The Evil Emperor's Pampering: Divine Doctor Ninth Miss

Chapter 2869 As expected of my grandson~

Chapter 2869 As expected of my grandson~
Chapter 2869 As expected of my grandson~
The feast was over, and all the forces went back to their own residences.

All the powers of the Eastern God Territory stayed in the Cang Jiuzong, and they had to discuss whether they would allow the powerhouses of the God Emperor realm from other God Realms to come to the Eastern God Territory.

There was silence in the hall, and no one spoke.

Nie Xueqing couldn't stand the overly quiet atmosphere, she frowned and said firstly, "On behalf of Pharmacist Ji, I disagree with this matter. Even if there are no other powers from God's Domain, it's not impossible for us to join forces to deal with the Holy Alliance."

Everyone looked at Nie Xueqing, and Nie Xueqing continued: "Besides, let the other three gods send people, doesn't it mean that our Eastern Gods have no ability, and we have to rely on the help of other gods to destroy the local forces? I can represent the medicine masters. , I disagree."

"The Holy Alliance is not easy to deal with, young people, don't be too arrogant." Sheng Yaozun looked at Nie Xueqing and said in a bad tone.

The Holy Alliance is the strongest of the three major alliances!

It has a deep foundation and is difficult to deal with.Furthermore, Wen Yu, the leader of the Holy Alliance, has always been a terrifying figure. The Holy Medicine Venerable once saw Wen Yu make a move, but he did not have such a high status at that time.Sheng Yaozun was very afraid of Wen Yu.

From the bottom of his heart, Holy Medicine Venerable was unwilling to deal with the Holy Alliance.

What happened in the Small God Realm didn't affect him at all, so why did he want to be an enemy of the Holy Alliance?
If it wasn't for him being here to represent the Holy Alliance, the Holy Medicine Venerable would have refused directly. If he withdrew, whoever wanted to deal with the Holy Alliance would go.

Sheng Yaozun's words made everyone look bad.

Nie Xueqing saw through the thoughts of the Holy Medicine Venerable at a glance, and said mockingly: "Don't tell me that the Holy Medicine Venerable dare not be an enemy of the Holy Alliance?"

"Nonsense! Nie Xueqing, don't forget your identity, you have no right to question this deity." The Holy Medicine Venerable turned black and said angrily at Nie Xueqing.

Nie Xueqing snorted mockingly.

Ji Sang didn't even look at Shengyao Zun, he said lightly: "I can represent the Shengzun Alliance."

"You!" Sheng Yaozun turned his head and stared at Ji Sang.

He is here, but Ji Sang said that he can represent the Holy Venerable Alliance. Wouldn't he have passed him and put him where?

But seeing Ji Sang calm and elegant, ignoring him indifferently, Sheng Yaozun's mouth moved, wanting to get angry, but thinking of Ji Sang's identity, Ji Sang's winning the glory brought by the leader to the alliance of saints, Sheng Yaozun couldn't say anything , can only shut up angrily.

"Ji Sang, tell me!" Looking at Ji Sang, Nie Xueqing's expression improved a lot, with a smile on her lips.

Ji Sang said: "I don't agree. There are too many god emperors here. When dealing with the chaotic situation of the Holy Alliance, who knows if they will do something more."

"That makes sense. Sifang God Realm has always been competitors, and we can't trust them." The Supreme Elder of Shenyi nodded, agreeing with Ji Sang's words.

They basically disagreed. In the end, everyone looked at Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue, but they hadn't made a statement yet.

Jun Jiu was playing with the wine glass, his eyes were deep and dark, seeing everyone's eyes, Jun Jiu tilted his head and Mo Wuyue looked at each other, and they communicated with each other.

Jun Jiu said: "Don't worry, there are too many other gods in the realm of the gods and emperors, so we have to ask the gods. Wuyue and I will ask, and we will tell everyone as soon as we have an answer, how about it?"


"No problem, we'll wait." Everyone nodded, and when they heard that Jun Jiu wanted to ask the gods, they felt a lot more relaxed.

If you were someone else, you would not be qualified to meet the gods, let alone ask the gods.

But Jun Jiu is different from Mo Wuyue, the gods who sit in power in the Eastern God Territory are Mo Wuyue's parents!
Regardless of whether the gods agree or disagree in the end, at least after the gods know about this matter, even if the other three parties have any intentions, they have to weigh the price of doing so. Can they afford it?
This matter came to an end temporarily, Ji Sang, Nie Xueqing and the others left one after another.

Sheng Yaozun walked at the end, he stared at Jun Jiu and wanted to say nothing, but Jun Jiu just ignored him.Mo Wuyue's golden eyes glanced at him coldly, Sheng Yaozun's body froze, and he could only turn his head and leave Cang Jiuzong unwillingly.

Jun Jiu looked at Cang Jiuzong and the others, raised his glass to toast again: "You have worked hard in the competition, I respect you."

"Respect the suzerain!" Everyone smiled happily, and raised their glasses to respect the king.

Cang Jiuzong finally dispersed, Jun Mingye and Yan Mandong stood in front of them, looking at Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue with worried expressions.

After coming to the Eastern God Territory for so long, Jun Mingye and Yan Mandong already knew enough about the Eastern God Territory.They know that the gods are far away in another dimension, and the gods have the responsibilities of gods, so they will not easily interfere with the affairs of the gods.

Even if Qiongmeng and Yinluo have an unusual relationship with them, they are a family, but will Qiongmeng and Yinluo intervene in this matter?
Jun Jiu knew what Jun Mingye and the others were worried about at a glance, smiled and comforted: "Father, mother, you don't have to worry, we will talk about it after we ask."

"They know what happened here, so they will come to us." Mo Wuyue said in a calm and casual manner.

Jun Mingye and Yan Mandong were stunned.

Jun Jiu was also a little surprised, they will take the initiative to come?

Mo Wuyue reached out and pinched Long Zaizai's face, "They are here to see Zaizai."

Jun Jiu and the others immediately understood that as the grandparents of Dragon Cub, Qiongmeng and Yin Luo had never seen Dragon Cub.

Long Zaizai has always been very curious about his grandparents. When he heard that his grandparents were coming, Zaizai became excited, and asked Mo Wuyue happily and curiously: "Daddy, when are your grandparents coming?"

"I don't know, it should be soon." Mo Wuyue said indifferently.

Whether Qiongmeng and Yinluo came or not, Mo Wuyue didn't care at all, and it didn't matter.But looking at Long Zaizai's expectant face, Mo Wuyue stroked his chin, as if everyone couldn't refuse the cute and cute Zaizai, maybe Qiongmeng and Yinluo couldn't wait to meet their own grandson.

Should be coming soon!

Mo Wuyue guessed correctly, Qiongmeng and Yinluo came very quickly, and arrived at his and Jun Jiu's palace at dusk that day.

At this time, Long Zai Zai was playing Cuju in the courtyard, and rolled out with one kick, and Long Zai Zai was bouncing after the ball.Until the ball rolled to the feet of the two people and stopped, Long Zizai looked up at a man and a woman who suddenly appeared.

Silver hair and purple eyes, a beautiful and inhuman woman.

A handsome and powerful man with black hair and golden eyes.

They looked down at the dragon cub, practicing the ruthless way, and Yin Luo, who was heartless and ruthless and rarely had any emotional fluctuations, looked at the dragon cub, and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly.The frost in the purple eyes also melted a lot.

Qiongmeng squatted down to pick up the ball and handed it to Dragon Cub, "Is this yours?"

Long Zaizai nodded, took the ball and hugged it in his arms, then blinked his golden eyes, and asked cheerfully and obediently, "Are you my grandparents?"

"Smart! As expected of my grandson~" Qiongmeng smiled happily, and raised his hand to gently touch the dragon's head.

(End of this chapter)

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