The Evil Emperor's Pampering: Divine Doctor Ninth Miss

Chapter 2442 My real name is Emperor Qi

Chapter 2442 My real name is Emperor Qi

Chapter 2442 My real name is Emperor Qi

There is only Jun Jiu here, no one can discuss with her, Jun Jiu intends to use her guess and try to know right or wrong.

To find the landscape paintings on the drawing board, one must fly high enough to have a glimpse of the mountains.

Jun Jiu Yukong flew up and flew all the way to the mountains on the island in the distance.Looking at it from a distance, you don't realize the vastness of the mountains. After entering, the height and danger of the mountains are far from what you see from a distance.Being in it, it is difficult for Jun Jiu to see the whole picture.

Immediately, Jun Jiu flew up again, but when she flew to a certain height, the sky above her head felt oppressive from far away, and Jun Jiu could no longer fly up.

Jun Jiu looked up and went up to the tallest island in the sky.

That may be the place where the third test will be held!
Thoughts wandered around in his mind, Jun Jiu lowered his head and looked at the mountains at his feet. He still couldn't see the whole picture clearly, but he could still get a glimpse of it.Jun Jiu raised his head and looked, his spiritual sense could see farther and farther than his eyes.

Even so, Jun Jiu still didn't see Ji Sang and others who came here first.

The world was silent, not even the chirping of birds, except for Jun Jiu, there were only mountains, rivers and trees in the emptiness.Jun Jiu couldn't help wondering, are the others not on this island?

Puzzle no one can solve.

Jun Jiu could only continue to fly forward, slowing down all the way, looking in all directions to check whether it could match the landscape painting.

Jun Jiu searched all the way, and after searching for an hour, he finally found the mountain range that was exactly the same as the landscape painting on the drawing board.

On the drawing board, there is only a part of the mountain range, and the whole picture cannot be seen clearly.

Now that Jun Jiu found the mountain range, she stood at a high altitude and looked down, Jun Jiu could see the whole picture of the mountain range clearly.It was like a big bird that spread its wings and landed on the ground, lying there motionless, letting its body be covered with trees.

The landscape painting on Junjiu's drawing board shows the position of the belly of this big bird.

Finally found!
The corner of his mouth hooked slightly, Jun Jiu flew over at full speed.Flying over the belly of the big bird, Jun Jiufei landed and put his feet on the ground in the forest. When Jun Jiu looked up again, he frowned suddenly, and his eyes flashed strangely.

Something is wrong!
Jun Jiu is keenly aware of the problem, this is not the destination where she flew down.

Flying wrong?
Jun Jiu was confident that she would not fly in the wrong place, so she immediately lifted off again, and looked up when she flew high in the sky, Jun Jiu frowned and her gaze sank.

I saw that the big bird was still lying far away, and Jun Jiu was far away from it.

Jun Jiu's eyes flickered, and she flew over again, this time flying above the big bird's belly, after Jun Jiu confirmed the position again and again, she flew down slowly.During this period, Jun Jiu kept an eye on her surroundings all the time, not to miss any trouble.

With full concentration, Jun Jiu found the problem!
Silently, without any movement, the space around her was replaced.That's why Jun Jiu flew down towards the destination, but landed hundreds of miles away. After finding out the reason, Jun Jiu didn't let go of his frown.

She then tried a few more times, no matter whether she forcibly tore through the space or changed the location to teleport, she couldn't reach it.

Jun Jiu stopped to try again, she stood on a high branch, staring into the distance with frowning eyes.The destination is ahead, but you can't go there, you have to find a way.

"Do you want to go there?" The woman's voice came to Jun Jiu's ears, and she asked her with a light smile.

Jun Jiu subconsciously turned around and pointed a little, and the amazing sword intent came out, and Jun Jiu stepped back at the same time to open the distance.

When retreating, Jun Jiu looked coldly and saw Xiao Qi standing on the branch behind her.I don't know how long Xiao Qi has been here, but when she saw the sword intent coming, she didn't dodge or dodge, she just stretched out her hand, grabbed the sword intent lightly, and crushed it with her fingers.

Although this sword intent did not condense Jun Jiu's peak sword, it should not be underestimated. Others would never dare to grab it directly.

Seeing this, Jun Jiu's eyes darkened.

Xiaoqi's information emerged in her mind, she was from the South 3 District, and was invited to join the God's Choice together with Ji Sang and Balin.

Jun Jiu flew all the way over without seeing anyone, which made her a little off guard.He was too focused on the destination, so he ignored his side, making Xiao Qi unaware that he was close.If it were someone else who attacked her directly, Jun Jiu frowned and pursed her lips.

It was her negligence, there can be no next time!

Besides, Xiao Qi looked at Jun Jiu's cold and alert expression, Xiao Qi immediately raised her hand to show that she had no malicious intentions.Xiao Qi looked at Jun Jiu friendly and kindly, and said, "I'm not your enemy."

Jun Jiu glanced at Xiao Qi coldly, withdrawing her spiritual power and coercion.

It's not that Jun Jiu believed Xiao Qi's words, but that if Xiao Qi was her enemy, she would have been able to strike directly when she got close to her just now.Unprepared, Jun Jiu was seriously injured and unable to escape.

Xiao Qi didn't make a move, and even reminded her that at least there was no malice.

Jun Jiu looked at Xiao Qi indifferently, frowned and asked her, "What's your purpose?"

"I'm here to ask you to cooperate." Xiao Qi replied frankly.

Jun Jiu was surprised when she heard the words, and asked her to cooperate?

Jun Jiu looked at Xiao Qi again, and said, "You are stronger than me, what can we cooperate with?"

Xiao Qi's strength is really strong, even stronger than Jun Jiu's hidden cultivation!Jun Jiu has self-knowledge. If she unlocks all the seals and doesn't show all her trump cards and hole cards, she will definitely not be Xiao Qi's opponent.

With such a huge disparity in strength, what can we cooperate with?
Xiao Qi smiled, shook her head and said: "Don't underestimate yourself, sometimes the strength of the realm does not mean everything. I have been watching here for a while, you want to go in, to the belly of that big bird, right? "

Jun Jiu nodded in agreement.

Since Xiao Qi has been looking at her for a long time, she can see everything, so there is no need to hide it.

The corner of Xiaoqi's mouth curved, and he said again: "I know how to get there. We cooperate, and I will lead you the way and send you there. Use your heaven and earth fire to help me go to a place and get something. How about it?"

A look of surprise flashed in Jun Jiu's eyes.

It's not surprising that Xiaoqi knows that she is popular.Because before Jun Jiu used the heaven and earth fire to roast the colorful light ball, some experienced monks could recognize it as the heaven and earth fire.

To Jun Jiu's surprise, Xiao Qi knew how to get there!I have to say that Jun Jiu's heart was moved by Xiao Qi's invitation.

Then, Xiao Qi threw another heavy weight, making Jun Jiu agree to cooperate.

Xiao Qi narrowly blinked at Jun Jiu, and said, "My real name is Di Qi, and Xiao Mo is my younger brother, are you willing to cooperate with me now?"

"Okay!" Jun Jiu nodded.

Jun Jiu was already moved, and with Xiao Mo's relationship, Jun Jiu couldn't refuse even more.

It's just that Jun Jiu is confused and puzzled. When the gods and beasts, especially the royal family, are transformed into human forms, they all have the cultivation level of the god emperor, and then they will be crowned with the emperor's surname.

How did Di Qi come to participate in the God's Choice Conference?
(End of this chapter)

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