Chapter 2907
Chapter 2907 Rebel
This is not the place to talk, Ji Sang had already glimpsed Zhu Hong's figure from the corner of Ji Sang's eyes, Ji Sang immediately urged Jing Yuan: "Go ahead, Zhu Hong wants to arrest your junior brother."

"He dares!" Jing Yuan squeezed his fist, "You go first!"

Ji Sang was also unambiguous, nodded and immediately flew into the Three Sacred Mountains with the dragon cub.

Jing Yuan fell behind, and Gong Chen and Tang Sheng, who turned their heads and rushed to follow, winked.Gong Chen and Tang Sheng understood, one of them used the magic trick of space, and the other formed a formation. Together, the two of them obscured the whereabouts of Ji Sang and Long Zaizai.

Although it can only be confused for a while, Zhu Hong will still see it through in the end, but a moment is a moment.

As long as they are given time to stay far away, Zhu Hong will never catch the dragon cub unless he rushes into the crowd of all forces in the Sifang God Realm.All the forces in the Sifang God Realm have suffered heavy casualties so far, and those who remain are elite disciples and elders in the realm of high-level god emperors. Even if Zhu Hong wants to rush in, he has to weigh it.

Zhu Hong chased him to the Three Sacred Mountains.

Zhu Hong looked up and saw that there were battlefields everywhere in the mountains. Under the fierce battle, the broken and splashed stones, broken and fallen trees, the impact of spiritual energy colliding and erupting... etc., were covered by Gong Chen and Tang Sheng. Hong will not be able to find out where Ji Sang and Long Zai Zai have gone for a while.

At this time, the abnormal healing ability of the high-level god emperor had repaired Zhu Hong's injury, but he couldn't find anyone, and there was nowhere to vent his anger.

Zhu Hong was afraid of the remaining powerhouses from all the forces in the Quartet of the Gods, so he could only grit his teeth and retreat to the camp of the Holy Alliance.

Zhu Hong was furious and ordered: "Kill! If anyone can find the whereabouts of the Canglong cub, report it to the old man, and there will be a lot of rewards!"


In the Three Sacred Mountains.

Jing Yuan caught up with Ji Sang and Long Zai Zai, "Get rid of that old bastard Zhu Hong. Ji Sang, you are seriously injured, give me your junior brother, and you go to heal your wounds."

Ji Sang said to Long Zai Zai: "Go, go to your senior brother."

Dragon Cub obediently flew to Jing Yuan's shoulder, stood firm and looked up at Ji Sang, obediently thanked: "Thank you for sending me back."

Ji Sang smiled lightly, helplessness flashed in his eyes, but he didn't actually do anything.

Ji Sang looked at Long Zai Zai and reminded: "This time, Zhu Hong underestimated the enemy and was unprepared. You can't be so impulsive next time, you know?"

The reason why Zhu Hong was injured was that he did not regard the dragon cub as a threat, so he was defenseless.Coupled with the protection of the Longevity Lock on the dragon cub, he was able to injure Zhu Hong with the lethality of the blue dragon's body.

Zhu Hong has learned a painful lesson, and will definitely be on the defensive next time.

Once again, the only one who will suffer is the dragon cub.

Long Zizai nodded obediently and sensiblely, "Oh, I know!"

"What are you talking about? Tell me about it." Jing Yuan looked at Ji Sang in confusion, and then at Dragon Cub, at a loss.

Dragon Cub immediately opened his mouth in a milky voice, and proudly told Jing Yuan his record of biting Zhu Hong, Jing Yuan clapped his hands and applauded, "Well done! As expected of a junior, it's awesome!"

"Hmm~" Dragon Cub puffed out his chest proudly.

Ji Sang looked at the two of them and shook his head, then said, "Your junior brother will be handed over to you. I will go back to the Holy Venerable Alliance first, and contact me if I have anything to do."

"You haven't recovered yet, what should you do if you were intercepted by the Holy Alliance halfway? For the sake of sending my junior brother back, I will send you back to the team of the Holy Venerable Alliance. Let's go." Jing Yuan took a step forward and patted Ji Sang After the shoulder, he took the initiative to fly out.

Ji Sang had no choice but to follow.

In the Three Sacred Mountains, all the remaining powers of the forces in the Four Kingdoms gathered together to fight a decisive battle with the Holy Alliance.

The shouts of killing here are loud, and there are calls for help from time to time, or screams...

But the movements in the Three Sacred Mountains are insignificant compared to the battle between the Evil Emperor and Wen Yu in the distance.It can't compare to Jun Jiu and Gu Tianqing's side, the power of Broken Dragon Scale is like thunder exploding in the ear, and the rumbling sound echoes indefinitely.

Far away from the battlefield, on the top of a high mountain on the edge of the territory of the Holy Alliance, the old man wrapped in a gray cloak stared straight at the distant battlefield with squinted eyes.

Originally, he was the only one on the top of the mountain, but suddenly, Qiongmeng appeared out of thin air.

Qiongmeng stood beside the old man in the cloak, glanced at him out of the corner of his eye, then raised his head to look at the battlefield, his eyes were deep and dark.

On the contrary, the old man in the cloak turned his head and stared at him for a while, then opened his mouth, his hoarse voice was very harsh, making people uncomfortable to hear.The old man in the cloak opened his mouth: "Aren't you going to make a move? Your son can deal with Wen Yu, but your beautiful daughter-in-law is no match for Gu Tianqing."

"Xiao Jiu is protected by my son. If I intervene, it will be unbeautiful. What about you? Why don't you take action?" Qiongmeng looked into the distance and asked the old man in the cloak.

The old man in the cloak remained silent.

Only then did Qiongmeng look back at him, and continued: "You have been waiting for so long, isn't it just waiting for this day?"

The old man in the cloak moved his lips, but he still didn't speak.

"But it's a pity, Ah Luo made a fortune, Wen Yu's death is not today, and the person who killed him is not my son." Qiongmeng said here, with a bit of sullen tone in his tone.

Only then did the old man in the cloak open his mouth: "I have an oath to bind me, otherwise I wouldn't have to wait until today. If you don't like me plotting against your younger generation, you can settle the score with me. My true self is waiting for you at Qishan, and I will never hide."

Qiongmeng stared at the old man in the cloak coldly, and said, "Wen Yu is your only son, you are sure to kill him, and you won't be the last to save him, right?"

"I don't have this son, he must die!" The old man in the cloak suddenly became agitated, his fists clenched, his body trembling.

Raising his head, the cloak tilted back slightly, revealing a pair of eyes full of anger and grief, full of murderous intent.

The old man in the cloak opened his mouth, each word filled with deep hatred and killing intent, he said: "If it weren't for the oath, I would have killed this traitor with my own hands, and I don't have to wait until today! I am here because I want to see If he dies, if he doesn't die, I won't miss Qi Shan for a day!"

Qiongmeng raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, the deity did not come out, what came out was an incarnation of divine consciousness, let's say it didn't come out.

He knew a little bit about the father-son grievances between the old man in the cloak and Wen Yu, but he was not interested in other people's family affairs.

Qiongmeng came here just to remind him, Qiongmeng said: "The grievances and grievances of the juniors, the juniors will solve it by themselves. If you intervene to save people in the end, Ah Luoding and I will go to Nian Qishan to talk to you."

After finishing speaking, Qiongmeng Tathagata appeared out of thin air without sound and breath, and left no trace when he left.

The old man in the cloak continued to look at the battlefield from a distance, with hatred and killing intent surging in his eyes, sometimes intertwined with grief and regret.Emotions are mixed, memories are jumbled, but one thing remains constant.

He must see this rebellious son die with his own eyes!

Whether it was the melee fight in the Three Sacred Mountains, or Mo Wuyue's PK Warm Yu, Jun Jiu's fight against Gu Tianqing, the movement within the territory of the Holy Alliance had already spread throughout the Eastern God Territory.

Everyone in the Eastern God Territory who didn't know it was shocked!
(End of this chapter)

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