Chapter 3074 Destroyed
Chapter 3075 Destroy
Using the turtle's defense to deal with Mo Wuyue, it can be seen that Patriarch Baili really prepared carefully.

But after all, it is not a real turtle. The power of counterfeit products is limited. How many attacks can it resist?
The tortoise shell formed by the shield blocked all the dragon scales outside, and the movement of the dragon scale hitting the tortoise shell was like thunder roaring, deafening.Patriarch Baili jumped up, grabbed the long knife in his right hand and slashed out, killing Mo Wuyue fiercely.

Mo Wuyue stood still, and with a flick of his fingertip, the silver dragon scale was divided into two halves, one half continued to besiege the shield, and the other half confronted the long knife.

This is the first trick, just a warm-up.

But the two of them fought against each other, it was already very terrifying!
On the lotus leaf platform, the space couldn't bear the strength of the two of them, and it kept collapsing, repairing and collapsing again, and the terrifying power to the extreme enveloped the entire lotus leaf platform.Moreover, the power kept overflowing and was completely swallowed by the barren pond, so that the disaster did not affect further places.

Seeing this scene, Zong Lan couldn't help asking the patriarch: "Father, can Huangchi really withstand the fight between the evil emperor and Patriarch Baili?"

"This is a miracle left by the gods. Only when they have broken through the realm of the gods can they cause damage to Huangchi." The clan head said calmly and calmly.

"Yes." Zong Lan nodded.

On the surface, Zong Lan no longer worried after listening to the words of the clan chief.But deep in his heart, he was still worried, Zong Lan always had a bad premonition.

This is the first move, the level of warm-up, and the strength is overflowing.

In the future, each move will be more powerful and terrifying than the last move. Can Huang Chi really absorb and suppress it all?
Zong Lan looked distractedly at the lotus leaf platform in the distance. The battle between the evil emperor and the patriarch Baili attracted everyone's attention.The disciples of the nine ancient tribes who were still on the lotus leaf stage couldn't sit still anymore. They had no intention of challenging at all, and ended the challenge one after another, returned to their positions, and stared straight ahead.

Seeing this, Zong Lan breathed a sigh of relief.

They all retreated, and now only the Evil Emperor and Patriarch Baili are fighting on the barren pond, even if the power spreads everywhere, no one will be hurt.

As long as they are on the stone lotus, which has the most powerful and mysterious defensive formation, everyone watching the game will be safe.


Canglong roared, Zong Lan immediately looked up and stared at the lotus leaf platform.

There is no body of the blue dragon, only a claw of the blue dragon formed by the condensed spiritual power.The Canglong family is perfect and holy, and there is no flaw in it from beginning to end. This dragon claw is also a perfect handicraft crafted by the heavens.

But it is as dangerous as it is perfect!

It must not be treated as a handicraft.

Mo Wuyue waved his hand, and the Canglong's claws slapped down hard from top to bottom.


Patriarch Baili staggered back after being photographed, and a small crack appeared in the shield in his left hand that had resisted the dragon scale attack and was fine.

Patriarch Baili's face changed slightly, and a cold-blooded mocking smile appeared in Mo Wuyue's golden eyes.Mo Wuyue raised his hand again, with five fingers clasped, and the dragon claw clasped the shield.

clack clack-

The tortoise shell formed by the shield continued to crack, and the cracks spread like a spider's web.

Mo Wuyue slowly exerted his strength, his golden eyes looked at Patriarch Baili contemptuously and mockingly, and said, "Such a fragile thing is vulnerable to a single blow."

Click, click, click, click!
Patriarch Baili had a sullen face, let go of the hand holding the shield, and raised his hand to slap the shield hard.

The tortoise shell broke, and the shield automatically swirled and danced around Patriarch Baili, as fast as a hurricane to protect Patriarch Baili in it.Although the sound of cracking and cracking continued, the dragon claw couldn't get any closer.

Patriarch Baili stepped forward and approached Mo Wuyue step by step.

Every minute and every second is infinitely stretched at this moment, becoming extraordinarily long...


The shield finally shattered completely and fell in pieces.

This is the second move. The shield of the artifact that Patriarch Baili carefully prepared to deal with Mo Wuyue just broke, and it looks extremely fragile.But the people who watched the game knew very well that it wasn't that the shield was too weak to be vulnerable, but that the evil emperor was too perverted!
Patriarch Baili rushed out in a teleport, bypassing the blockade of Dragon Claw, and slashed at Mo Wuyue with a long knife in his hand.

Mo Wuyue raised his hand, and the spiritual power in his palm condensed a long sword. He raised the long sword in front of him and stopped Baili Patriarch's sword.

With a flash in Mo Wuyue's eyes, Canglong Zhiclaw turned his head and scratched Patriarch Baili with his paw. With him in front and Canglong's Claw behind, how would Patriarch Baili choose?

With a flash of light and shadow, another figure flashed in the body of Patriarch Baili. The translucent body turned around and slashed at the claw of the blue dragon with a knife.With an ear-piercing and roaring explosion, the blade tore apart the Canglong's claw, but the translucent body was also crushed by the Canglong's claw.

cough cough.

Patriarch Baili coughed twice, the corners of his mouth were bloody, and his face was a little pale.

Hundreds of years have passed, and the strength of the Patriarch Baili has also improved, but in comparison, the improvement of the evil emperor is abnormally terrifying!
Even so, Patriarch Baili will not admit defeat, he has the strength to fight!

Until the end, who knows if he can come back?
Patriarch Baili drew back abruptly and flew into the air, holding the long knife tightly in both hands and slashing down from top to bottom.The strength of the whole body was lost in the long knife, the destructive power tore through the space, the awe-inspiring lotus leaf platform trembled, and waves rose in the barren pond.

Mo Wuyue stepped forward to meet him, and swung his sword towards the long knife.


The long knife and the long sword collided, and the dazzling white light flashed everyone's eyes, and the vision was blurred for an instant.

But I can feel that two terrifying forces collided and exploded.Afterwards, people got used to the light, squinted their eyes and saw the turbulent air waves sweeping around, easily rushing out of the barrier of the lotus leaf platform, and the splashing waves on the barren pool formed walls to intercept the power.

The explosion was so loud that the rattling and cracking was barely audible.

Only Mo Wuyue saw a small crack appearing on the long knife.

The peak of the ninth-level god emperor, and the Canglong of the ninth-level god king realm, their strength is too terrifying!Every move is destroying an artifact that has reached the world level.As with shields, so with swords.

The long knife is a world-class artifact, and this collision created a crack.

The long sword in Mo Wuyue's hand was completely broken and dissipated, but Patriarch Baili was not at all proud, because the long sword was only formed by the condensation of Mo Wuyue's spiritual power.

Mo Wuyue's spiritual power is too terrifying!
Patriarch Baili felt threatened, and there was a crack in his long knife in the third move, and he might not be able to withstand the fourth move...

The long sword shattered and dissipated, and the long knife lost the strength to counter it. It swung down and brushed against Mo Wuyue's clothes.Patriarch Baili turned his wrist and slashed out with the horizontal knife, but he only encountered the phantom of Mo Wuyue, and he did not know when he teleported to the opposite side.

Patriarch Baili hurried to catch up, but when he caught up, Mo Wuyue had condensed a new long sword again.

The spiritual power is endless, and there are as many weapons as there are spiritual power condensed.

The long knife slashed down, and the two swords met...

(End of this chapter)

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