The Evil Emperor's Pampering: Divine Doctor Ninth Miss

Chapter 243 Is it the mastermind behind the scenes?

Chapter 243 Is it the mastermind behind the scenes?
Chapter 243 Is it the mastermind behind the scenes?
"What are you still doing in a daze? Didn't you hear what the little uncle said, hand over the Lingyu!" Wang Qiang stared at Yuxin impatiently and scolded.

Yu Xin had a pig-headed face, her mung bean-sized eyes gleamed with unwillingness, but she had to hand over the Lingyu.Because she knew that this was not a threat, if she didn't hand over Lingyu, Jun Jiu would really kill her!

Jun Jiuwu grabbed it with his fingers, and grabbed Yuxin's spirit jade from the air.The two pieces of spirit jade were close together, and the light flickered for a while, and the color of the piece of spirit jade belonging to Yuxin gradually changed from orange to red, and finally there was only a hint of red in the dim white light.

As soon as she was beaten back to before liberation, Yu Xin gritted her teeth.

But her resentful eyes just stared at Jun Jiu for a second, when Jun Jiu glanced at her, Yu Xin immediately lowered her head and dared not look directly.She can't beat Jun Jiu, so she can only admit defeat!But she is not reconciled.

Taking away Yuxin's spiritual jade grades, Jun Jiu's spiritual jade has transformed into a fourth-level green, and the whole body is emerald green, which is a very beautiful color.Throwing the Lingyu back to Yuxin, Jun Jiu said, "You share the remaining Lingyu among yourself."

"Okay, thank you little uncle~"

"Thank you, little uncle!" All the disciples of Tianwuzong thanked in unison.But when they snatched the spirit jades of Danzong disciples, they saw that the dim red colors were not satisfactory.

Wang Qiang stared in disbelief. "Is this a fake spiritual jade? You have entered the Tianwu realm for two days, and you have just broken through to the first level? Are you kidding me, weak chicken? This is obviously rubbish. Did you hide the real spiritual jade!"

"No, no!" The Danzong disciple mentioned by Wang Qiang was also Jun Jiu's acquaintance, Murong Nanjin who had met once in Wuzongtai.When he saw Jun Jiu, there was only fear and fear on his face.

Murong Nanjin hurriedly raised his hands and shouted: "It's Senior Sister Yuxin. The spirit beasts we hunted and killed all belong to Senior Sister Yuxin!"

Hearing this, all the disciples of Tianwuzong became playful.Looking at Yu Xin again, her eyes were full of disdain and disgust.It's disgusting to actually snatch the grades of my fellow students to pile myself up to orange!

Seen by the eyes of all the disciples of Tianwuzong, Yuxin was not at all ashamed.She actually said forcefully: "I am the elder sister of Danzong, they should honor me. This is their voluntary!"

Murong Nanjin moved his mouth to refute.But when he spoke, he hesitated and held back.

Jun Jiu is not interested in their relationship.Once you get your hands on it, it's time to go.Jun Jiu turned around and said, "Let's go."

"Young Master Uncle doesn't care about them?"

"Let them all go. But next time we meet..." Jun Jiu paused, and looked at Yu Xin coldly with sideways eyes.This glance seemed to penetrate the filth and viciousness in Yu Xin's heart, and Yu Xin shuddered, her whole body stiffened and she dared not move.

With a sneer and hooked lips, Jun Jiu said, "See you next time, it won't be solved by grabbing Lingyu."

Jun Jiu took the disciples of Tianwuzong and left.When they had gone so far that no one could be seen, a group of Murong Nanjin's alchemy sect disciples surrounded her and called her several times before Yuxin recovered.Her first reaction was to cover her face and scream angrily.

Murong Nanjin hastily stopped, "Senior Sister Yuxin, don't call! It will attract spirit beasts."

"Get out! Get out of here!" Yu Xin was very irritable.She immediately took out the pill and smeared it on her face, and her pig-headed face soon became colorful.Let all the alchemy disciples turn their heads away one after another, they couldn't help laughing out loud.

Yu Xin took out her cloak and put it on again, tearing off the sleeves and covering her face with a veil before stopping.Her tone was full of strong hatred, "Jun Jiu, I will never end with you! A bunch of trash, what are you still doing? Standing here, can Lingyu turn blue out of thin air?"

"Senior Sister Yuxin..."

"Shut up! Go and poison me, the more spirit beasts you poison, the better, and then bring me all the spirit jade! I am your senior sister, do you think I have the worst grades and be compared by other sects?" Is it?" Yu Xin said angrily.

All the disciples lowered their heads and said nothing, and slowly turned away one by one.

Yu Xin stared at them with anger and hatred in her heart.Dan sect has the least number of disciples, so she managed to piece together the orange and was snatched away by Jun Jiu!Now start all over again, how can these wastes be useless.Poison alone cannot break through the cyan color.

no!Yu Xin clenched her fists tightly.She thought of Jun Jiu's green spirit jade, if she could snatch it... But she is not Jun Jiu's opponent at all.Suddenly, a cold light flashed in Yu Xin's eyes.

She has an idea!
If she can't, then find someone to join forces.She remembered that Jun Yunxue of Jianzong personally said that he wanted Jun Jiu to look good, and she would be very happy to form an alliance with her.


Walking all the way to the center of Tianwu Realm, Jun Jiu can always find the perfect terrain quickly and relentlessly on the way, and use the beast fragrance to attract waves of spirit beasts.However, as they gradually penetrated into the Heavenly Martial Realm, the increased dose of Beast Yinxiang could only attract a few spirit beasts, but they were all third-level spirit beasts.

If it weren't for Jun Jiu, the disciples of Tianwu Sect wouldn't even dare to think about what they would do if they encountered these spirit beasts?
It is said that they are crazy martial arts madmen fighting in Tianwuzong, they are very cruel!But compared to the little master uncle Junjiu, that's nothing compared to the big witch!Along the way, the worshiping eyes of all the disciples were shining brightly.

At dusk they halted and camped in the forest to rest.

Jun Jiu sat by the fire, calculating with Shen Mou.This is the third day after entering the Tianwu Realm, and killing a third-level spirit beast is of little use to her.I am afraid that the fourth-level spirit beast must be killed in order to make breakthroughs and changes in Lingyu.

Under the same realm, a fourth-level spirit beast is much stronger than a fourth-level spiritual master!But Jun Jiu is confident that she can kill level four spirit beasts.

Just as he was thinking, there was a sound of birds chirping in his ears.Jun Jiu looked up lightly, and the birds on the treetops were singing and singing one after another.In the ears of others, it is the singing of birds, but in Jun Jiu's ears, it is information.

Suzaku inherits the realm of 'human', can listen to the language of birds, and can make birds spy for her.No one knows, Jun Jiu is within his eyes and ears within a radius of fifty miles!

This time, the bird brought two pieces of information to Jun Jiu!

Xiao Wu raised his head and rubbed against Jun Jiu's arms, Meow Meow asked, "Master, what's the news?"

"One is that Danzong and Jianzong's team headed by Jun Yunxue joined forces. The other is that someone has entered the Tianwu realm, and now they are following Jun Yunxue." Jun Jiu answered Xiao Wu in his mind.

Xiao Wu stood up in shock when he heard that, his fluffy tail stood up straight like an antenna."Is it behind the scenes?" it said.

Jun Jiu narrowed her eyes coldly, she didn't answer but looked up at the disciples of Tianwu Sect, they all broke through to the third level of yellow.Under her training, this road is perfectly matched, even if she no longer believes that they can easily fight their way through the Heavenly Martial Realm and reach their destination.

Xiao Wu: Meow~ Master is planning to leave?

Jun Jiu answered Xiao Wu, whether she was behind the scenes or not, she had to confirm it herself to know!

(End of this chapter)

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