Chapter 2838 It's Not So Good
Chapter 2838 Not too good
Li Fan insisted, no matter how unhappy Li Yan and Li Ling were, they had no choice but to listen to Li Fan's turn and leave.

Seeing Li Fan's team leaving, Di Mo curled his lips and asked Jing Yuan: "Is that why they are really leaving like this?"

Jing Yuan rubbed his chin, and said playfully: "He's right, it's only the fifth day, and the good show is still to come, there's no need to see the brochure now. Besides, their surprise attack on us didn't help us at all, but it hurt us a lot. Loss, we want to be magnanimous, so don't worry about it."

In the distance, Li Fan's team paused, their bodies stiffened.

They hadn't gone too far, they could hear Jingyuan's words clearly, their stiff bodies shook quickly.Angry!
Li Fan's voice darkened, "Let's go!"

Li Fan's team still left, but their backs were full of murderous aura, and their steps were heavy and ruthless, as if they were venting their anger.

Jing Yuan was overjoyed watching it, and his mood became even better.He looked at everyone, blinked and said with a smile: "Let's not hurry, let's sit down and adjust our breath first, and recover our spiritual power before we leave."

"Okay." Everyone nodded in agreement.

They all sat cross-legged in meditation, seriously injured, and their spiritual power was severely depleted, such as Yin Han and Leng Yuan, who concentrated on meditating and adjusting their breath.Jingyuan, Cangchen and the others were less exhausted. While adjusting their breath, they protected Yin Hanyuan and the others while watching the team behind them who were still breaking through.

Some teams have already cleared the fifth stone pillar, but they have not made it to the sixth Holy Spirit pillar.

Originally, they wanted to form a team to challenge like Jingyuan and Li Fan, but they saw that Li Fan's team actually attacked Jingyuan's team!The teams were confused and hesitated, can they join forces with other teams?
They all saw the difficulty of the last two stone pillars, and had no choice but to form a team. In the end, all the teams hesitated, discussed with each other, and finally vowed not to sneak attack before starting to form a team to break through the level...


Watch the game on the island.

All the forces are still reminiscing about the confrontation between the first team of Jingyuan and the first team of Li Fan. They praised Li Fan for being cunning, that's right!It is a compliment.

The team competition was originally a competition to eliminate each other, what Li Fan's team did was completely fine, it's a pity they didn't succeed.Because of this, all the forces admired the reaction of Jingyuan's team even more, they didn't panic at all when they were attacked by surprise, they were calm enough!

Be prepared, respond in time, and be smart enough!
It can also eliminate the three members of Li Fan's team in turn, which is not bad!Very accurate, very good!
All the forces admired and praised the Jingyuan team, and the voice reached the ears of Cang Jiuzong. Everyone raised their chests, smiling, and proud.

Long Zizai also applauded joyfully, Senior Brother and the others are really amazing!Zai Zai learned.

Only Mo Wuyue didn't respond, he only nodded his head to express his appreciation when Jing Yuan and the others eliminated the other three.Then all the attention was given to Jun Jiu, and he saw Jun Jiu change the water mirror through the bell.

Levels arranged and designed by the elders of the Tianxue clan, the Taishang elders of the Yuling clan and others appeared successively in the water mirror.

Mizong Forest, Divine Beast Sitting Town, and Seven Spirit Pillars, Jun Jiu paused for a moment at the level designed by the law enforcement elders of the Northern Ten Thousand Demon League.I saw a dense fog rising from the northern islands, covering the sky and covering the sun, and everything in the fog was blurred.

Even if they called out the names of the disciples in the deep fog, they could only see a range of up to ten meters around them, and they couldn't see clearly any farther away.

Jun Jiu's eyes deepened, and he guessed in his heart, what kind of level is this for the law enforcement elders of the Wanmomeng?
Jun Jiu was not in the checkpoint, so it was difficult to detect the checkpoint, she thought for a while and then forgot about it.Jun Jiu changed the images in the water mirror one by one, looked at the situation of Ji Sang, Nie Xueqing and others, and then at the Cang Jiuzong group. They are all progressing smoothly.

When Jun Jiu returned to Jingyuan and the others, Jingyuan's first team had already set off.

Far from the Seven Spirit Pillars, they walked across the grassland to a mountain range.

Just after climbing a mountain, Jingyuan and the others encountered a large group of 50 people on the mountainside.These people were dressed in the costumes of disciples of the Southern God Territory Shenyao Sect. There were god kings and god emperors in the team. When they saw Jing Yuan and the others, their eyes stared straight.

Not so good!

Jing Yuan hid one hand behind his back, and secretly gestured to everyone, telling them to be careful.

The large group of the Shenyao Sect came from the south, they were large and powerful, and they passed the checkpoint of the Supreme Elder of the Yuling Clan smoothly.Quite a few people were injured and they were fine. All of them were magic pharmacists, and after taking the elixir, they were all recovering to a good degree.

He didn't expect to meet someone from Cang Jiuzong.After seeing that there were only Jing Yuan and the others, the members of the Shenyao Sect looked at each other, and their eyes gradually became unfriendly.

Everyone in the Shenyao Sect remembers hatred!
If it wasn't for Cang Jiuzong's Jingyuan, with the strength of senior brother Lin Li, he would definitely be able to enter the top five in the single-player competition of God Emperor Realm!
Jing Yuan made Senior Brother Lin Li eliminated, and their Divine Medicine Sect barely squeezed into the top ten, and all the disciples of the Divine Medicine Sect were suffocating in their hearts.They refused to accept that senior brother Lin Li was the senior brother they admired the most, and they wanted to find a place for senior brother Lin Li!
Originally, they didn't dare to do anything to Jingyuan, after all, they couldn't beat Jingyuan.

But now seeing that Jingyuan and the others only have seven people, while the Shenyao Sect has a large group of 50 people, the disciples of the Shenyao Sect are moved.

If you can't fight one-on-one, what are you afraid of in group fights?

If Jing Yuan and the others can be eliminated, they will be the great heroes of the Divine Medicine Sect!
The more he thought about it, the more his heart became more excited, and the more he thought about it, the more itchy his hands became. The disciples of the Shenyao Sect silently dispersed to surround Jing Yuan and the others.Seeing their actions, the seven people in Jingyuan looked at each other silently and exchanged eyes.

The visitors were not kind, so it seemed that they had to do something, but the disparity in the number of people was too great, so they had to find a way.

"Go!" Shen Yaozong rushed forward.

Jing Yuan shouted at the same time: "Scatter!"

The seven people scattered in all directions, and all the disciples of the Shenyao Sect rushed to nothing, then all turned their heads and stared at a person nearby and chased after them.

So Jing Yuan and his seven scattered and hid far away, chasing after a few disciples of the Divine Medicine Sect, shouting and killing each of them, constantly attacking with spiritual power, and directly and violently throwing at them with divine weapons.

While hiding, Di Mo asked Jingyuan and the others via sound transmission: "Do they want to fight back?"

"We're not buns. If they hit us, they'll definitely fight back! But there's no need to fight with them. Let's see if we can get rid of them." Jingyuan said.

Cang Chen also transmitted voice, "Try to get rid of them, there is no need to waste energy on them."

"Okay, I understand." Leng Yuan nodded, then looked at Yin Han not far away, the two exchanged glances, then turned their heads and rushed into the forest respectively, trying to shake off the disciples of the Shenyao Sect behind them.

But they wanted to get rid of the disciples of the Divine Medicine Sect, but the disciples of the Divine Medicine Sect didn't want to let them go, they chased after them desperately, and couldn't get rid of them.

After going back and forth a few times, Jing Yuan, Leng Yuan and the others also lost their temper and shot one after another.

But the effect is weak. The most indispensable thing for the disciples of the Divine Medicine Sect is pills, and they are all like being beaten with chicken blood.

(End of this chapter)

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