Chapter 2811 I will kill you!
Chapter 2811 I will kill you!
"I admit defeat." Hearing that Nie Xueqing was unwilling to admit defeat, Li Fan felt a little regretful, but still had to stop.

Nie Xueqing had already conceded defeat, and if he made another move, it would arouse the hatred of the Eastern God Territory.

Li Fan glanced at Nie Xueqing, and then raised his head to look at the position of the Holy Venerable Alliance. Li Fan glanced at Zhong Ji Sang, his eyes narrowed with a cold light.Finally, when Li Fan turned around and walked off the ring, he glanced at Jun Jiu vaguely.

When meeting Jun Jiu in the Falling God Valley, the grievances are settled.

One is that they can't beat the evil emperor, and the other is that Jun Jiu and the evil emperor saved them. Liangqing is the choice of wise people.

But Nie Xueqing and Ji Sang, Li Fan remembered the names of the two people in his heart, as long as there is a chance, he will definitely turn the situation back!Now that he has won against Nie Xueqing, Ji Sang is the only one short of him, and he hopes to meet Ji Sang in the next match.

After Li Fan left, Nie Xueqing stood up and stuffed a few pills into her mouth, her face softened a little, Nie Xueqing turned around and walked off the ring with her lips curled.

When the arena is free, the Elder Shenyi Taishang will continue to draw lots...

When she heard Nie Xueqing concede defeat, Jun Jiu turned her head to look this way, with regret in her eyes.

Unexpectedly, Nie Xueqing stopped in the eighth round and lost to Li Fan.His eyes swept over Li Fan again, and Jun Jiu's eyes flashed a bit of surprise. After not seeing him for a while, Li Fan became much stronger again.I don't know if he can kill to the end?
Only one thought flashed through her mind, and soon Jun Jiu put it all away, and she turned around and continued wandering in the other two arenas.

Zong Yihai and Gong Chen are both in the ring, Jun Jiu can't just look at one of them, switching back and forth, not looking carefully, but it is enough to analyze the odds of the two of them winning.

After the analysis, Jun Jiu came to the conclusion that it was very bad, Zong Yihai and Gong Chen had no chance of winning.

Zong Yihai faced Leng You, not to mention the disparity in the realm between them, everything that Zong Yihai painted with a jade pen was violently destroyed in front of Leng You.

Leng You is like a violent maniac, with one punch, one kick, one kick, extremely violent and brutal, nothing can survive the second punch, the second kick, the second palm in front of him.

Everything drawn by Shanhe Dian's jade brush could not stop Leng You, and was destroyed by violence again and again, Zong Yihai suffered a backlash, and the blood coughed and spit out from his throat had already stained red and soaked his clothes.Zong Yihai gritted his teeth, not thinking of admitting defeat at all.

Zong Yihai is stubborn and stubborn, his back is straight, and he will never admit defeat until he is completely unable to hold on!

Seeing Zong Yihai's attitude, he smiled coldly, the smile on the corner of his mouth had no warmth at all, it was bitingly cold, and there was a strong evil spirit in his blood eyes.

Leng You dodged again and rushed towards Zong Yihai.

Zong Yihai remembers what Leng Yuan said, don't let Leng You get close, no matter whether he is possessed or not, he can't let him get close, Zong Yihai grits his teeth and backs away, draws the shield to stop Leng You again, and then draws the attack s things……

Zong Yihai is still persevering, but unfortunately, his defeat is already set.

Jun Jiu pursed her lips, then looked towards Gong Chen and Bai Yue.

Gong Chen still set up the formation, Baiyue was trapped by numerous space forbidden formations, but this was just an appearance.Baiyue is the most outstanding and powerful representative of the Yuling clan, and one of the most popular candidates. He has the ability to challenge the leader.

The space barrier seemed to trap Baiyue, but Baiyue was not in a hurry. He stood there calmly, holding a fox-like beast in his arms.

The space attack came through the air, and all of them were intercepted by the beasts around Baiyue, and they couldn't get close to Baiyue at all.

It can be said that after the two fought for so long, it was Gong Chen alone who launched the attack, and Baiyue was able to relax and stand there with ease, while his beasts attacked and defended, Baiyue stayed out of the way, so relaxed and comfortable.

Gong Chen frowned, he had to break through the defense of the beasts around Baiyue!
Taking a deep breath, Gong Chen closed his eyes, his fingers fluttering.

Gong Chen had no choice but to activate the strongest space magic art he could control so far, and when he pinched it with his fingertips, the spiritual power in the world was turbulent.In the dense space barrier, Baiyue immediately sensed that something was wrong, and the dangerous aura touched his sixth sense.

His pupils flickered, and Baiyue hooked his lips into a smile, finally couldn't help it?

Baiyue didn't worry about the imminent danger at all. He reached out and touched the fiery red fox in his arms, and Baiyue said, "Go."


The fiery red fox rubbed Baiyue's palm affectionately, then jumped out, and the fox disappeared in an instant.

On the spectator stage, people exclaimed when they saw this, this fox-shaped beast actually has space talent!

Someone was well-informed and shouted out the race of the divine beast: "It's the Phantom Sky Fox!"

"Hiss! Didn't the Huankong Fox say that its clan has been exterminated?"

"Hey, with the Huankong Fox, Cang Jiuzong's Gong Chen has no advantage at all, he is doomed to lose."


The voice of everyone's discussion reached Jun Jiu's ears, and Jun Jiu's expression was indifferent.She has already seen the ending, Jun Jiu never cared about winning or losing, Gong Chen and Zong Yihai are already Cang Jiuzong's pride for being able to persist until this round!

They are all great!
Seeing that the two were still persisting in the ring, gritting their teeth and refusing to admit defeat, the increasing injuries on their bodies could not make them change their minds.

Jun Jiu withdrew his gaze and turned his head to look at Jing Yuan. Jun Jiu passed the sound transmission, and Jing Yuan nodded immediately after hearing it.Then Jing Yuan said a few more words to You Xin and the others, and they all got up and walked towards the ring.

Among the two arenas, Gong Chen's side ended first.

Huan Konghu tore through the barriers in space and found Gong Chen.As soon as Huan Konghu found it, he immediately brought Baiyue to Gong Chen through the contract. Gong Chen only had time to gather a space wall in front of him to block Baiyue's attack.


The space shattered violently, the spiritual power attack hit Gong Chen, and Gong Chen was sent flying.

Being knocked out of the ring, Jing Yuan and You Xin who had been waiting under the ring immediately went forward to catch Gong Chen.Gong Chen barely stood still, the blood at the corner of his mouth couldn't stop, Jing Yuan first took out the elixir and gave it to Gong Chen.

Jing Yuan patted Gong Chen on the shoulder and said: "You are already great, leave the rest to me."

"Okay." Gong Chen looked at Jing Yuan with a pale face, and nodded with a wry smile.

Jing Yuan looked at You Xin, You Xin took Gong Chen back first, Jing Yuan and others stayed and waited for Zong Yihai.

Not long after, Zong Yihai's side also ended.

Zong Yihai's spiritual power was exhausted, and the Shanhe Dian jade brush could no longer draw anything.Leng You made a move, this move surpassed countless previous attacks, it was terrifying and amazing!Leng You was holding back before, he wanted to see how fantastic Zong Yihai's methods were?

After reading it, Leng You naturally didn't hold back, and hit Zong Yihai severely with one move.

Zong Yihai couldn't even stand still, he lowered his head sadly and said, "I lost."

"Eat the elixir." Once Zong Yihai conceded defeat, Jing Yuan was finally able to fly to the ring, he supported Zong Yihai with one hand, and took out the elixir for Zong Yihai to take with the other hand.

When Jing Yuan was doing these things, he kept feeling a deep chill falling on him, and Jing Yuan raised his head to meet Leng You's bloodthirsty and cruel eyes.

Leng You smiled at Jing Yuan, opened her mouth and said silently: "I will kill you!"
(End of this chapter)

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