Chapter 2497

Chapter 2497 Frost Dragon Skeleton, Ye Chengxian
Wu Xin squatted on the ground with her head down, racking her brains to recall every word her father said to her.

Her father said that she wanted to come to Hanyue Xianzong to solve a matter.

Her father said that after this matter is settled, they will leave the Hanyue Xianzong where the snakes are frozen in the ice and snow.

Her father said that the reason for coming to Hanyue Xianzong is for Hanyue Lake!


Wu Xin took a deep breath, and the bone-piercing cold air of Hanyuetan was sucked into Wu Xin's stomach along with this breath, and she immediately shivered from the cold.Immediately holding the Heaven and Earth Fire in his hand and bringing it to his face, he slowed down the life of the snake.

The cold was dispelled, but the panic in Wu Xin's heart could not be dispelled.

The disciples of the Hanyue Xianzong told her that her father left the Hanyue Xianzong for business and would not be able to come back for a while.

Wu Xin was rejoicing at first, but now Wu Xin suddenly discovered that her father didn't seem to have left the Hanyue Immortal Sect.On the contrary, for some reason, without the knowledge of the master of the Hanyue Xianzong, her father entered the cold moon pool.

Regardless of what her father wants to do...

Wu Xin's neck was stiff, and she slowly turned her head to look at Mo Wuyue, and then looked at the way they came.

Wu Xin remembered that the Hanyue Xianzong paid special attention to the Cold Moon Lake to prevent people from sneaking in, so there was only one way in and out.As long as her father shows up, he will meet Mo Wuyue, and Mo Wuyue blocks the way, so her father can't go anywhere.

Eyes straightened again, Wu Xin only had one thought in his heart: It's over!

I don't know if her father will run into Yin Han under the cold moon pool before meeting Mo Wuyue?

Under the Cold Moon Lake.

As soon as Yin Han entered Cold Moon Lake, he was not affected by the bone-piercing cold. On the contrary, it was as light as a fish in water for him.

Yin Han went down without even using his spiritual power or swimming. The current of water here gently wrapped him and brought him down.

The deeper he sank, the more Yin Han felt a sense of familiarity from blood inheritance.

The closer he got, the blood in Yin Han's whole body boiled.

Frost Dragon's body is cold, no different from ice sculptures. You can't even feel their body temperature when you touch them, let alone the temperature of their blood.

However, at this moment, the blood in Yin Han's body was like boiling hot water, rushing and clamoring, and the impulse surging from the bottom of his heart was urging Yin Han to hurry up, hurry up!
Before Yin Han moved, the water in the Cold Moon Pool came alive first.

They surrounded Yin Han layer by layer, forming a vortex around Yin Han. The vortex spun crazily, the sky and the earth twisted, and Yin Han came to the bottom of the Cold Moon Pool in the blink of an eye.

When he looked up, Yin Han saw the magnificent skeleton.

Half of the skeleton is integrated with the earth and mountains, and half of it still retains its original appearance.

Especially the huge and astonishing dragon-shaped skull emitting a faint blue light in front of it, the dragon's horns are as tall as water and mountains.Yin Han was shocked by this scene, and the water flow actively pushed Yin Han closer.

As he got closer, he seemed to sense Yin Han's arrival, and a pair of dull dragon horns suddenly emitted a faint blue luster.

As the brilliance circulated, a slender flame appeared out of thin air between the dragon's horns.

Seeing this flame, Yin Han opened his eyes wide, unable to hide the astonishment on his face.As a member of the same family, Yin Han recognized at a glance that this was the flame of the dragon soul, the soul power left by the fallen ancestors.

With the passage of time and the relentless passage of time, Dragon Soul Flame has long since lost consciousness.

Only the instinct, the induction of the bloodline inheritance family remains.

When Yin Han came to the dragon-shaped skull, the flame of the dragon soul burning in the dragon's horn immediately turned into a stream of light and flew towards Yin Han.The flame of the dragon soul flew around Yin Han, Yin Han couldn't control his instincts, a dragon horn grew on his forehead, and faint blue dragon scales appeared on his skin.

After verifying that Yin Han is undoubtedly of the same family, the flame of the dragon soul finally found it difficult to suppress his nature, it condensed into a ball of light, and the lightning fell into Yin Han's eyebrows.

A dark light flashed in Yin Han's blue eyes, and he sat cross-legged on the floor. Yin Han closed his eyes and concentrated on refining the flame of the dragon soul, ready to accept the last gift and inheritance from his ancestors.

When Yin Han closed his eyes, a pair of eyes opened in the shadow of the corner of the keel.

It is a different pupil that is exactly the same as Wuxin.

Yitong looked at Yin Han's two sides from a distance, and a faint light flickered.The owner of the different pupils tried to move, and there was a sound of ice cracking on his body.There was a lot of movement, but they were all blocked by the barrier centered on Yecheng, and could not be transmitted.

The crackling sound lasted for quite a while before Ye Cheng finally broke free and swam out.

For the Qingjiu Snake Clan, Cold Moon Lake is terribly cold. Even if they have reached Yecheng's level of cultivation, they will be frozen into ice snakes and snake sculptures if they stay here for a long time.

But Ye Cheng did it on purpose!

The scales all over his body were turned white from the cold, Ye Cheng didn't care, he turned his head and looked at a certain place on his waist, the ice layer on other parts of his body had been shaken off, only there was still thick ice.

Through the translucent ice, one can see that there are no scales under the ice, but a large piece of flesh and blood is exposed, with a strange black luster on the flesh and blood, as if poisoned.

Ye Cheng squinted his different pupils for a while, then turned his head to look in Yin Han's direction. Ye Cheng could feel that the power of frost immersed in the cold moon pool was all gathering there.Ye Cheng couldn't help being surprised, who could not be frozen into an ice sculpture and create such momentum?

The tail of the snake patted, a piece of snake scales fell off, and then a blue light flashed, and a man as handsome as a green bamboo appeared at the bottom of the pool out of thin air.

He raised his hand, and slowly crawled into the man's sleeve with his fingertips.The man put his hands into his sleeves, took a step, and walked towards Yin Han step by step as if his feet were on flat ground under the cold moon pool.

Only by looking closely at the soles of the man's feet, there is frost condensed with every step. Before the man's upper is frozen, it is shattered by invisible forces.

Someone was approaching, and Yin Han noticed it immediately.

Opening his eyes, a cold light flashed, staring coldly at the strange visitor.Without saying a word, his eyes pierced the man's body like sharp swords, asking: Who are you!

Yin Han is firm, and with Emperor Zun present, it is impossible for others to cross Emperor Zun and come to the cold moon pool.

Unless, this person is already here!

People from the Cold Moon Immortal Sect?

Yin Han was the first to object in his heart. Based on his first impression, the man was very strong and terrifying, and Hanyue Xianzong didn't have such a person.Second, those different pupils reminded Yin Han of Wu Xin.

When Yin Han was staring at Ye Cheng, Ye Cheng was also looking at Yin Han, and recognized Yin Han's identity, Ye Cheng was extremely surprised.

Ye Cheng opened his mouth, and the voice passed through the pool water accurately and entered Yin Han's ears.

Ye Cheng's voice was lazy and constricted: "Tsk tsk, I didn't expect to see the descendants of the Frost Dragon in the Eastern God Territory. Is the suzerain guy out of his mind? It's really strange to let the Frost Dragon enter the Cold Moon Lake."

Speaking to himself, Ye Cheng pretended to be lucky and said: "Fortunately, I came before you, otherwise after you, this Cold Moon Lake would no longer be Cold Moon Lake. It's useless."

(End of this chapter)

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