Chapter 2714 Spirit of the Gods
Chapter 2714 God's Spirit
Meteor God Valley, a space labyrinth.

Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue walked into the Falling God Valley, and what they saw was a beautiful valley, a world of singing birds and fragrant flowers, the afternoon sun shining down on the sky and the earth, it was quiet and peaceful.If you don't know where you came from, it's hard to connect this place with Meteor God Valley.

Jun Jiu stretched out her hand, without her taking the initiative to pull it, the spiritual power of heaven and earth swarmed in, and gently submerged into Jun Jiu's body, filling all limbs and bones.

His eyes flickered, and Jun Jiu looked around and said, "The spiritual power here is much stronger than that of the outside world. I don't know how different it is from the spirit of the gods."

"I will know when I see the spirit of the gods. Let's go." Mo Wuyue took Jun Jiu's hand and walked into the valley.

Jun Jiu walked out a few steps, and couldn't help but look behind her.

The rift when they came had already disappeared, and the forces that followed them into the rift could only enter other spaces.

The valley is not big, Mo Wuyue and Jun Jiu quickly found the spirit of the gods.

At this time, the aura of the gods does not show any sinister and sinister. It is gentle and peaceful like a cloud and mist lingering in the bamboo forest on the side of the valley. Occasionally, a beautiful divine light will flash, which contains extremely powerful and terrifying power.

Jun Jiu raised his eyebrows in surprise, turned his head and asked Mo Wuyue: "Is this the spirit of the gods?"

Dragon Cub's tone was confused: "It doesn't seem to be dangerous."

There was no one else here, the dragon cub crawled out of Mo Wuyue's sleeve, nimbly climbed onto Mo Wuyue's shoulder, and looked at the aura of the gods curiously.

"We didn't enter its range, so it naturally wouldn't attack us. When it exploded with divine power, it would be seriously injured if it was not dead at the ninth-level god emperor realm, and it wouldn't last even a second if it was below the god emperor realm." Mo Wuyue said. explained.

Then Mo Wuyue let go of Jun Jiu's hand and said, "Xiao Jiu'er wait here."

At the same time, let Long Zai Zai go to Jun Jiu's side.With Mo Wuyue's permission, Dragon Cub jumped up joyfully and threw himself into Jun Jiu's arms.

Mo Wuyue walked towards the bamboo forest, and stopped outside a certain range. Mo Wuyue walked around the bamboo forest, and then stood on a grass field.

Mo Wuyue waved his hand and took out a blanket and spread it on the floor, then looked up at Jun Jiu and Long Zaizai, Mo Wuyue smiled and said, "Come on, Xiao Jiuer, you and Zaizai are here to practice."

Jun Jiu strode over, and as soon as he reached the blanket, the dragon cub jumped on the blanket, stomped on it, and rolled a few more times.

Seeing the innocent and cute appearance of Long Zai Zai, Jun Jiu's eyes were full of doting smiles.Looking at Mo Wuyue again, Jun Jiu asked: "Cultivate here? Shouldn't we go to You Xin and Jing Yuan first?"

"Meteor God Valley is a labyrinth of overlapping spaces. It is not easy to find them, and there is no rush. The spirit of the gods here is not strong. It happens that Xiao Jiuer, you and Zai Zai can use it to practice. You practice, I will find the connection The passage to the next space." Mo Wuyue said.

Jun Jiu stroked his chin, and had to say, what Mo Wuyue said made sense, and the arrangement was very appropriate.

Inside the Falling God Valley, overlapping spaces formed a space maze, and no one knew which space the people who came in were in.If you want to save people, you can't rush, you have to try your luck, or go all the way through with your strength.

Jun Jiu nodded, "Okay, just follow what you said."

Jun Jiu stepped onto the blanket, sat down casually, and waved to Long Zai Zai: "Cai Zai, come here."


Only then did Long Zaizai stop rolling on the fluffy and soft blanket, and quickly ran to Jun Jiu. Long Zaizai sat down obediently and looked up at Jun Jiu.

Jun Jiu hooked his lips and stretched out his hand, touched Long Zaizai's head and said: "Zai Zai also heard what Daddy said, we are going to practice here, Zai Zai is ready?"

"Hmm! Zaizai is always ready. But..." Long Zaizai stretched out his claws and scratched his chin, then turned his head to look at the spirit of the gods in the bamboo forest. His expression was confused and curious.

Long Zizai said: "How can I cultivate the spirit of the gods?"

Jun Jiu raised his head to look at Mo Wuyue, and asked him how to bring the spirit of the gods into his body, Mo Wuyue didn't say anything yet.

Following Jun Jiu's line of sight, Long Zai Zai also raised his head to look at Mo Wuyue, his eyes full of curiosity.

Looking at the mother and child, one big and one small, with a smile in his golden eyes, Mo Wuyue curled his lips and explained: "You don't need to deliberately absorb the spirit of the gods, as long as you absorb and refine the spiritual power here, the spirit of the gods will naturally follow. Spiritual power enters your body."

"It's the same if someone else is practicing here?" Jun Jiu remembered something, frowned, and looked a little worried.

Mo Wuyue nodded.

No matter who is cultivating in the place where the gods have fallen, they will inhale the spirit of the gods.But there is no need to worry too much, Mo Wuyue continued to explain: "Not everyone has the body of the gods and the body of the black dragon. Their cultivation level is far from enough to touch the spirit of the gods."

"Unless someone goes crazy and inhales spiritual power continuously, to the extent that the body is broken, will he draw a trace of godly energy. At that time, he will explode and die in less than a second." Mo Wuyue said.

Jun Jiu understood immediately, and heaved a sigh of relief. At this level, there is no need to worry about You Xin and the others.

Jun Jiu sat cross-legged in meditation and said, "Then I will start."

Jun Jiu closed her eyes and actively circulated her spiritual power. Immediately, Jun Jiu's body seemed to turn into a whirlpool, and the spiritual power of heaven and earth surged wildly.Seeing his mother start to practice, Long Zaizai obediently crossed his body, sat beside Jun Jiu and closed his eyes to practice.

Spiritual power swarmed in and submerged into Jun Jiu and Long Zai Zai respectively.

The spirit body of the gods and the body of the blue dragon are extraordinarily domineering and ferocious when absorbing spiritual power. In the bamboo forest not far away, the quiet state of the gods is quickly attracted.

The ethereal and gentle divine aura, like clouds and mist, separated strands and strands, shining beautiful divine light, and flew towards Jun Jiu and Long Zai Zai along the spiritual power of heaven and earth, and then submerged into their bodies bit by bit.

Mo Wuyue looked at it for a while, and after confirming that Jun Jiu and Long Zaizai had no problem in their cultivation, Mo Wuyue looked up and looked around.

Every space in the space labyrinth is connected, and one can go to the next space from one space and keep moving forward.Without knowing how much space there is, there is no way to tell when the end will be reached.

Mo Wuyue needs to check this space first, and then find the passage to the next space.

The deity stayed here to protect Jun Jiu and Long Zai Zai, and Mo Wuyue started to make a formula, and his spiritual power condensed into two clones.The avatar leaves in two different directions, one left and one right. When the divine sense cannot be used, the only way is to measure it with your own steps and look for it with your eyes.

Mo Wuyue closed his golden eyes, what the avatar could see, he could see as well.

This space is not big, and it took Mo Wuyue an hour to go through the space and successfully found some clues.

(End of this chapter)

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