Chapter 3007 The Blind Old Dragon
Chapter 3007 The Blind Old Dragon
Jun Huai ran into the cave on the first day of the lunar new year, and what he saw immediately stopped him.

No longer running, Jun Huai raised his head step by step to look left and right, full of surprise and curiosity.

The passageway at the entrance of the cave is very large and high, polished smooth and beautiful, with large patterns carved on it, the shape is a bit weird and unique, Jun Huai has never seen such a pattern before.There are still a lot of words, which look old and simple.

These things attracted Jun Huaichu, made him walk slowly step by step, and calmed down his anxious heart.

Jun Huaichu's attention was attracted, and the voice from the cave stopped urging Jun Huaichu, as if connivingly acquiescing to his behavior.

The passage was not long. Jun Huaichu walked slowly for a while, and his vision became wider. A huge and boundless world was displayed in Jun Huaichu's eyes.

That is the world in the mountains!

The entire mountainside has been hollowed out, and the ancient pillars propped up the suspended stairs, winding up and down, connecting all directions like a spider's web, and it doesn't know where they all lead.

The place occupied by the stairs is not worth mentioning compared to the vastness of the world in the mountains.

The world in the mountains is empty and boundless. There are several suspended stone platforms near and far. They are connected together by steps, and there are many things piled up on them from a distance.

I don't know how many years it has been placed, it looks bleak, dusty and unattractive.Jun Huai glanced past it at the first glance. He looked around curiously and vigilantly. It was empty and silent. Except for various ancient things that retained the traces of time and time, he could not see any living things.

A question popped up in Jun Huaichu's mind, where is the owner of the voice?

"Little guy, come down here." A kind and old voice came from the bottomless mountain world.

Jun Huaichu stood on the stairs and looked down. The world in the mountains was unbelievable how big and how deep it was.The voice came up from below, all echoed, Jun Huai frowned.

He is a little anxious!
Jun Huaichu opened his mouth and asked, "Can't you come up?"

"Sorry little guy, I can't move." A kind and old voice came up from below in frustration and resignation.

Jun Huai Chu curled his lips, looking down with his golden eyes, Jun Huai Chu asked, "Then can I jump down?"

"Okay, I'll follow you."

"No, I can do it myself." Jun Huaichu raised his hand and touched the longevity lock on his chest through his clothes, and the barrier opened, covering and protecting Jun Huaichu.Then Jun Huaichu jumped straight down, and the wind blew up from below, making a whirring sound.

There was a barrier protecting him, Jun Huaichu's clothes and hair did not move, and he fell steadily.

Down there was darkness and no light, but as Jun Huaichu fell, the dim light followed him all the time, illuminating the surroundings for him, lest he be afraid.This caring and warm gesture, you don't need to think about it to know that the owner of the voice did it.

He seemed to be very gentle and patient towards Jun Huaichu, but Jun Huaichu never let down his vigilance, the more he fell, the tighter he became, Jun Huaichu had planned in his heart that if there was any danger, he would use this first and then that , Countless treasures are not afraid of running out.

If he dared to come, he was mentally prepared!
Mother and father said that when something happens, you have to plan before you act. Jun Huaichu felt that he was ready, but he didn't expect it to be too soon, and he didn't have time to inform his uncle and the others.This was his mistake, and he will definitely not do it again in the future!

He was arrested here on purpose, just to find out, who is the owner of the voice?

Why call him to the holy mountain?

At the beginning, Jun Huai could feel the change of the wind direction around him, and the speed of his fall slowed down. It seemed that there was an invisible force below him, making him fall to the ground more safely.


He could see the owner of the voice immediately.

Jun Huaichu's heart beat faster, he took a deep breath and patted his chest, Jun Huaichu's gaze was firm.

Before landing on the ground, Jun Huai Chu followed his brilliance to illuminate the ground below, and Jun Huai Chu looked down.At the bottom of the world in the mountains is a very large, very empty and ancient square. Most of the floor tiles have been cracked, and the thick pillars around it have become dilapidated and incomplete.

On the edge of the square lies a long and winding body, as tall as a hill.

Jun Huai squinted his golden eyes and stared at it. The huge dragon scales on his body were dusty, as if carved out of a gray stone, without the slightest brilliance, and there were cracks on it.

Looking along the huge body, it is so amazingly long that Jun Huaichu couldn't see the head and tail.

so big!What a magnificent statue!
It's a pity that the years are merciless, and we can't see its original magnificent and beautiful appearance, only the traces of dilapidated ruins.Inexplicably, Jun Huaichu felt a little sad in his heart, as if he was regretting it.


When Jun Huai first landed, he raised his hand to touch his heart to dispel his sadness.

Jun Huai Chu did not put away the barrier, he looked up and looked around, and asked, "Where are you?"

"Little guy, I'm here."

The voice came from behind, Jun Huai Chu immediately turned around vigilantly, looked up and saw a huge and majestic head, Jun Huai Chu opened his eyes wide and stared blankly.

The dragon head rests on the overlapping dragon claws, the color is gray and dull, and there are spider web-like cracks on the edge of the dragon's face.

A pair of longan eyes moved, but the eyes were dark and dull, and it couldn't see.

Only on its forehead, there are three dragon scales with dimly colored radiance, and its pair of huge and domineering dragon horns, shining with the same dimly colored radiance.The light was too dim, not as bright as the light that illuminated Jun Huaichu's body.

The long gray beard trembled, the blind old dragon opened his mouth, and his voice was kind and old: "Little guy, have you seen me?"

"...I saw it." After a while, Jun Huaichu opened his mouth with difficulty.

It turns out that the huge dragon body is not a statue, it is a living dragon!
Just don't know why, it became like this.Jun Huaichu had no doubts at all, when the cracks covered its face, the last brilliance of its forehead and dragon horns dissipated, and its vitality was cut off, it would die.

Jun Huaichu couldn't help asking: "Grandpa, how did you become like this?"

This dragon didn't know how long it had lived, Jun Huai called out at the beginning that the old man was normal.

The blind old dragon's tone was vicissitudes, "Little guy, this is a long story, would you like to listen to a story told by the old man?"

"Okay, but Grandpa, can you help me contact people outside first! I have to tell them that I'm fine, so they don't have to worry about me." Jun Huaichu said anxiously.

The old dragon paused, it couldn't see Jun Huaichu, it could only feel his position by the sound.

The old dragon opened his mouth, and his tone became a little strange and puzzled: "Little guy, why did you contact the bad guys who kidnapped you? Did they threaten you? Don't worry, little guy, the old man will protect you and won't let you They have a chance to get one step closer to you."

Jun Huaichu: Huh?
He knew every word the old man said, but he couldn't understand why it was connected together.

(End of this chapter)

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