Chapter 2590 Scarier Than Monsters

Chapter 2590 scarier than monsters

Jin Shengtian stood up straight, his eyes not only turned blood red, but also changed into vertical pupils that were not blood red, like a beast.

Jun Jiu raised his eyebrows, isn't Jin Shengtian a human race?

He also saw Jin Shengtian open his mouth and murmur an indistinct incantation, following the incantation, bloody runes crawled on his face and skin.When the rune appeared, Jin Shengtian's strength was rising steadily, and his coercion was so strong that it was frightening.

On the viewing platform, people saw Jin Shengtian's changes, their expressions were astonished and confused.

Jin Shengtian, what's going on?

"Hiss, it's not human anymore." Xiao Wu gasped and said.

Cangchen frowned and stared at Jin Shengtian for a while, then said: "He has practiced sorcery, and the runes should be quite ancient, but practicing this thing is not a good thing."

"Why?" Xiao Wu asked curiously.

Cang Chen looked back at Xiao Wu, met the eyes of Li Fuling and Song Ping, and was equally curious to see them.

Cangchen turned up the volume a little bit, and explained: "Practicing sorcery can make a person's strength skyrocket, and the combat power is powerful and terrifying, but the more powerful the sorcery overdraws, the more vitality will be overdrawn. In the end, the whole person will be sacrificed by the sorcery. "

Jin Shengtian practiced sorcery, he was seeking his own death!

Hearing this, everyone finally understood how Jin Shengtian broke through to the God Emperor realm within two or three years, it turned out to be by sorcery.

Xiao Wu looked at Jun Jiu worriedly, and continued to ask, "Is there any nemesis for magic?"

"Of course, the Nine Bone Thunder Umbrella in Jun Jiu's hand is one of the deadliest nemesis of evil magic." Cang Chen said.

Hearing this, everyone looked at Mo Wuyue one after another, wanting to ask Mo Wuyue for proof.

Seeing that Mo Wuyue ignored them, and his golden eyes only followed Jun Jiu's figure, everyone heaved a sigh of relief.Mo Wuyue is still so calm, which means that even if Jin Shengtian has practiced sorcery, he is not Jun Jiu's opponent, so they are relieved.

In the arena, Jun Jiu and Jin Shengtian have fought against each other again.

Everyone looked up one after another, regardless of whether their eyes could keep up, they all tried their best to follow the figure of Jun Jiu and Jin Shengtian fighting...

Jun Jiu once again blocked Jin Shengtian with the Nine Bone Thunder Umbrella.

As soon as the Nine-bone Thunder Umbrella opened and closed, it directly flew Jin Shengtian away, and at the same time, the thunder python rushed into Jin Shengtian's body with lightning.

Jin Shengtian's body trembled, and the corners of his mouth were bleeding again, but he recovered quickly, and raised his knife to kill Jun Jiu again.Seeing this, Jun Jiu's eyes froze slightly, Jin Shengtian was right, indeed he said it was too early to restrain himself.

I don't know if Jin Shengtian has gradually developed resistance, or if his rough skin and thick flesh can bear it, but the impact of the Nine Bone Thunder Umbrella on Jin Shengtian is getting smaller and smaller.

What changed with it was that Jin Shengtian became stronger and full of violent spiritual power.

One knife after another, extremely ruthless, the knife pressed towards Jun Jiu's death spot.

Jun Jiu was the first to block with the Nine Bone Thunder Umbrella, and analyzed Jin Shengtian's fighting style.Now the effect of the Nine-Bone Thunder Umbrella is not so good. Jun Jiu raised her hand to raise the Nine-Bone Thunder Umbrella into the air. She made a magic trick with her fingertips, and the time magic trick enveloped Jin Shengtian.

So on the viewing platform, people finally saw clearly Jin Shengtian's every move.

Jin Shengtian felt as if someone had pressed the slow-motion button, his movements were extremely slow, clicking and stopping.But Jun Jiu didn't. He was still as ghostly as the wind, elusive to catch.


The Nine Scales Sword passed through Jin Shengtian's shoulder, and he drew the sword quickly without hesitation.

When drawing the sword, the Nine Scales Sword brought Jin Shengtian's blood, and the sharp blade cut a deep bone wound from Jin Shengtian's shoulder to chest.

Blood spattered out, not warm, but with a hint of cold air.

Jun Jiu instinctively felt that something was wrong, and pulled away to retreat, but at this moment, Jin Shengtian grinned twice, and shouted loudly, "Go!"

In an instant, the blood spurted out of Jin Shengtian's body came alive, like a blood-red bug, rushing towards Jun Jiu with the force of lightning.Caught off guard, Jun Jiu didn't expect this trick, a blood worm jumped on the back of his hand, causing a slight pain.

The fire of heaven and earth burned out from Jun Jiu's body, and the purest, most holy and most powerful flames burned blazingly.

Just as the tribulation thunder power in the Nine-Bone Thunder Umbrella is the nemesis of sorcery, the fire of heaven and earth is also the nemesis of evil things such as blood worms. live.

When Jin Shengtian saw the fire of heaven and earth, he also drew back in fear, and wiped his chest at the same time, the wound healed and stopped bleeding.

Jin Shengtian locked Jun Jiu fiercely, and Jun Jiu also locked him coldly, frowning slightly.

The heaven and earth fire had already extinguished the ashes from the blood worms, but the tingling sensation on the back of her hand was still there, and when Jun Jiu felt the blood worms land on the back of her hands, a force in her body was sucked away by the blood worms.

Insignificant, but like a stick in the throat.

Jun Jiu's eyes were cold, and he locked on Jin Shengtian coldly, raised his hand and pointed at Jin Shengtian, Jun Jiu said, "If you have any other tricks, use them."

"Jun Jiu, I will make your death miserable!"

Jin Shengtian shouted loudly, and rushed towards Jun Jiu again...

Jun Jiu has already figured out Jin Shengtian's attacking routines, she easily finds Jin Shengtian's flaws with her sword, every sword can leave terrible wounds on Jin Shengtian's body.

Jin Shengtian's blood splattered out. With previous experience, Jun Jiu waved his hand to stop it with the Nine Bone Thunder Umbrella, or the Heaven and Earth Fire.

Don't even think about touching her with a drop of blood.

After Jun Jiu figured out Jin Shengtian's tricks, Jin Shengtian's disadvantage became more and more obvious, and the injuries on his body were superimposed one after another.

And Jun Jiu had nothing to do except that his dress and hair were a little messy due to the fight.

Jin Shengtian gritted his teeth, he raised his knife and slashed at himself, this fierce and inhumane action made people stunned.Is Jin Shengtian so angry that he hurt himself?


After the big knife in Jin Shengtian's hand was stained with his blood, the big knife buzzed, and the energy of the knife skyrocketed every inch.

Jin Shengtian smirked and slashed out again. The power of this knife was a hundred times that of the previous one.Jun Jiu had to avoid the sharp edge for a while, but Dao Qi seemed to have eyes, and he chased Jun Jiu closely.

Thinking of Jin Shengtian's strange blood, Jun Jiu had an intuition that letting the sword qi stick to his body was not as simple as being injured.

Immediately, Jun Jiu stopped hiding her secrets, and she raised a piece of silver dragon scale between her fingertips.

With a slight crisp sound, Jun Jiu crushed the dragon scales of the blue dragon, and the power of the dragon scales swept away, and the barrier on the ring was the first to crack and crack unbearably.Fortunately, the second dark boat city ranks second among all dark boat cities, and its various measures are also top-notch.

Barrier superpositions constantly appear on the ring to prevent the overflow of power.

Although the barrier kept appearing, breaking down, and appearing again... cycle, but at least it didn't let the power inside leak out.

On the spectator stage, everyone watched the ferocious scene in the ring, and couldn't speak, only the sound of swallowing saliva and inhaling.

They looked at Jin Shengtian as if they were looking at a monster.

Look at Jun Jiu, a pervert who is scarier than a monster!
(End of this chapter)

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