a wooden fan in his hand. It was the first time this artifact had been seen. It was unknown what kind of material it was made of.With a wooden fan, countless cracks opened in the space, and the black hole behind the cracks swallowed the evil things and disappeared.

Liu Xue wielded a pair of gigantic ax dancers, the ax wind enveloped her body, and the evil things could not approach,

Song Ping used the wind of his palm to force back the evil things, with ease.

Song Ping can be said to be the most relaxed of the four, and he still has spare time to look up at other teammates.Seeing Sima Jin and the others, Song Ping didn't react at all, but when he saw Jun Jiu, the corner of Song Ping's mouth twitched.

This is too leisurely!
Facing Song Ping's complicated eyes, Jun Jiu's mouth curled slightly, the crowd was almost over, it's time to end, take a good rest and go to settle accounts with their murderers tomorrow.

Jun Jiu snapped his fingers, poof~
Heaven and Earth Huo leapt up his finger, the red gold and platinum blue intertwined flames were beautiful, but there was no cluster of flames the size of a little finger that could be ignored.

The coercion that comes with Tiandihuo makes people feel frightened and terrified.

Not to mention that as soon as Tiandihuo appeared, the evil creatures that were still besieging Sima Jin and Song Ping retreated every minute, keeping a distance from Jun Jiu.As soon as the heaven and earth fire came out, not only Jun Jiu's body, but Jun Jiu as the center, with a radius of 1000 meters, was empty.

Without the evil thing, Sima Jin and others who were still attacking were stunned, and then they realized that it was dawn?
Looking back, I realized that it was not the dawn, but the heaven and earth fire that dispelled the darkness and lit up the world.

Jun Jiu looked at his teammates with pursed lips, and said, "Come over and rest, the time to do it is tomorrow morning."

The three of Sima Jin were stunned, unable to react.

Only Song Ping walked to Jun Jiu calmly, the distance was not too close, keeping a distance that was more than enough for a man and woman to defend, Song Ping thanked: "Thank you, Miss Jun."

After thanking him, Song Ping sat cross-legged and meditated, adjusting his spiritual power on the spot.

Then Sima Jin and the three came over, their eyes widened, they looked at the world with curiosity and awe, and thanked Jun Jiu one after another.

Everyone knows that it was Jun Jiu who summoned this small flame to scare away those weird things.We are all smart people, we know that curiosity kills people, it is enough to look at the world, and no one asks, what is it?
They looked back at the evil thing 1000 meters away, unwilling to be reconciled, and dared not approach, and breathed a sigh of relief.

There is an endless supply of these things.Although it was not enough to threaten their lives, it was too tiring to fight like this all night.

At this moment, what did Sima Jin think of? He turned his head to look at Jun Jiu, and asked carefully, "Miss Jun, you said earlier that it was time to do something. What do you mean by that?"

"Do you think that gravel blocking the road is a natural formation?" Jun Jiu asked without answering.

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then changed their faces.

Liu Xue was startled and angry, and asked: "Miss Jun, what do you mean, someone plotted against us!"

Jun Jiu nodded, and then told the four of them what she saw.

Hearing this, everyone was very angry, if it wasn't for Jun Jiu who possessed the fire of heaven and earth, he would have scared away the evil things.Only them, I'm afraid they will have to keep fighting this night. By daytime, the evil thing is gone, and their spiritual power has also been consumed a lot, and their strength is not at its peak.

When the time comes, the team that plotted against them can come out, easily harvest their tokens, and eliminate them.

If they get killed by something evil, the team has an easier time, just come and pick up their tokens.

What a dirty heart!

What a poisonous plan!

Meng Lang's sharp and dangerous wolf eyes flashed with a biting light, Meng Lang clenched his fists and said with a sneer: "Just wait and see, I will let them know what price they have to pay for provoking someone they shouldn't!"

"Count me in." Sima Jin said with a sullen face.

Liu Xue also said, add her.

They were not worried about the disappearance of this group of people. They blocked the mouth of the canyon, waiting to ambush those who passed through the canyon.They will definitely wait until dawn the next day and go into the valley to see the situation.

Jingle ~

Suddenly the bell rang, and the four of them tensed up, their cold and dangerous eyes fell on Jun Jiu's wrist following the sound.

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, Jun Jiu was wearing a bell?
Why didn't I hear anything before.

What made the four of them even more confused was that Jun Jiu raised his hand and touched the silver bell, his brows were soft and affectionate, and he said with a smile, "Don't worry, this team will pay the price."

(End of this chapter)

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