Chapter 3009 Glazed colorful dragon
Chapter 3009 Glazed Colorful Dragon
Jun Huai changed back to human form at the beginning, and raised his hand to hold the jade bird. The jade bird was small and light, and its weight was almost negligible.

Jun Huai glanced at the old dragon at first, turned his back to it, then held the jade bird and bowed his head, and whispered to the jade bird's ear, "Please help me tell my little uncles that I am fine and not in danger. Don't worry about me, I'll be back!"

Enough talking, then what?
Jun Huaichu turned his head while holding the Jade Bird, and looked at Lao Long suspiciously. Will he really help him get the news out?
The old dragon breathed out, and the air flowed over the jade bird, which immediately came back to life.

Bai Yuwuxia's wings fluttered, and the jade bird flapped its wings and flew high into the sky, the speed was so fast that the jade bird could not be seen in the blink of an eye.

The old dragon opened his mouth: "Grandpa won't lie to you, Jade Bird will bring the news to those bad... to those people."

Thinking of Jun Huaichu's firm determination that they are not bad people, so as not to make Jun Huaichu angry again, Lao Long reluctantly changed his words.

Jun Huai blinked and looked at Lao Long at the beginning, telling him intuitively that the old man was telling the truth.As long as the little uncle and uncle Leng Yuan can be notified so that they don't worry, Jun Huaichu will feel at ease.

His purpose of coming to Shenshan has been achieved.

First, he met the owner of the voice.

Second, he also figured out why the old dragon called him, because he misunderstood Uncle Leng Yuan and the others as bad guys, and wanted to take him away and protect him.

All in all, the old man is a good dragon, he has no bad intentions, but is too stubborn.

Jun Huaichu took out a chair from the Canglong bracelet, climbed onto the chair and sat down, Jun Huaichu looked up at the old dragon: "Grandpa, don't you want to tell me a story? Tell me, I'll listen."

"Okay." There was a smile in the old dragon's voice.

The old dragon told Jun Huaichu a story about a dragon cub.

In the long past, the Eastern God Territory was still in the prehistoric era, and the Qinglong clan gave birth to a new litter of cubs.

Because the Qinglong tribe had to defend against the enemy at that time and had no time to take care of the cubs, they gathered all the cubs under the sacred tree to hatch.After a long time, the dragon eggs hatched, and little dragons broke out of their shells.

Among these little dragons, there is a dragon cub who is the most distinctive!

It doesn't have cyan dragon scales, it is covered with colored glaze scales from head to toe, which is amazingly beautiful.

The old dragon paused when he said this, as if he was lost in memory, and the immature milk dragon roared in his ears, which made him fondly miss it.

Jun Huaichu's heart tightened when he heard it, and he asked worriedly, "It's different from other little dragons, will it be bullied?"

Old dragon: "No. Do you know, little guy, there are tens of millions of races in the dragon clan, and in each race, there is a very small chance that a rare and unique baby dragon will be born. Their bloodlines are fortunately passed by more powerful Purified, favored by the rules, born with unique and powerful talents."

This little dragon is lucky, it has been favored by the whole family since it was born, and everyone loves it.

But it is a pity that its existence was spread, and some bad guys made up their minds, sneaked into the Azure Dragon Clan and stole it.

At that time, the unique glazed colorful little dragon was as big as Junhuaichu, but without the abnormally powerful strength of the Canglong clan, it couldn't transform into a human form.Those people coaxed it to lie to it, saying that the tribe gave it to them.

Of course Xiaolong didn't believe it, he wanted to go home.

But the reality is cruel, it can never go home again, and it will not be able to look at its parents and clan members for the rest of its life.

They lied to it, coaxed it, and if they couldn't fool it, they tore their faces and locked it up.

When it grows up, make a strong chain for it and lock it up.Day and night, you are in the bottomless abyss, you can't see the sun and moon, and you can't fly in the sky.

It grows up under the abyss, becomes an adult, and then grows old...

It has never seen the outside world, never flew once, only accompanied by coldness and chains, it does not live like a dragon, but more like a reptile in the abyss.

The words of the old dragon are full of painful emotions, and it really makes people listen to his narration, as if they can see the pitiful and painful life of the colored glaze little dragon with their own eyes.

Jun Huai's eyes were red at the beginning, tears rolled down his face, he opened his mouth with a crying voice, and asked the old dragon angrily and sadly, "Why did they do this?"

Old Dragon: "Because of greed, desire and ambition."

The old dragon let out a sigh of relief, and gently stroked Jun Huaichu's head for it that was hard to move.

The old dragon continued: "The talent of the colored glazed little dragon is divine creation. As long as you give it the materials, it can forge the most powerful and powerful magic blade in the world, which can help these people fight and kill."

With Liuli Colorful Little Dragon, they don't need to find and snatch the magic weapon, they just need to continuously throw materials into the abyss, and they can get inexhaustible magic weapon blades.

Xiaolong didn't want to do it, but he had to.

The chains not only imprisoned it, but also tortured it, making it miserable.

Year after year, Xiaolong accepted his fate and got used to it.

"Then will it continue like this forever?" Jun Huaichu cried harder, rubbing his eyes, tears wet the back of his hands.

The old dragon smiled, "Don't cry, little guy, it escaped at last."


The old dragon: "Yes. Those bad guys killed too much, and finally angered the rules. The rules killed them and saved the little dragon in the abyss. No, it should be called the old dragon. It is very old, exhausted, and has no lifespan. many."

Jun Huai cried at the beginning, this is too miserable, woo woo woo.

The old dragon did not comfort Jun Huaichu, it continued: "Although the old dragon is free, it has no family, and the clansmen don't know where it went. Except for those bad guys, no one remembers it, and it has nowhere to go. "

"The old dragon can finally fly, but it doesn't feel happy, and it doesn't know what to do. It seems to know how to create, so the old dragon found an unowned mountain, dug a hole in the mountain, collected There are many things in it, and that's its treasure house."

"The old dragon used the things it collected to make the last divine creation. The main material is itself. Because of this, it can prolong its lifespan and live for more years."

"The old dragon couldn't move anymore, so it spread the news that there is a treasure in the mountain. I hope someone can find it. Someone can remember it."

Jun Huai was crying and hiccupping all the time, needless to say he understood everything, what the old dragon was telling was his own story.

It is the glass colorful little dragon!
After the old dragon finished speaking, he said to Jun Huaichu who couldn't stop crying: "Little guy, do you understand now? You can't trust bad people, they are not your family."

"No... hiccup... not right hiccup!" Jun Huaichu hiccupped, unable to speak.

The old dragon blew, and the warm air patted Jun Huaichu's back, and Jun Huaichu stopped to hiccup.

With red eyes, Jun Huaichu looked at Lao Long seriously with a small face: "Grandpa, you have finished telling the story, now I will tell you a story!"


(End of this chapter)

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