Chapter 279

Chapter 279

"Six or six?" Qing Yu was at a loss.

Jun Jiu paused for a moment, then calmly explained: "It means that you are powerful or not."

Qing Yu: "Excellent! Junior sister is the sixth."

"Jun Jiu 666, let's take it! Just do as you said, this elder will immediately pick up disciples to go to Canghaizong." Elder Zhou Die said.

For a while, everyone was praising Jun Jiuliu.Originally, he blurted out unintentionally, but now listening to a bunch of 666 in his ear, Jun Jiu silently held his forehead, why did he say six or six?Looking at Elder Zhou Die from the corner of his eye, Jun Jiu raised his eyebrows and said, "Elder Zhou Die, you have turned white."

It's really not her changing the subject.But Elder Zhou Die is really white, no longer Heitan with only white teeth.Now the skin is a healthy wheat color, and the value of the face has improved several times, and the heroic appearance is heroic!

Hearing what Jun Jiu said, Elder Zhou Die was still a little embarrassed.She went on to say happily: "It all depends on Jun Jiu's spring water. After I drank it, my skin became darker every day. I don't know if it will turn white in the future? But it's pretty good as it is, it looks good!"

"Not only did Elder Zhou Die turn white, I drank the spring water, and my strength also greatly improved." Elder Qian stroked his beard.He has always been the most stern elder of Tianwuzong, but he is happier than anyone else with a smile when he looks at Jun Jiu.

The elders looked at each other, and couldn't help but glance at Qing Yu in unison.The suzerain's greatest contribution in this life is to lure Jun Jiu to Tianwuzong!
Zonghua is the blessing of their Tianwuzong, a great hero!Whoever dares to bully Zonghua, they will dispatch the whole sect of Tianwuzong to beat you to death.As for Jun Jiu's opinion, they agreed with almost no hesitation.

After listening to their feedback, Jun Jiu deliberately went to Houshanquan to have a look, with Qing Yu as his companion.As he walked, he said, "After taking the spring water, two-thirds of the disciples of the whole sect have successfully broken through and advanced in strength. Although the remaining one-third did not make a breakthrough, their physique and strength have improved."

"Yeah." Jun Jiu nodded, she looked at Qing Yu and asked, "What about you, Senior Brother?"

"I have no effect. Elder Qian, Elder Zhou Die and the others have been trapped in that realm for several years, so the effect is remarkable. But your senior brother and I have been advancing quite quickly, neither lacking in talent nor strength. So this spring water is useful to me Not obvious."

Qing Yu's tone was still unrestrained and indulgent, and there was no improvement in the whole clan, only his annoyance and unwillingness to stand still.He is unrestrained, like a gust of drunken wind.

The corner of his mouth curved, Jun Jiu stretched out his hand and put it in front of Qing Yu. "This is for senior brother."

"What is it?"

"Yudiniang. The water in the spring is made of Yudiniang, which is refined and compressed, and then slowly washed away by the spring water. It can be drunk for a few years. Since it is useless to senior brother, I will try taking Yudiniang directly." Yue Qianhuan Brew a drop of jade to Qing Yu.

Without waiting for Qing Yu's reply, Jun Jiu walked towards the spring and squatted down to untie a kit bag from his waist.

Qing Yu walked over suspiciously and saw that there was a tender and strange plant with two leaves in the kit bag.It seemed to be alive, shrinking timidly into Jun Jiu's palm.I saw Jun Jiu opened his hand and put this small plant in the spring water at the mouth of the spring.

Qing Yu was startled, "Little Junior Sister, what is this?"

"Jade Seed. The jade drop brew in your hand is condensed from it."

Hearing this, Qing Yu was extremely surprised.Is this the variant of the legendary spirit jade marrow - the jade seed?Seeing Yuzhong stretched out in the spring water and shaking, water droplets splashed everywhere.The most amazing thing is that the water droplets rolling down from the leaves of the jade species are all glowing faintly.

"What is it doing?" Qing Yu asked.

Jun Jiu: "Taking a bath. Yuzhong is full of treasures, and the water that passes through it can also be transformed into spiritual water that contains spiritual power. Tianwuzong has made progress and breakthroughs. Let Yuzhong personally consolidate the energy in the water. Yudi brewing is more effective."

Hearing Jun Jiu's answer, Qing Yu hesitated to speak.Isn't it that they all have to drink Yuzhong's bath water?

Looking down at the jade dripping in his palm again, Qing Yu looked up at Jun Jiu very moved.His little junior sister must feel sorry for him, that's why he gave him Yudi brew, so he didn't have to drink the bath water!The more she thought about it, the more certain she became, Qing Yu said: "Little sister, we use other mountain springs for our meals. Let the elders and disciples here!"


Leng Yuan saw this scene from beginning to end in secret, the corners of his mouth twitched speechlessly.Miss Jun's senior brother, don't you really want to cheat Tian Wuzong up and down?But Yuzhong's bath water is indeed a good thing.

After returning from the spring, Jun Jiu returned to the residence alone.

She placed a beauty couch in a sunny place, covered with soft cushions.Standing in front of the beauty's couch, Jun Jiu made a gesture with his hands, and the bracelet gave off a soft light.This ray of light gathers at Jun Jiu's fingertips, and then slowly grows larger and takes shape.

Finally, it landed on the soft cushion, and the ball of light turned into a snow-white cat.It's Little Five!

Xiao Wu is a little bigger than before, his hair is whiter and more translucent, and it still shines in the sun.Jun Jiu sat on Xiao Wu's body, raised his hand and gently stroked Xiao Wu's hair.She accumulated ten days of spiritual power, and let Xiao Wu transform into form again.But Xiao Wu hadn't healed yet and couldn't wake up with his eyes open.

His eyes dimmed a bit, Jun Jiu pinched Xiao Wu's ears.She said, "When do you wake up? I'll cook grilled fish for you myself."

Hearing Jun Jiu's words subconsciously, Xiao Wu jumped up happily.It has to work hard, recover and wake up early!

However, Leng Yuan couldn't hear Xiao Wu's reply, and in his eyes was Jun Jiu's sad expression of missing Xiao Wu.Leng Yuan sighed, Xiao Wu is really important to Miss Jun.

"Why are you sighing?" Jun Jiu heard Leng Yuan's sigh, and looked forward sideways.

Leng Yuan hesitated for a moment, then walked out of the darkness with his head down.He looked at Jun Jiu, then at Xiao Wu, holding back for a while and said, "Miss Jun, I know that Xiao Wu is very important to you. But don't worry, the master will be back soon, and he must have a way to make Xiao Wu wake up."

"Wu Yue can heal cats?"

"No, the master can train the white tiger." Subconsciously said, Leng Yuan reacted quickly and immediately changed the subject before Jun Jiu could speak, and then said: "The master can even train the white tiger, Ah Bu healed it! Xiao Wu will be fine, Jun Take it easy, girl."

"White tiger?" Something flashed through Jun Jiu's mind, but the speed was too fast, she didn't catch it.

Looking up at Leng Yuan, the latter straightened his back and looked cold and serious, but he clearly saw a guilty conscience in his rolling eyes.What is Leng Yuan guilty of?
Raising his eyebrows and curling his lips, Jun Jiu asked, "Leng Yuan, why is Wu Yue able to train Bai Hu? Isn't he human?"

This question is beyond the outline!If not, what if Miss Jun dislikes her master?Leng Yuan rolled his eyes and grinned: "I only know that Master loves Miss Jun wholeheartedly!"

(End of this chapter)

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