Chapter 290

Chapter 290

"Sit down. We are just passing by here, don't forget the business." The man with a cold attitude even spoke with a frosty tone.

The lively man hugged his chest and shook his head. He looked at his brother helplessly.He said, "Fu Linshuang, life is happiness! It's rare for us to encounter such a lively event, go and see what's going on? And what's the business when we go back? Isn't it the [-]th birthday of my uncle and his old man!"

Fu Linshuang raised his eyes coldly, "This is very important."

"Stop! Don't look like that, I know it's very important. But my uncle's [-]th birthday is still half a year away, a full half a year! I only need two or three days to go to see the excitement, Lin Shuang begs you." The lively man's expression changed , with a look of longing and hope.It seemed that Fu Linshuang was in charge among them.

But the one who is obviously lively, named Fu Linzhan, is the elder brother of the twins.

Fu Linshuang looked at his brother quietly and indifferently, and after a while he said, "Fu Linzhan, three days at most."

"Okay! Then I'm going, are you really not going?"

"No." Fu Linshuang's complexion was frosty, and the flowers of Gaoling were unattainable.He watched Fu Linzhan rush out the door indifferently, closed his eyes and began to meditate cross-legged.He's not interested in being lively or anything.

Besides, Fu Linzhan rushed out of the teahouse and followed the direction where the people who were discussing left.All the way to the gambling place, there are huge crowds of people, there are big gambling markets and small gambling markets, Fu Linzhan squeezed his eyes directly into the largest gambling market.

He listened to the discussions around him, "Let's bet on the master Jun Jiu! It is rumored that her pills are all stolen from Danzong, I don't believe that! If it is true, why didn't Danzong stand up earlier?"

"That's right, let's choose Holy Hand Jun Jiu!"

"No, no, I suggest you choose Danzong. Don't you believe in the 200-year reputation of Danzong, but in the film of a little girl who is less than 15 years old?" Hearing this sentence, Fu Linzhan was extremely surprised.Is that Holy Hand Jun Jiu so young?
He knew the alchemy sect, which was the most outstanding pharmacist sect in the five sects and ten countries.Even their academy buys Danzong's pills every year.How can this sage Jun Jiu He De compare with Dan Zong?
Suspicious and curious, Fu Linzhan looked at the ratio on the roulette, and his eyes widened in shock. "Impossible! Seven out of ten people chose Jun Jiu?"

With so many people believing in this alchemy competition, can the holy hand Jun Jiu win?
In shock, Fu Linzhan heard an extremely pleasant, deep and magnetic voice.He said, "Does Xiao Jiuer want to take a gamble?"

"Don't gamble, the money you win is too little." The girl's voice was cold, and Fu Linzhan only felt a little colder than his younger brother Fu Linshuang when he heard it.But different from ruthless indifference, this young girl's voice is reckless and frivolous.

Fu Linzhan turned his head to look curiously. At this look, Fu Linzhan lost his soul.

Linshuang, I seem to see a fairy!
Instinctively exorcising evil and avoiding danger, Fu Linzhan ignored a certain evildoer, and all his eyes fell on Jun Jiu.Glittering red clothes, embroidered with scorching fire patterns.The domineering red color is very docile and suitable for the girl. Her eyebrows are picturesque, and she is so beautiful and frivolous that you can't look directly at her.

Suddenly, a sinister and life-threatening gaze passed by, and Fu Linzhan shuddered and hurriedly avoided his sight.The sense of crisis disappeared immediately.

He heard the man say: "Xiao Jiu'er doesn't want to gamble, so I'll do it."

Mo Wuyue raised his hand, and a heavy bag of money fell on the gambling table.Mo Wuyue condescended, and said to the gambler: "Choose Master Jun Jiu, ten third-level spirit stones, I bet she wins."

Hearing Mo Wuyue's voice, the whole street became silent for a moment, only listening to the needle drop.

The croupier's eyes widened and his hands were shaking.Trembling, he walked over to open the purse, and pulled away the dazzling brilliance of the spirit stone, blinding the eyes of everyone in the whole street.It's really a third-level spirit stone!
The street exploded.Let alone ten, it is just a third-level spirit stone, which they have never seen in their entire lives.Now someone actually took it out as a bet, trembling.

When the gambler looked up, Mo Wuyue and Jun Jiu could not be seen in the crowd.I saw Leng Yuan coming over, and said lightly: "As promised, I will come to collect the rewards after the game."

"Okay, okay!" He nodded hastily, and Leng Yuan disappeared when he looked up again.

Walking out of the crowded street, the circle around Mo Wuyue and Jun Jiu is a vacuum that no one notices.Jun Jiu squinted at Mo Wuyue, curled his lips and said, "Seven out of ten chose me, and I won a lot of bets."

If there are many people who choose Danzong, she is still interested in taking a gamble and earning extra money.However, in this situation, there are too many monks and too little food, she is not interested.

"It doesn't matter more or less, the important thing is that I choose Xiao Jiuer to win." Mo Wuyue looked down at Jun Jiu, with an evil smile on the corner of his mouth.Even if everyone chooses Xiao Jiuer, so what, who can compare with him?

Jun Jiu heard the domineering and possessive in Mo Wuyue's words, blinked and was about to speak, but was interrupted by a sentence squeezed in from behind.

"and many more!"

Fu Linzhan squeezed out from the crowd, and was stunned when he saw the vacuum.Immediately, he looked up at Jun Jiu, grinned and cupped his hands: "Hello girl, my servant, Fu Linzhan, I want to ask you a question."

As soon as he finished speaking, his body suddenly felt cold.Fu Linzhan gasped and glanced at Mo Wuyue quietly. The first time he saw a man who was so enchanting, Fu Linzhan understood Mo Wuyue's eyes at first sight.Only one word is needed to describe it, roll.

Tell him to go, he's so domineering and dangerous.

But Fu Linzhan is not afraid.He still kept his smiling face and looked at Jun Jiu. "Girl, may I ask why you chose Holy Hand Jun Jiu? I want to make a bet too, but I don't know who to choose."

"Do you want to win or lose." Jun Jiu raised an eyebrow and looked at Fu Linzhan.

Fu Linzhan: "Of course I want to win!"

"Then choose Master Jun Jiu, I won't lie to you." After Jun Jiu finished speaking, Fu Linzhan didn't give Fu Linzhan another chance to interject.She took Mo Wuyue's hand and waved goodbye to Fu Linzhan.

Fu Linzhan also raised his hand and waved at Jun Jiu, the bright smile on his face was somehow infatuated and silly.Fu Linzhan blinked, "The fairy also said to choose the master Jun Jiu, so I will choose her!"

"Xiao Jiuer is interested in him?" Mo Wuyue asked Jun Jiu with narrowed eyes.

The corners of Jun Jiu's mouth curled up, and she replied, "A little bit. First, he looks pretty good, and second, he is the first one to ignore your danger and continue to smile."

In fact, Jun Jiu was still interested. It was Mo Wuyue who made the bet, but Fu Linzhan asked her.He came for her, but he didn't know that she was the Holy Hand Jun Jiu.interesting!
"This kind of person is called stupid, Xiao Jiu'er had better stay away from him, and be careful not to be lowered in IQ." Mo Wuyue said.

Hearing this, Jun Jiu laughed out loud, looked at Mo Wuyue narrowly, and said, "Does it make you smarter if you get closer to you?"

"Little Jiu'er is getting smarter."

Junjiu: ...

Sure enough, all monster-looking and perverted guys are narcissistic and shameless!But he is good-looking, shameless and pleasing to the eye.

(End of this chapter)

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