The Evil Emperor's Pampering: Divine Doctor Ninth Miss

Chapter 2479 This person wants to see me

Chapter 2479 This person wants to see me
Chapter 2479 This person wants to see me
The atmosphere was tense for a while.

Everyone watched the confrontation and whispered, and the good people hoped that they would fight.Whether it's challenging Wen Xie or Xiao Feng, it's more interesting to fight!
On the roof behind the crowd, Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue stood side by side on the roof, with a barrier around them to isolate everyone from prying eyes.Even if there were people standing not far away, they didn't realize at all that they were surrounded by the famous Evil Emperor and his wife.

Jun Jiuhuan crossed his arms, touched his chin with one hand and asked, "Do you think they can fight?"

"It depends on how stupid Bahrain is." Mo Wuyue replied.

Xiao Feng has been famous for a long time, and he is also one of the most favored and trusted personal disciples of the deputy leader of the Holy Alliance. Xiao Feng has many trump cards in his background. No matter how young and outstanding Bahrain is, it is not enough for Xiao Feng.

And seeing Xiao Feng's expression, he had the killing intent.

Once Bahrain opens his mouth to challenge, there is no doubt that Sao Feng can make Bahrain fall to God's Chosen City today.To kill a genius who does not belong to his camp is to kill the future enemy, and Xiao Feng has made a profit.

Jun Jiu also agreed, nodded and said, "No matter how unwilling Bahrain is, he has to endure."

After finishing speaking, Jun Jiu looked at Wen Xie again, and the color of his eyes changed.Even the apprentices of the vice-leader were dispatched. It was unexpected that the Holy Alliance valued Wen Xie.

I don't know what the Holy Alliance wants to get from Wen Xie?
"I..." Bahrain was interrupted just as he opened his mouth.

The voice that is as cold as the clear spring under the moon makes people calm down, and Jun Jiu is also attracted to look up.Seeing Ji Sang walk out of the door, he called Balin's name, interrupted Balin's words again, and then walked to Balin's side.

Seeing Ji Sang, Xiao Feng's eyes froze slightly, and the soft smile at the corner of his mouth froze.

Xiao Feng smiled sinisterly, and opened his mouth: "Ji Sang, I haven't congratulated you yet, congratulations on getting the title of "Emperor". Now people are going to call you Sangdi, what do you think, is it nice?"

"What people want to call it is their business, I don't care." Ji Sang said with a light smile.

Ji Sang raised his hand, closed the cloud fan in his hand and lightly tapped on Balin's shoulder. Balin's body trembled suddenly, his face changed and he looked at Ji Sang.Ji Sang looked at him quietly, and his eyes met. Balin opened his mouth but no sound came out.

Finally, Balin shuts his mouth and steps back to stand behind Ki-sang.

Seeing Bahrain's reaction, Xiao Feng stared at Ji Sang with a twinkle in his eyes and said, "It seems that this person has been spotted by your Holy Venerable Alliance."

"Wrong, Bahrain is originally from my Saint Alliance." Ji Sang said.

Ji Sang's words also shocked the audience.

Before God's election meeting.People are digging for intelligence, collecting the identities of the contestants.But there are always things that are hidden so deeply that they cannot be found out.Bahrain is one of them!

If Ji Sang didn't say anything, no one knew that he was from the Holy Venerable Alliance.

Ji Sang raised his hand to touch the cloud fan, looked at Xiao Feng lightly, and said, "I don't think there is any need for the challenge. The God's Choice Conference will end soon, and all the participating monks will be teleported. Your alliance and mine will be busy." It's not worth it to recruit good seedlings and waste time here."

"What you said makes sense, let's go." Xiao Fengyin took a look at Ji Sang, turned around and brushed his sleeves, and took everyone away.

Just leave as soon as he said it, the momentum of the sword-rattling just disappeared in minutes, and there was no trace of it.

Everyone is stupid, they are still waiting to watch the show, so it's gone?

Ji Sang held the cloud fan, turned to Bahrain and said, "Let's go, go to the pavilion of the Holy Venerable Alliance."

Balin: "Ji Sang, I..."

The cloud fan lifted slightly, interrupting Balin's words.Ji Sang said lightly: "If you have anything to say, go back and tell the elder. If the elder has no objection, then you can challenge Wen Xie."

Balin closed his mouth and bowed his head in silence.

Ji Sang finally looked at Xiao Wu and the others, with a slight smile on his lips, Ji Sang held his cloud fan and bowed his hands: "Everyone, let's take a step first, I wish you all your wishes come true."

Ji Sang's words meant something, as if he understood what they were going to do.

Xiao Wu, Cangchen and the others nodded to Ji Sang, and then watched Ji Sang and Balin leave, before turning their heads to look at each other.I don't know what Ji Sang saw through, they all have to get busy...


Jun Jiu is not surprised at all when the good show is just about to climax and then suddenly disappears.

She withdrew her gaze, looked at Mo Wuyue and said, "Shall we walk around?"

"Yes." Mo Wuyue agreed first, and then asked Jun Jiu: "Don't wait, Xiao Jiuer, the monks from the God's Selection Conference will be sent out soon."

Mo Wuyue still has the supervisor's token on him, and he can see that the God's Choice Conference has ended.The top three in each district have come out, and now it is coming to an end, just like God's Choice, there are rewards for the top three participating in the God's Choice Conference.

They are not like Jun Jiu and the others, who can enter the triple palace selection rewards.

The top three rewards of God's Choice Conference were all arranged by God's Choice City, so they could send them out faster.Wait on the spot, and when the good seedlings are sent out, they will go directly to collect people, which is faster and less troublesome.

Jun Jiu shook her head, "Let's go first, I want to see what preparations other forces have made for their recruits."

"Okay." Mo Wuyue nodded affectionately.

They flew down the roof and walked on the wide street, the barriers covering them still hadn't been removed.

There is a barrier, people on the street can't get close to them, they won't be crowded.Nor will they attract too many people's attention and disturb the tranquility because of their identities.

The monks from the God's Choice Conference have not been sent out yet, and the streets and pavilions are already bustling with noise.

Jun Jiu looked at the pavilions, where there were tables at the door, and the flags of the forces were placed beside them.The elders and disciples of the major forces are waiting here, ready to move.

They were divided into two groups, and the first group took the initiative to recruit the good seedlings they liked.

A group stayed behind, waiting for good seedlings who were not bad to take the initiative to seek refuge.

Walking around, a voice suddenly appeared in Jun Jiu's mind. It was old and hoarse, but his tone was as gentle as possible. He said to Jun Jiu, "Please come here."

Jun Jiu paused slightly, and turned his head to look in the direction of the sound.

In the alley at the corner of the street, the alley is not deep, Jun Jiu can see a person sitting cross-legged on the corner at a glance.Wearing a linen cloak, tightly wrapped, he could only be guessed by his voice as an old man.

Jun Jiu raised her eyebrows, what did this man ask her to do?
"Little Jiu'er, what are you looking at?" Mo Wuyue asked.

Jun Jiu raised his chin slightly, motioning Mo Wuyue to look into the alley.Interest flashed in Jun Jiu's eyes, and she said to Mo Wuyue: "This person wants to see me, it's interesting, let's go and have a look."

"Okay." Mo Wuyue replied with a smile.

Looking up, golden eyes coldly glanced across the alley.

(End of this chapter)

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