Chapter 2555 Find out

Chapter 2555 find out

Jun Jiu sighed with some pity, she really wanted to show Da Jiu the strange medicine, but~

Someone is more important!
Jun Jiu propped his chin with his hands, and said with a helpless face: "Then I won't go, I will accompany you."

Mo Wuyue paused, surprise flashed in his golden eyes, and then he became happy, his eyes brightened.Mo Wuyue indulges and spoils Xiao Jiu'er, and also likes when Xiao Jiu'er pampers him, the sweetness is a hundred times sweeter than honey!
Since Jun Jiu said to accompany him, Mo Wuyue got his wish and occupied all of Jun Jiu's time!
However, Mo Wuyue glanced at the exotic medicine, and said, "If Xiao Jiu'er is tired here, we can go out for a stroll, wherever we want."

"Okay, the scenery here is nothing to see, let's change to another place." Jun Jiu nodded, got up and waved his hand, and put the alien magic medicine into the space.

East, south, northwest, inner sect and outer sect, you can go wherever you want.

But always pick a direction.

Jun Jiu thought for two seconds, looked up at Dongfang and said, "Shall we go to the Hall of Rites?"

"Okay, let's go to the Hall of Ceremony." Mo Wuyue smiled evilly, his golden eyes looked at Jun Jiu warmly, and stretched out his hand towards her.

Jun Jiu raised his hand and handed it over, and Mo Wuyue took her and the two of them and flew out. They were not in a hurry, and they flew slowly to the Hall of Ceremony as if they were traveling in mountains and rivers.

Because the wedding of Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue is about to take place, the whole Cang Jiuzong is busy spinning like a spinning top, only the two of them are relaxed and leisurely.

In order not to disturb the busy people, Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue deliberately hid their tracks, only passing by and not disturbing everyone.

Fly leisurely all the way to Lidian Island.

As soon as you enter the Lidian Island, you can feel the atmosphere of the upcoming wedding. There are festive and joyful colors everywhere. The Lidian Island has been decorated, just waiting for the wedding and banquet to start.

In the ceremony hall, people come and go, they are all making final preparations for the wedding, striving to be perfect!
The Hall of Ceremony is very large, and you can only see a corner of it just standing in mid-air. It is meaningless to inquire about it with your spiritual sense, so Jun Jiu plans to fly over to have a look.Anyway, they disappeared without a trace, came and left without a sound, and it will not affect these people.

Jun Jiu thinks so, but something happened.

As soon as the front foot entered the island of Lidian, there was something in the Junjiu space on the back foot like a salted fish, and the reaction was sharp.

what happened?

Jun Jiu stopped, raised his hand to take out the object from the space, and saw that it was the cursed dagger given to Jun Jiu by the mysterious old man in God's Choice City.

At this time, the dagger buzzed and trembled, reacting sharply, as if it was about to break free from Jun Jiu's hand and fly away.

Jun Jiu's expression changed, and he looked at the dagger with cold eyes.

Seeing the dagger's reaction, Mo Wuyue frowned, his golden eyes were cold-blooded.

The last time the dagger responded, it was when he met Ye Cheng.Ye Cheng had the wound left by Wen Yu, the leader of the Holy Alliance, on Ye Cheng's body, and Wen Yu's power remained, which stimulated the dagger.

Now, the dagger reacted again!
But here is Cang Jiuzong, how could there be someone or something related to the leader of the Holy Alliance?
Even though Cang Jiuzong invited guests, the Holy Alliance was not among them.


Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue looked at each other, and the answer was ready to come out.

Unless there are people from the Holy Alliance mixed in, they are on Lidian Island at this time, so the dagger will be stimulated.

"Find him, no matter who it is, kill him!" Mo Wuyue's voice was cold and heartless, he raised his golden eyes to look at the island, with murderous intent emerging.

Jun Jiu nodded with a cold face, he wanted to find him out!
The wedding between her and Mo Wuyue, and the banquet celebrating the establishment of Cang Jiuzong did not invite the Holy Alliance.People from the Holy Alliance came uninvited, they were not guests, and they had to be picked out and thrown out, or wiped out to warn everyone in God's Domain.

Not everyone can enter Cang Jiuzong's territory!
Jun Jiu glanced coldly at Lidian Island, and said, "He must have come in among the guests from other forces. Fortunately, the dagger responded. Let's follow and find him out!"

However, as soon as the words fell, the dagger suddenly trembled, and then there was no movement.

Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue looked at the dagger together and frowned.

The reaction disappeared, what is the situation?
Mo Wuyue's eyes flickered, and he said, "Maybe he noticed it and hid himself."

Hidden, without revealing the slightest breath, the dagger couldn't sense it, and returned to calm.Regardless of who this person is, if he is so vigilant and quick to react, his strength will not be low!
His purpose of infiltrating into Cang Jiuzong is more deserving of scrutiny, and he must be found out!

Jun Jiu frowned, looked at Mo Wuyue and said, "The dagger didn't respond, so we can only look for it ourselves. Wuyue, you and I are separated, and one is in charge of half of the Ridian Island. If there is a situation, we will contact you in time."

When talking about this, Jun Jiu paused and said, "If you find someone before me, don't rush to kill them, wait for me to come and deal with them together."

Jun Jiu was worried that before the interrogation, Mo Wuyue would kill him as soon as they met.

Mo Wuyue nodded, "Okay, I promise you. But you also have to promise me. If you find out who it is, don't act impulsively. Wait for me to catch him."

Mo Wuyue has a keen intuition, this person who infiltrated Cang Jiuzong is very strong!
Although Xiao Jiu'er's true realm is at the eighth-level god-king realm, she will still be in danger if she meets a strong man at the god-emperor realm.Hand over the person to him, and he will deal with it. He promised Xiao Jiu'er that he would stay alive.

Knowing that Mo Wuyue was worried about her safety, Jun Jiu smiled lightly, and Jun Jiu nodded.

Jun Jiu smiled and said, "Okay, I promise you too."

"Set off."

Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue separated at this point, and flew towards Lidian Island in two directions. After entering the island, they teleported and disappeared, and their figures disappeared into the dense forest.


the other side.

As Tang Fan's identity, Wen Xie was allocated a good side hall in the residence of everyone in the Honghuang Alliance.

Maybe it's because of his unpleasant personality, this side hall is good, but it's a bit too side, and the scenery is beautiful and quiet.But it was exactly what Wen Xie wanted, he didn't want to greet people Tang Fan knew, that would only increase the possibility of exposure.

Wen Xie originally planned to practice until the wedding day before going out, but unexpectedly, a voice in his mind suddenly said: "You go out first."

Wen Xie:?
Wen Xie became alert, her eyes were cold and sharp.Wen Xie questioned in his mind: "Senior, what do you want to do?"

"Nothing to do, just let you go out for a walk." Wen Yu's answer was extremely perfunctory.

Wen Xie naturally heard Wen Yu's perfunctory, and he didn't want to go out.Lidian Island is full of festive and joyful colors, and every place is telling him that Jun Jiu and Xie Di are getting married!

Wen Xie is not a masochist, why not go out for a while.

But obviously Wen Yu didn't ask him, but an order.Wen Yu urged: "Go out and take a look around, if you meet someone, tell me that you are looking for a place with plenty of spiritual power to practice."

As Wen Yu urged, Wen Xie suddenly lost control of his body, got up and walked out of the hall.

Wen Xie's face turned dark instantly, damn it!

(End of this chapter)

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