Chapter 3003 He dare not

Chapter 3003 He dare not

After Jun Huaichu agreed to Yin Xiu, they dispersed and went back to their tents to rest.

Jun Huaichu and Jun Wuyou entered the tent hand in hand, followed by Leng Yuan, Yin Han stayed outside the tent and sat cross-legged, guarding the door for them.

The tent is very spacious, and there is still a lot of room for activities in the tent.

Leng Yuan kept a straight face on purpose, looked at them seriously and said, "Sit down, both of you."

Jun Huaichu and Jun Wuyou sat in a row, raised their heads and looked at Leng Yuan obediently, waiting for him to speak.Seeing their obedient appearance, Leng Yuan almost couldn't hold back his face, let alone questioning them.

Leng Yuan didn't make it difficult for himself, he sighed, his expression relaxed helplessly.

Leng Yuan asked Jun Huaichu: "Little master, why did you agree to Yin Xiu, what if it was a lie to you?"

"He dare not." Jun Huaichu said this confidently and domineeringly.

Yin Xiu dare not lie to him!

Leng Yuan nodded, Yin Xiu really didn't dare.If he really dares, hey, he and Yin Han beat him up first, and it won't be so easy to pass the level of Emperor Zun and Emperor Empress!

But he didn't dare to return, Leng Yuan was still worried about Jun Huaichu's safety, he stretched out his hand: "Little Master, show me the token first, I'll see if there is anything tricky."


After Jun Huaichu agreed, Yin Xiu gave him the token.

Leng Yuan took it over and looked it over, and went into it with his spiritual sense to investigate again, making sure that the token was not dangerous, and there was only a simple formation inside.Then Leng Yuan returned it to Jun Huai Chu.

Leng Yuan opened his mouth: "You can try it tomorrow, little master. We have tried it. No matter whether it is good or bad, we will leave with Yin Xiu and the others."

"Wuyou agree, don't you?" Leng Yuan winked at Jun Wuyou.

Maybe Jun Huaichu won't listen to what they said, but Jun Huaichu will definitely listen to Jun Wuyou's words!
Jun Wuyou nodded and said: "We are here to practice, not to find the holy mountain."

"But... what if... what if the sacred mountain is the mountain I saw?" Jun Huai Chu lowered his head and met his fingers, his heart was like a cat scratching, extremely curious.

Although he couldn't see it anymore, the shadow of that mountain kept replaying in his mind, Jun Huai Chu wanted to figure out what it was!
Hearing Jun Huaichu's words, Jun Wuyou and Leng Yuan looked at each other, worry and anxiety appeared in their eyes.

What kind of mountain is it that provokes Jun Huai's heart?

If someone did it on purpose, it's best to hide it and don't let them know.Otherwise, they will not be polite!

Jun Wuyou raised his hand and touched Jun Huaichu's head: "If it is, then we will find out! Huaichu don't worry, little uncle is always by your side."

"Yin Han and I are also there!" Leng Yuan smiled at Jun Huai Chu.

With their support and companionship, Jun Huaichu's heart lightened up, and he nodded with a grin.

Leng Yuan planned to go out to take turns patrolling with Yin Han to let the two children have a good night's rest, but when he was about to leave, he thought of Yan Ji.Leng Yuan couldn't help asking Jun Huaichu and the others, what are they going to do with Yan Ji?
It was a joint decision of Jun Huaichu and Jun Wuyou to keep Yan Ji.

They thought there was something wrong with Yan Ji, so if they let Yan Ji out, who would know what she was going to do?
It's better to keep Yan Ji and watch her every move by her side, and let Yan Ji leave after meeting Yan Ji's teammates.

Jun Huai held his face together, "Leave her alone, if she wants to do something bad, we will definitely see it!"

"Okay, let's rest." Leng Yuan nodded and exited the tent.

Seeing Yin Han sitting on the ground meditating, Leng Yuan stretched out his hand to pull him up and said, "Yin Han, go and rest first, I will watch over them."

"Together." Yin Han looked at Leng Yuan, his cool and cold eyes were firm.

It doesn't matter whether they rest or not, they can adjust their breathing and recover while sitting and chatting.

Seeing Yin Xiu's firm attitude, Leng Yuan shrugged and spread his hands: "All right."

Although they didn't rest, Leng Yuan still went into the tent, took out the cushions and came out one by one, so that they could sit more comfortably.When they were guarding, they saw Yan Ji, and the three of them looked at each other, Yan Ji was extremely embarrassed.

Every time Yan Ji sees Leng Yuan and the others, she can't help but recall that she ran to block people on the road, and was almost half-baked, and it turned out that Leng Yuan and Yin Han were a couple!

He even stuffed her with dog food!

Every time I think about it, Yan Ji is embarrassed and panicked, she hastily turned her face away, and Yan Ji got into her tent and couldn't come out.

When the moon was setting and the sun was rising, and when the sun was rising, Yin Xiu came to call them.

To see the route, it is best to stand high, so that you can see far and most clearly.

When he woke up in the morning, Jun Huaichu was still a little sleepy, with a ignorant and cute little face.

Jun Wuyou dressed him and took his hand out. Leng Yuan walked over with a smile, and directly stretched out his hand to hug Jun Huai Chu.Turn around and tiptoe a little, and fly up to the tallest tree in the valley, Yin Xiu is already waiting there.

Yin Han silently looked at Jun Wuyou, Jun Wuyou shook his head and said, "I'll do it myself."

He is almost eight years old, and he is also in the realm of God King, he can do it himself!
Jun Wuyou circulated his spiritual power and flew over in the air, with Yin Han following behind him.A group of people all fell on the big tree. Fortunately, the big tree was a thousand years old and was thick enough, so they could stand anywhere without any problem.

"Jun Huaichu, take a look?" Yin Xiu looked at Jun Huaichu expectantly and said.

Jun Huai rubbed his eyes at the beginning, after the drowsiness subsided, and after he woke up.Then he took out the token and pointed it at the radiance of the rising sun. Jun Huaichu saw it, and saw a red line flying out of the token.

Jun Huai tilted his head to look at the others, but no one responded.

Yin Xiu explained: "You can only see it if you hold the token. Junhuai Chu, please take a look, which direction is the red line connected? The straighter the more accurate!"

Jun Huaichu stared at the red line again, and followed the direction where the red line extended, without twists and turns, and directly connected to the direction of the rising sun in the east.The red line disappeared under the brilliance of the rising sun in the sky, and Jun Huaichu saw the mountain again.

I don't know if it's because of the high position and the wide field of vision, but this time Jun Huai Chu saw it very clearly.

Tall and steep mountains stand tall in the sky.

The morning sun cast a layer of light on it, but it was not as dazzling as the colorful light shining on the mountain top.

Jun Huai blinked at the beginning, looked at the mountain, then lowered his head and followed the red line extending from the token in his hand, and then saw the mountain again.Jun Huaichu can confirm that the red line refers to the mountain, the mountain he saw!
This is the holy mountain!
Everyone watched Jun Huaichu's every move, Yin Xiu's heart trembled, and he asked cautiously, "Jun Huaichu, have you seen it?"

"Well, the red line is straight, pointing to the mountain in the sky." Jun Huaichu's tone was extremely certain.

Yin Xiu was short of breath, and immediately looked up, there were continuous mountains all the way to the east, and he didn't know which one it was.

Leng Yuan and the others looked at each other, their eyes darkened, it was really a sacred mountain!
Why can Jun Huai Chu see without a token?
(End of this chapter)

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