Chapter 3149 You Can Trust Me
Chapter 3149 you can trust me
Before falling down, Jun Huaichu and Jun Wuyou were crossing an ice field.

Unique ice grass grows on the ice field, the whole body is as clear as crystal, and some ores are scattered scattered among the dense ice grass.Jun Huaichu and Jun Wuyou were picking ore while walking, the distance between them was a bit far.

It was also because of this reason that when the ice sheet cracked and collapsed without warning, Jun Huaichu and Jun Wuyou were caught off guard and had no time to rush over to each other.

They tried to fly in the air, but there was a huge attraction from the ground, they were like a leaf in the vortex, unable to break free, and could only be swept down with the current.

When Jun Huai Chu fell, he kept calling for Jun Wuyou, but the sound of the shattering and collapsing ice sheet was too loud, and Jun Huai Chu couldn't hear Jun Wuyou's reply.

As he continued to fall, Jun Huai raised his head and watched the cracked and collapsed ice field above his head shatter and reorganize. Gradually, the sky could not be seen, only the overlapped and repaired ice layer.When Jun Huai first landed, he was already inside the underground ice tunnel.

Jun Huaichu immediately picked up the messenger jade to contact his uncle, but there was no reply.

Worried, Jun Huaichu contacted his mother and father for help.

Holding the messenger jade tightly in his small hand, Jun Huaichu's cheeks were bulging, and his eyes were full of annoyance and frustration.He is too careless!

If the reaction had been quicker and faster, he could have rushed to the little uncle's side.In this way, they don't have to separate, and now they can't get in touch, Jun Huaichu is very worried.

But things have happened, and there is no point in regretting.

Jun Huai Chu stretched out his hand to pat his face, and muttered: "It will take time for Mother and Father to come over, I'll look for my little uncle first."

Jun Huaichu looked around, and found that the underground ice passages looked exactly the same, and he couldn't identify the direction, it seemed to be the same no matter which way he went.Jun Huai took a deep breath and closed his eyes, stretched out his hand and pointed in a direction, then opened his eyes and curled his mouth, this way!
The underground ice passage is too quiet, so quiet that there is no sound at all, and people will inevitably feel creepy after staying for a long time.

Jun Huai Chu held his palms together and let out a sigh of relief, watching the air flow freeze into frost in the blink of an eye, Jun Huai Chu blinked, and the corners of his mouth curved.He'll have fun with himself and won't be scared!
Jun Huaichu continued to walk forward, at this moment, he caught a flicker of light in his perspective.

What it is?
Jun Huaichu stepped over vigilantly, the closer it got, the brighter the light became, and the outline gradually became clearer.

In the end, Jun Huaichu stopped and looked in surprise at the magical creature not far away.Crystal translucent, very beautiful little jellyfish, only the size of his palm.The tentacles of the jellyfish are swinging and flying in the air. Occasionally, when the tentacles collide with each other, there will be a silent lightning. This is the twinkling light that Jun Huai first saw.

Jun Huai blinked at the beginning, surprised and curious, what is this?
Jun Huaichu saw the ice crystal jellyfish, and the jellyfish also spotted him, flying beautifully and gracefully on the underground ice passage, and came towards Jun Huaichu.

This is just the beginning!
Behind the beautiful ice crystal jellyfish, many more jellyfish appeared silently. They appeared out of nowhere, flying gracefully, with light shining between their tentacles colliding.

Jun Huaichu was not nervous at all.

He stared at the ice crystal jellyfish with bright eyes, and was protected by a long-life lock barrier all the time. Jun Huaichu watched the ice crystal jellyfish swarm flying over and surrounded him expectantly and curiously.

Jun Huaichu opened his mouth and asked curiously, "What do you want to do?"

The group of ice crystal jellyfish couldn't speak, and they didn't attack. They just flew up and down around Jun Huaichu, keeping a close distance.

Jun Huai blinked at the beginning, stared at the ice crystal jellyfish and said, "Let's discuss it. If you don't attack me, I won't beat you either. Let's live in peace and go our own way, okay?"

The swarm of ice crystal jellyfish was still flying around Jun Huai Chu, wondering if they could understand Jun Huai Chu's words.

Jun Huaichu took a tentative step, and the group of ice crystal jellyfish in front of him retreated a step. Jun Huaichu took another step, and they retreated again.But he didn't leave Jun Huai Chu, but kept the state of being neither far nor near, surrounding Jun Huai Chu.

Jun Huai scratched his head in confusion, he didn't understand what these ice crystal jellyfish groups wanted to do.

attack him?
It doesn't look like it.

Just surround him, what do you want to do?
Unable to understand, Jun Huaichu could only observe the swarm of ice crystal jellyfish, and then took another step.At this moment, an urgent shout came from the front: "Be careful, don't move!"

The voice sounded familiar, Jun Huai raised his head and looked forward, only to see a tall and strong man rushing towards him with a more burly man.

Jun Huai first met the leader, Li Qiankun from Zhenwu City.

"Little guy, don't move, these things hurt people very much!" Li Qiankun slowed down when he rushed to the front, for fear of disturbing the ice crystal jellyfish group, he stared at Jun Huaichu with burning eyes, opened his mouth to comfort and reminded.

The man behind Li Qiankun followed up, panting slightly, staring at the group of ice crystal jellyfish warily.

Jun Huai looked at them at the beginning, and found that their clothes had scorched black marks, and their exposed skin also had scorched black scars.

It looked as if it had been drawn out with a thin whip.

But there are no thin whips here, only the tentacles of the ice crystal jellyfish, Jun Huaichu thought he knew how Li Qiankun got the scorched scars on his body.

They were attacked by ice crystal jellyfish before this!

They rescued the disciples of Zhenwu City, Li Qiankun made friends with them as a thank you, and gave them places back, he is a good person!
Jun Huai judged in his heart that Li Qiankun was a good person, so he smiled at Li Qiankun, waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, I'm fine! They can't hurt me, have you seen my little uncle, he is with me falling down."

Li Qiankun shook his head, "We have only seen you alone."

As Li Qiankun said, he approached Jun Huaichu slowly and cautiously. Li Qiankun lowered his voice and said, "Your name is Jun Huaichu, right? I'll force these things away later. Can you rush over here while you have the opportunity? Don't worry, I will You can trust me to protect you."

Li Qiankun stretched out a hand to Jun Huaichu, his eyes were calm and sincere, making people feel caring and want to trust him.

Jun Huaichu hesitated.

He has the longevity lock given by his grandma, these ice crystal jellyfish swarms can't hurt him, but judging by the injuries on Li Qiankun and the others, they will be hurt.Jun Huaichu had a good impression of Li Qiankun, and Li Qiankun wanted to save him, so Jun Huaichu pursed his lips and thought about it.

Jun Huai first thought of an idea.

Jun Huaichu looked at Li Qiankun obediently and seriously and said, "Why don't you lead the way, and I will follow you, let's get rid of them together!"

"How can this work? If you are behind, they will definitely attack you. Their tentacles are poisonous, and if you are hit, it will hurt very much."

(End of this chapter)

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