Chapter 2653 A little discerning

Chapter 2653 a bit discerning

Sour girl?
There is always a grain of truth to the old saying.

Jun Jiu silently ate the sour fruit cake in two or three mouthfuls. Instead of picking up another one, she wiped off the cake crumbs on her fingertips, and put her left hand on the pulse of her right hand.With a calm expression, he took the pulse quietly.

But Jun Jiu's series of actions caught Wu Shanqing and Wu Rou's eyes, but they were not calm at all!
Taking a breath, the three of them were stunned, and looked at Jun Jiu with wide eyes.

No way!Could it be a joke that came true?
Mo Wuyue narrowed his golden eyes, his eyes were dark, he looked at Jun Jiu quietly, and didn't bother Jun Jiu to check his pulse.

After checking the pulse of Yan Mandong and Xiaowu, Jun Jiu was familiar with the road and ran directly to the lower abdomen.But the spiritual power swam around, and the spiritual sense also looked at it, and there was nothing different from the past.Jun Jiu paused and checked one more time.

There was still no change, and the pulse was as calm as before, and there was no sign of pregnancy.

After Jun Jiu's meticulous examination, she withdrew her consciousness and moved her pulse-diagnosing fingers away.Looking up, seeing everyone staring at her eagerly, not daring to take a breath, Jun Jiu pursed her lips with joy.

Jun Jiu said, "It's nothing, there's no need to be so nervous."

"Didn't get the pulse?" Wu Shanqing asked.

Jun Jiu suddenly felt his own pulse, no matter how he looked at it, it seemed that there was such a thing.

Jun Jiu shook his head, looked back at Mo Wuyue, Jun Jiu's eyes flickered, and he said again: "There is nothing different from the past."

Wu Shanqing, Wu Ruan and Qian Qiuling let out a sigh, and looked away with a sigh of relief. For some reason, their expressions were obviously a little bit of joy and disappointment.Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue's cub, that is what everyone in Cang Jiuzong is eagerly looking forward to.

Only Mo Wuyue noticed Jun Jiu's words.


Mo Wuyue stretched out his hand to hold Jun Jiu's hand, his fingers passed through, and his fingers were clasped tightly, transferring the warmth to each other.

Mo Wuyue opened his mouth, his voice was charming and gentle, and it became more and more seductive.Mo Wuyue said: "I am always here."

Mo Wuyue is ready to be a father, so no matter when Xiao Jiu'er is pregnant with a baby, he will be there and ready.Xiao Jiu'er only needs to be in a good mood, and leave the rest to him.

Jun Jiu pursed her lips and looked at Mo Wuyue, blinked her eyes, but in the end she still didn't tell Mo Wuyue what was in her heart.

She suddenly likes to eat sour, it may be a sign!

From what the prophetic eye saw, she and Wuyue's Zai Zai were boys, and there was nothing wrong with liking sour.I can't feel the pulse now, maybe it's too early, and the pulse doesn't show.

Jun Jiu didn't say anything because she couldn't be 100% sure.

Even if I have seen my mother and Xiaowu get pregnant, but I have never experienced it myself, other people's experience can only be used as a reference.Especially when Niangqin and Xiao Wu were pregnant, she was the first to find out.

Jun Jiu clasped Mo Wuyue's ten fingers tightly with one hand, and there was no gap between them.With her chin propped on the other hand, her eyes were dim, Jun Jiu thought it was better to wait for the pulse to come out, and then tell everyone, lest everyone rejoice in vain, and she would be embarrassed and embarrassed.

Continuing to watch the game, the event of the Divine Medicine Master became more and more exciting, and everyone's attention was diverted to the ring.

Jun Jiu watched a few games that performed well, and asked Wu Shanqing: "Mr. Wu, do you have a favorite candidate?"

"There are a few, but no decision has been made yet. I want to wait and see." Wu Shanqing said.

The divine pharmacist grand gathering gathered outstanding divine pharmacists from the Eastern God Territory. There are as many geniuses as a cow's hair, and there are no fewer monsters. Except for those who have backgrounds and are difficult to pry the corner, there are many who can wait and see. After confirming that there is no problem, they can be recruited into Cang Nine cases.

Although Cang Jiuzong is short of people, Wu Shanqing will never make up for it. He has strict requirements, strives for excellence, and will never release water.

Furthermore, Cang Jiuzong is now a favorite, countless people want to join Cang Jiuzong, and they don't worry about not being able to recruit people at all.

But at this point, Wu Shanqing couldn't help but look back at Jun Jiu, and he asked, "I wonder when, suzerain, will you break into the realm of a high-level divine pharmacist?"

"You haven't been promoted for a long time." Wu Rou also looked back at Jun Jiu and said.

Now Wu Rou is already in the realm of a mid-level divine pharmacist, one level higher than Jun Jiu's realm.But Wu Rou knew that Jun Jiu's strength had already surpassed the current level of a divine pharmacist.There is no problem for Jun Jiu to jump directly to the realm of high-level divine pharmacists!
Just look, when is Jun Jiu's assessment?

Jun Jiu said flatly: "There is no rush. Cang Jiuzong has enough divine pharmacists, and they can be assessed anytime."

Wu Shanqing and the others nodded, and they were right.

As long as it is not promoted to the great medicine master, anyone in the Cang Nine Sect can be assessed.

Suddenly, the pharmacist tokens of Jun Jiu, Wu Rou and Wu Shanqing all emitted light.Everyone took out their tokens one after another, and then looked at the group of divine pharmacists outside. The noisy crowd quieted down, and everyone took out their tokens to watch.

Has anyone advanced?

When the light dissipated, everyone's spiritual power was immersed in it, and a line of words jumped out.

[Nie Xueqing, a pharmacist, was promoted to a great pharmacist, and the witnesses of the assessment were two supreme pharmacists. 】

Inside the pharmacist's spirit ship, the pot exploded instantly, causing a sensation in the audience.

There is a great pharmacist in Eastern God Territory!
Holding the token, Jun Jiu smiled, with the corners of his mouth curled up, and said, "It seems that I'm going to prepare a gift for Nie Xueqing."

Jun Jiu was not surprised that Nie Xueqing broke through the great pharmacist.When she was in the realm of legends, Nie Xueqing took the initiative to tell her that she had stepped into the realm of the great pharmacist with one foot and was only short of passing the examination.Nie Xueqing kept pressing it, just for the alchemy furnace.

She successfully obtained the alchemy furnace in the legendary realm, and now she is promoted to the great medicine master, it is a certainty.

Jun Jiu put away the token, looked at the noisy crowd outside, boredom flashed in his eyes.The fact that Nie Xueqing was promoted to the great pharmacist caused a sensation in the audience. It seems that it will take a while for people to calm down and continue the competition.

Jun Jiu is not interested in waiting here.

She got up and stretched, and said to Wu Shanqing and the others: "I'm going to practice for a while, and the game is at the exciting part, please call me."

Mo Wuyue also stood up, since Jun Jiu was not here, he would definitely not stay here.

Wu Shanqing and the others nodded in understanding, and watched Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue turn around and enter the elegant room.The pharmacist's spirit ship is very large, and the private rooms of the major forces are all rooms for them to rest, which is quiet enough.

Jun Jiu said that he came to practice, and after sitting cross-legged, he really closed his eyes and began to practice.

Mo Wuyue watched helplessly for a while, then sat cross-legged in meditation, took out the Canglong's core to refine and absorb it, and practiced with Jun Jiu.

During this period, Sheng Yaozun couldn't help sending people to invite Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue, but they were all sent back by Wu Shanqing.Even if both Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue are going to cultivate, it is still a two-person world, can Master Sheng Yao have a bit of insight?

Sheng Yaozun didn't know, he gritted his teeth, feeling restless.

If it weren't for his own identity, Saint Yaozun might have come to the door himself.

(End of this chapter)

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