The Evil Emperor's Pampering: Divine Doctor Ninth Miss

Chapter 2933 It's too explosive!

Chapter 2933 It's too explosive!

Chapter 2933 It's too explosive!

The words of the god Xuanhao shocked everyone in the Sifang God Realm, and everyone couldn't keep their mouths shut. This is too explosive!
Wen Yu is the son of the gods!
He actually killed his own mother with his own hands!
The god father and son became enemies, so they took the initiative to give the cursed dagger to the evil emperor, so that he could use it to kill Wen Yu!

Everything was so explosive that everyone forgot the pain on their bodies and the grievances with the Holy Alliance. They just stared blankly at Wen Yu who was vomiting blood and laughing nonstop.What happened to Wen Yu?

He can't even stand up by himself, if there is no god Xuanhao, I'm afraid that the evil emperor and Moon Shadow Emperor would have killed him already.

Shouldn't Wen Yu beg the god Xuanhao to save him now?

He actually dared to laugh and sneer, Wen Yu must be crazy!
Wen Yu laughed loudly, staring at the god Xuanhao with sarcasm and hatred in his eyes and said: "Old man, what do you think I called you out now? You want them to kill me? No, it's impossible."

"Either you take me away alive, and when I'm safe, I'll tell you where that woman is buried. Or you don't care about me, and when they kill me, you won't find her bones forever! What, Choose one hahaha cough cough!"

Wen Yu's emotions were too agitated, and his spiritual power was interrupted for a moment. He didn't suppress the curse power and divine blood attack in his chest, and Wen Yu covered his mouth and coughed up blood.

The blood flowed out from between the fingers unstoppably, dripping on Wen Yu's body.

Wen Yu's face was pained, his face was as pale as paper, but he was still laughing, tears were coming from his laughter and he didn't stop.

The look Wen Yu looked at the god Xuanhao also changed from ridicule and hatred to pity and joking, Wen Yu smiled and said: "You want me to die? Impossible. No one can kill me, because you are destined to save my life, yes Father? Hahaha."

Mo Wuyue and Da Jiu looked at the god Xuanhao, who was completely wrapped under the cloak, unable to see his expression.

But judging from the gray mist overflowing from the god Xuanhao's body, he was very angry.

With a son like Wen Yu who killed his mother and disrespected his father, Da Jiu felt a little pity for the god Xuanhao, even if he was a god, he couldn't change Wen Yu's actions.

He wanted to kill him, but because he didn't know where his beloved wife's bones were, he had to be restrained by lust.

The god Xuanhao was very angry, but he never said a word, and he didn't take any action against Wen Yu, which shows that the result is very clear.

As Wen Yu said, the god Xuanhao might have to save his life!

Da Jiu's eyes dimmed, and he watched the god Xuanhao coldly prepare to kill him. Da Jiu said: "Senior, even if you are a god, you can't stop me. I will definitely kill him. If you want to save him, then I can only be disrespectful."

"Count me alone, there is nothing special about fighting a god, but do you want to fight outside?" Mo Wuyue's golden eyes stared bloodthirstyly at the god Xuanhao, with a fierce fighting spirit, and seemed to be looking forward to a battle with him.

The god Xuan Hao fell silent.

Go outside?
Outside the region, there is no need to worry about the oppression and destruction of the world after the blue dragon's original form is revealed.

Fighting against the original form of Canglong, Shenming Xuanhao felt a toothache when he thought of Qiongmeng.When the time comes to really fight, not to mention who will win between him and Mo Wuyue, after the fight, Qiongmeng, the father, will definitely have a second fight.

Besides, there is still one month left for the film emperor, and the demon bone is the test for her to become a god.

If you can't die if you want to be warm, you can't pass the test.

If he really saved Wen Yu, it would be the same as turning against a new god.What's more, behind the Moon Shadow Emperor, there is that one. Even if he is exiled and may never come back, the residual prestige left behind is still dreadful.

The god Xuanhao silently settled the score for himself.

To save Wen Yu, he vomited blood in anger, and he was sorry for his beloved wife.

It will also offend one evil emperor, one Qiongmeng, and one newborn god. Offending three at once is already outrageous, and there will be countless troubles in the future.It's not worth it for a rebellious son who killed his beloved wife.

But if he doesn't save him, he won't be able to find his beloved wife's body.

For so many years, the god Xuanhao has been looking for it. He has exhausted all methods, but he can't find where the bones are.He knew that Wen Yu had tampered with it, and was so angry that he wanted to kill the traitor with his own hands countless times, but he couldn't do it.

Shenming Xuanhao closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

Suppressing the countless thoughts in his mind, Shenming Xuanhao opened his eyes, the eyes were so cold to the bone.The god Xuanhao looked at Mo Wuyue and Da Jiu, opened his mouth and said, "Let's make a deal, I won't save him, but please don't kill him for now, you can lock him up."

"Put him in custody first, and I will quickly find a way to get the whereabouts of his dead wife out of his mouth. Once I know, you can deal with it as you like, and I will never say anything again."

Shenming Xuanhao's tone was extremely serious, and he continued: "As long as you agree, my god Xuanhao owes you a favor from now on, no matter what you ask from now on, as long as I can do it, I will do it! How about it? "

The smile on Wen Yu's face froze, and his eyes stared at the god Xuan Hao with a man-eating look.

Wen Yu said angrily: "Old man, if you don't save me from here, you don't want to know the whereabouts of that woman! I swear, no matter what method you use, you will not be able to get it out of me!"

The god Xuanhao ignored Wen Yu's words, Quan Dang didn't hear a single word.

The god Xuanhao only looked at Mo Wuyue and Da Jiu, and his hoarse and piercing voice was extremely sincere, and asked again: "Are you willing to make this deal? Just treat it as an old man begging you."

The god Xuan Hao didn't rely on his status to oppress him, nor did he threaten to refuse, so he forcibly took Wen Yu away.

He was sincere, serious and serious, with a trace of pitiful pleading.

Da Jiu's mood is very complicated.

With the degree of danger of Wenyu's scourge, it should be safer to kill him as soon as possible, so as to avoid complications.But the god Xuanhao is really pitiful, he left Wen Yu alive just to find out the whereabouts of his dead wife's bones.

Da Jiu sighed, his expression was a little loose, Da Jiu turned to ask Mo Wuyue: "What do you think?"

Mo Wuyue heard so much from the god Xuanhao, his expression didn't change at all, he was still so domineering and arrogant, bloodthirsty and ruthless, and he didn't lose the slightest bit of fighting spirit.This is the evil emperor, the evil emperor and tyrant that countless people in the Eastern God Territory fear.

No matter how pitiful and affectionate, who cares?
Mo Wuyue's golden eyes fell on Wen Yu coldly, seeing Wen Yu's flustered and angry expression, Mo Wuyue felt a little interesting.

It turns out that Wen Yu also knows how to be afraid!

Mo Wuyue's killing intent was a little less, and then he said, "Wait, I'll ask Xiao Jiuer."

God Xuanhao: "Okay."

After watching for so long, he already knew that the evil emperor was a strict wife, just like Qiongmeng, worthy of being father and son.

Thinking of the god Xuanhao here, his heart aches and pains, he is the real father and son, and he loves his daughter-in-law the same way.What evil did he do to give birth to a rebellious son!

Mo Wuyue didn't care what the god Xuanhao was thinking, he turned his head to look in Jun Jiu's direction, his golden eyes softened, and Mo Wuyue asked Jun Jiu via voice transmission: Do you want to live a few more days?Or kill first to avoid future troubles?
(End of this chapter)

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