Chapter 2782 One Hundred Places

Chapter 2782 one hundred places

After leaving the Small God Realm, Cang Jiuzong's spirit ship was in the lead, followed by the spirit ships of all the powers in the Quartet God Realm, forming a huge, spectacular and astonishing fleet of spirit ships.

It can be said that if you look at the Sifang God Realm, you will never find a second fleet like this!
Gathering the forces of the top sects in the Four Kingdoms, the flag flying on the spirit ship can shock the world.All the spirit boats followed Cang Jiuzong's spirit boat, ostentatiously crashing into the market all the way, everyone was stunned when they saw it.

New news followed.

The progress of the Sifang God's Domain Conference is unknown, all the forces have left the Small God's Domain first, and have all gone to Cang Jiuzong!
Thinking of the expulsion of the Holy Alliance, people couldn't help guessing, could it be that Cang Jiuzong was going to hold the Sifang Gods Conference?Guess, I guessed it right, I just couldn't believe it.

Spirit ship.

Jun Jiu has been thinking about problems all the way, and the classification and summary can be divided into three directions.

One is the situation of the forces.

The second is how to hold the Sifang Shenyu Conference in Cang Jiuzong?

The third is that the Holy Alliance carefully planned a huge conspiracy, and now it has been exposed, and the news has spread, but the Holy Alliance has remained silent.What is Wen Yu thinking?Is there still someone behind?

"Mother? Mother?" The milky and soft voice called Jun Jiu twice.

Jun Jiu regained her senses and looked down at Long Zaizai, who stood on the table and looked at her eagerly, and called out, "Mother."

"What's wrong?" Jun Jiu stretched out his hand and nodded Long Zai Zai's head, and asked him with a smile on his lips.

Long Zizai turned his head and glanced at his father who was sitting opposite, then raised his dragon claw and pointed to the door, and said in a childish voice: "The elder Taishang of Shenyi and Grandpa Youming are here, and my father asked my mother for help." Don't see me?"

Jun Jiu raised her eyebrows slightly, and looked up at the door.

Cang Jiuzong's spirit ship is very big, the rooms in the ship are no different from the palace, and they are some distance away from the gate.Jun Jiu looked over and saw the Elder Shenyi, Elder You Ming, and Wu Shanqing standing at the gate, waiting for her reply.

Jun Jiu just fell into her own thoughts, presumably she didn't hear the old Nether's voice, it was the dragon cub who called her to regain her senses.

Jun Jiu looked at the sound transmission outside the door and said, "Everyone, please come in."

After receiving Jun Jiu's permission, Elder Shenyi, Elder You Ming, and Wu Shanqing stepped into the house.Jun Jiu asked them to sit down, and asked, "Teacher, you came to see me, what's the matter?"

"I want to ask if you have any arrangements or plans." You Ming said with a smile, stroking his beard.

The Elder Shenyi took the words of Elder You Ming, opened his mouth and said: "Since the Sifang God Realm Conference is held in a different place, the rules in the Small God Realm can no longer be used. Next, it will be held in Cang Jiuzong of the Sovereign Jun, and the rules are still the same. You have to come and ask the sovereign to decide."

When Jun Jiu heard the words, his eyes flashed with clarity.

The Sifang Shenyu Conference will be held again, and the place will be selected in the Cang Jiuzong, but the location of the Cang Jiuzong, and how the competition will be held must be re-determined.

Originally, Shenyi was in charge of the Sifang Shenyu Conference, but now that the site has been changed to Cang Jiuzong, the elders of Shenyi dare not act rashly.He secretly glanced at Mo Wuyue. Mo Wuyue was sitting on a chair with a lazy posture, holding a book in his hand and reading very slowly.

Compared to reading, Mo Wuyue spends most of his time teasing the dragon cubs, or watching Jun Jiu affectionately and attentively.As for them, Mo Wuyue never even glanced at them.

The Elder Shenyi Taishang was very worried, and Mo Wuyue and Jun Jiu had to nod their heads to hold the Sifang God Realm Conference in Cang Jiuzong, otherwise they would not dare to act rashly.

In the end, the elder Shenyi Taishang looked at Jun Jiu with hope in his eyes, wondering if Jun Jiu had any arrangements or plans?
Jun Jiu thought for a while and asked: "How is the situation of the major forces? Let's talk about their numbers first, Shenyi should have statistics."

"Yes. In the Sifang God Territory, the Southern God Territory and the Western God Territory suffered the most losses, followed by the Northern God Territory, and our Eastern God Territory is a little bit better." Shenyi Taishang Elder said, looking at Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue, his eyes couldn't help flashing admiration and admiration. admiration.

If Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue hadn't entered Meteor God Valley to save people, Sifang God Realm's loss would have been more than this, and it might have been completely wiped out.

Shenyi counted the situation of the major forces in the Sifang God Realm. In comparison, the disciples of the Cang Jiuzong had the least casualties.Because of the Cang Nine Sects, the Eastern God Territory has reduced the proportion of casualties, so it is much better than the other three gods.

Elder Shenyi Taishang continued: "Among the surviving disciples of the major forces, the Cang Jiuzong has the largest number, followed by the Shengzun Alliance, Pharmacist Collection, Tianxue Clan, etc. But to participate in the Sifang Shenyu Conference, the number of people from the major forces Far from enough."

"Then let them add people by themselves. Now that the Sifang God Realm communicates with each other, there is a time limit for them to send people to fill the gap. But there can't be too many people. Cang Jiuzong can't keep so many people." Jun Jiu said .

Hearing this, Old You Ming immediately said, "How about restricting each faction's quota of 100 people? No matter whether they make up or replace people, they can't exceed [-] people!"

"I think it's okay, otherwise there are too many of them, and I can't count all of Cang Nine Sects." Wu Shanqing nodded in agreement.

Hearing this, the elder Shenyi Taishang couldn't help coughing lightly, so as to hide the smile on the corner of his mouth.

There is no way, the number of Cang Jiuzong is too small!

Originally participating in the Sifang God Realm Conference, Cang Jiuzong was the least number of all the forces in the Sifang God Realm, and he was not favored by the forces.Now the feng shui turns, not only Cang Jiuzong has the most surviving disciples, but it is also Cang Jiuzong's turn to hold the Sifang God Realm Conference!
All the forces in the Sifang God Realm owed favors to Jun Jiu, Mo Wuyue and Cang Jiuzong. If they retreated to give some advantages, no one would be ignorant.

The Elder Shenyi Taishang nodded, "100 people are enough, and the total number of forces is several thousand. What about the rules of the competition? Can there be a small secret realm in Cang Jiuzong as the venue for the competition?"

"Yes, there are many islands in our Cang Jiuzong, and we randomly choose large and small islands as the venue for the competition. But how to compare the competition, we have to discuss it carefully and think of the most suitable one. Jun Jiu, do you have any ideas?" Old Nether Then, he threw the question to Jun Jiu again.

Jun Jiu shook her head, she hadn't thought about it yet.

And don't be in such a hurry!
Jun Jiu looked at the Elder Shenyi Taishang and the elder Youming, and slightly curled his lips and said: "It is easy for the forces in the Eastern God Territory to replenish people, but the other three gods are far away, and it will take a while. First, let the forces replenish people and heal the wounded." Ready to race."

"Cang Jiu Zong also needs to prepare well. When the preparations are almost done, it will not be too late to formulate the rules and procedures of the competition." Jun Jiu said.

Elder Shenyi Taishang, Elder Youming, and Wu Shanqing looked at each other and nodded, Jun Jiu was right, and it is a bit premature to plan now.

Then they discussed the time, the time needed by Cang Jiuzong to prepare, and the time needed by other forces in the Three Kingdoms...

(End of this chapter)

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