The Evil Emperor's Pampering: Divine Doctor Ninth Miss

Chapter 2846 He was specifically tricked, right?

Chapter 2846 He was specifically tricked, right?

Chapter 2846 Are you trying to trick him?

One leaf falling?

On the watching island, the Sifang Gods and the Gods looked at the picture in the water mirror in surprise.

They were all very interested in the level designed by Jun Jiu who hadn't shown up yet, so when the twelve teams entered Jun Jiu's level, all of them focused their attention on this level by coincidence.Including the four elders of the Tianxue clan who were also on the island.

They saw the picturesque picture in the water mirror, the huge ancient maple tree, red as fire, standing high above the sky, as red and dazzling as a round of the sun.

The maple leaves were in the state of falling, pausing in mid-air, and the vast and boundless lake was under everyone's feet, reflecting the giant maple, maple leaves and the people on it clearly.

This scene is the beauty of emptiness and tranquility.

Unique, mysterious and quiet, it captured everyone's heart at once.

When they heard Jun Jiu's words, a leaf fell?The beautiful name matches the beautiful scenery, everyone is curious, how to break through this level?
Jun Jiu continued: "This level is forbidden, you can only pass through the maple leaves, and follow the falling maple leaves to reach under the maple tree, that is to pass the level. If you leave the maple leaves, or fall on the lake with the maple leaves, considered a failure."

After a pause, Jun Jiu narrowed his eyes and glanced at everyone, chuckled and continued: "The losers will be sent to the outermost edge of the island and start from the beginning."

I couldn't help shaking my body, and everyone's eyes showed horror.

The failures of the other four levels are at most stuck on the spot, thinking about passing through the level again, unless the injury is extremely serious, otherwise they will be able to pass the level in the end.This level is the most ruthless. If you fail, you will be teleported to the outermost edge of the island!

Thinking of returning to the outermost periphery, it is not difficult to break through the barrier again. The most difficult thing is that the island shrinks every three days, and they may not have time to return here.

Everyone exclaimed deeply that their spirits tensed up. Failure in this level is equivalent to being eliminated. They should be cautious!
"There is no time limit for this level, but the further you go, the fewer the number of falling maple leaves. When you are ready, let's start." After Jun Jiu finished speaking, he glanced at Jing Yuan and the others, and then at Leng You's team .

Twelve teams entered "One Leaf Fall" at the same time.

These twelve teams are all elite monsters from various forces in the Sifang God Realm, and they have all achieved outstanding results in single-player championships before.Such as Ji Sang, Lin Li, Gu Mo, Li Fan, Bai Yue, etc.

Twelve teams randomly appeared on a maple leaf, far away from each other and safe.

Everyone looked at the surrounding teams from a distance, their eyes were cold and cautious, and they had no intention of making a move.Just after Jun Jiu's voice fell, a gust of wind blew by, and everything that was still came alive.

Pieces of maple leaves fell at a natural speed, and the floating maple leaves on the lake rippled and rippled with the water waves. In an instant, everyone moved.

This level is forbidden to fly, and no one is stupid enough to violate the rules.

Everyone followed the rules and led the team to jump from the maple leaf to the nearest maple leaf.They raised their heads to select maple leaves, jumped up one by one, and kept getting closer to the maple tree.

However, the huge red maple seems to be close in front of them, but it is actually far away from them. It will take a lot of time to get under the maple tree.

brush brush --

For a while, people jumped up all around, and the sound of wind sleeves being blown by the wind made a sound. The twelve teams kept going up, and gradually shortened the distance between each other.

As soon as the distance got closer, Jing Yuan stared at Leng You's group of people not far away, his eyes became unkind.

He called Leng Yuan to the team because he thought that his fist was strong and he could protect Leng Yuan one or two.In the end, Leng Yuan was still tricked, it was a slap in the face for him, and it also made Jing Yuan ashamed to see his master and his wife.

This grudge, Jing Yuan remembered on Leng You's head.

Dare to strike against the members of Cang Jiuzong, it seems that the last time the ring was too light!Jing Yuan clenched his fist and turned to look at Nie Xueqing and Ji Sang.

Jing Yuan is not reckless, it will take time to rely on their team to deal with Leng Youguang, and he is still on Maple Leaf, so it must be resolved quickly!The fastest and coolest way, of course, is to recruit a few allies and beat people together!
Jing Yuan first met Nie Xueqing's eyes, they had already agreed outside, and Nie Xueqing nodded.

Jing Yuan looked at Ji Sang again, the two eyes met, Jing Yuan blinked: help?
Ji Sang was leading the disciples of the Holy Venerable Alliance to jump onto a higher maple leaf. Seeing Jing Yuan's eyes, Ji Sang touched the bone of the cloud fan with his fingertips, and then glanced at Leng You from the corner of his eye.With the corners of his mouth slightly hooked, Ji Sang smiled lightly.

They are all friends, and he was a bit of a bully when he won the championship solo. Ji Sang nodded and looked back at Jingyuan: Help!
Jing Yuan's grin blossomed, but the smile was not sunny at all. On the contrary, whoever saw this smile couldn't help but get goosebumps all over his body. This is an instinctive reaction to danger.

Jing Yuan got a helper, turned his head and winked at Cang Chen, Di Mo, Leng Yuan and the others behind him, everyone understood and nodded.

All of this was just a few blinks of an eye, and everyone was busy rushing to Fengshu, so they didn't pay much attention to Jingyuan's communication.

Leng You didn't pay attention, but he suddenly felt a chill from the soles of his feet all the way to the top of his head, and Leng You's eyes sank.Looking cautiously and sharply at the Jingyuan team not far away, he said coldly: "Hurry up!"

Before he finished speaking, Leng You had already jumped down a maple leaf, behind him Wu Qing and the others caught up with gritted teeth with ugly faces.

Leng You's speed was too fast, she didn't even catch her breath, and it was difficult for them to follow.

Slowly, unknowingly, Jingyuan, Nie Xueqing and Ji Sang's three teams no longer focused on rushing to the maple tree. They chose a place among the falling maple leaves nearby, and slowly surrounded Lengyou's team from three sides.

Before encircling Lengyou, it is inevitable to pass through other teams.

The two teams met halfway, and before they could take a defensive stance, Jing Yuan waved to them first, expressing with his eyes: Pass by~ Don't be nervous.

Then the other teams sensed something, they slowed down, and their eyes circled around the three teams of Jingyuan, Nie Xueqing and Ji Sang with playfulness and curiosity.After confirming that they were encircling Leng You's team, the interest in everyone's eyes became more intense.

There is a good show to watch!
Being surrounded by people, Leng You noticed it immediately, and her face became ugly and gloomy.

When she found out that she might be exposed, Leng You thought that she might be surrounded. After all, Jing Yuan and Ji Sang had a good relationship, but she didn't expect that there would be another team of Nie Xueqing.Surrounded by three teams, they are in a bad situation.

Before entering "One Leaf Falling", Leng You still had the confidence to get rid of the encirclement.

As a result, I didn't expect this level to be forbidden!The only place to stay is the maple leaf!If you fall down, you will be transported to the outermost edge of the island if you touch the lake water. Riding on a horse is too perverted!

Could it be that the suzerain of the Cang Jiuzong has the ability to predict the future, so he designed it like this, just to trick him?

(End of this chapter)

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