Chapter 3179
Chapter 3179 Expose identity and admit

Qing Yu was in a secret realm, so it was troublesome to inform him, and it would take some time for him to receive the news.

Leng Yuan and Yin Han are in good contact, they received the news very quickly, and immediately prepared to leave for Cang Jiuzong.

In the Cang Nine Sect, Jun Mingye and Jing Yuan are all fine, now only the disciples of the Inner Sect and Outer Sect are left to inspect.They were each responsible for checking all the disciples under their command, and then checked the outer door. Everyone took action, including Jun Huaichu, Jun Wuyou, and Cang Baifei to help.

Jun Jiu watched the crowd getting busy, her eyes were dim, and her face showed no expression.

Jun Jiu lowered his eyes and said, "This is the second thorough investigation."

The first thorough investigation was Cha Tanzi.

The second thorough investigation is to check for counterfeit goods.

The two seem to be different, but they both have one thing in common, that is, it is too easy to mix into Cang Jiuzong.

As a sect grows stronger, it is inevitable to mix in spies and malicious people.Shenyi and the three major alliances are unavoidable, and Cang Jiuzong is no exception, and Jun Jiu knows this well.

If it is unavoidable, then we can only detect it as quickly as possible and find out all of them!

Come one, solve one!
But the last problem has not been completely solved.

Jun Jiu looked at Mo Wuyue and said, "Wuyue, I'm going to interrogate Xia Yufeng and He Lianxuan to see if the counterfeit this time has anything to do with them."

"Well, I'll go with you." Mo Wuyue said.

But Jun Jiu shook his head at him, Jun Jiu said: "Wu Yue, you stay here and interrogate them, I alone is enough."

Mo Wuyue frowned slightly, showing disapproval.

Jun Jiu: "They need you."

"Shang Lang is here, and even if there are counterfeit goods, Shang Lang can catch them."

"But with the two of you here, the counterfeit will never escape."

Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue looked at each other for a long time, neither of them backed down.Seeing that the stalemate was about to continue, Mo Wuyue suddenly reached out and grabbed Jun Jiu's hand, his golden eyes darkened, and said in a deep voice: "Xiao Jiuer, you are the suzerain! You don't need to go yourself to interrogate the two disciples, and send an order to let them come over That's fine. Forgive them for not daring to escape."

Jun Jiu blinked, the corners of his mouth curled up and he nodded with a smile, "Okay, you're right!"

"Xiao Jiuer, sit down and wait, I'll send an order for them to come over." Mo Wuyue held onto Jun Jiu's hand, his attitude looked very domineering and tough, but the strength with which he held Jun Jiu's hand was extremely gentle.


Xia Yufeng and He Lianxuan immediately set off after receiving the voice transmission.

The two lived on the same mountain, and when they went out to meet each other, Xia Yufeng looked complicated, while He Lianxuan remained calm and calm.

Xia Yufeng asked first, "Together?"

He Lianxuan nodded.

After Xia Yufeng came back, they hadn't met or spoken to each other yet.

Flying side by side across the Mirage Sea, Xia Yufeng looked at He Lianxuan frequently, and couldn't help asking him: "Don't you ask me what happened to the Nine Great Ancient Clans?"

He Lianxuan: "If you want to say it, you will naturally say it. If you don't want to say it, it's useless for me to ask, so why ask again."

Xia Yufeng looked at He Lianxuan's calm and unwavering expression, her gaze sank, she couldn't compare to He Lianxuan in terms of temperament.Of the three of them, only He Lianxuan remained unexposed.

However, this is also a matter of time.

The corner of Xia Yufeng's mouth twitched, and she said in a joking tone: "Let me tell you the truth, my identity has been exposed, and the suzerain and the evil emperor spared my life for the time being. As for you, I didn't say anything, but sooner or later the suzerain and the evil emperor will be together." Check you, maybe calling you over now is to interrogate you!"

Xia Yufeng said this on purpose, just to ask about He Lianxuan's panicked expression, but she was still disappointed.

He Lianxuan's eyes just flickered, but his expression remained calm, as if he didn't hear what she said.

Disappointed and admired, Xia Yufeng murmured: "I hope you have no ill intentions towards Cang Jiuzong, otherwise your identity will be exposed and you will end up like Yan Ji, which would be a pity."

"You gave up the power behind you and joined Cang Jiuzong?" He Lianxuan's expression changed, and he looked at Xia Yufeng in surprise and asked.

Xia Yufeng pursed the corners of her lips, but did not answer.

Xia Yufeng was silent all the way outside the palace, taking a deep breath to calm her emotions, Xia Yufeng and He Lianxuan walked into the palace together.

This is the palace of Xiaowu and Cangchen, and it is the first time for Xia Yufeng and He Lianxuan to come here.However, they were not in the mood to observe the surrounding situation, walked into the hall silently and respectfully, and saluted Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue.

Jun Jiu looked at them coldly, without beating around the bush, and asked directly: "Cang Jiuzong has mixed with an impostor, this person is good at disguising, do you know him?"

Xia Yufeng and He Lianxuan were stunned by Jun Jiu's sudden straight ball.

Xia Yufeng was fine, she had already exposed it, and it was normal to ask her if she was an accomplice.But hasn't He Lianxuan been exposed yet?

Jun Jiu's question is equivalent to breaking through the calm pretense.

Mo Wuyue's golden eyes stared coldly at them, "After thinking about it, I will answer. Once it is found out that it is your accomplice, your fate will be worse and more painful than that of Yan Ji."

"I don't know." Xia Yufeng shook her head quickly, and said very honestly: "As far as I know, I only sent me to Cang Jiuzong behind the scenes, and no one contacted me after I returned to Cang Jiuzong. .I can swear it!"

Xia Yufeng immediately swore to prove her innocence in front of Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue.

Jun Jiu didn't suspect Xia Yufeng either, Xia Yufeng followed them all the way back to Cang Jiuzong, and had no time or chance to have accomplices.

His icy and piercing gaze has always focused on He Lianxuan alone.

Jun Jiu squinted her cold eyes and asked him, "He Lianxuan, do you have any accomplices?"

On He Lianxuan's stern face, his lips were pursed into a tight line. He didn't expect Jun Jiu to directly expose his disguise without even investigating and interrogating him, confirming that he was a spy.

How should he answer?

He Lianxuan's mind changed very quickly. Now whether he admits it or not, his identity as a spy is a certainty. The only difference is that the fate of whether he admits it or not admits it is different.

Taking a deep breath to calm his mind, He Lianxuan quickly made a decision, bent his knees and half knelt down, He Lianxuan raised his head to look at Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue.

With a serious and honest face, He Lianxuan said: "He Lianxuan swears here that there is no accomplice of mine in the Cang Nine Sect!"

"Has anyone suspicious approached you?" Jun Jiu asked.

He Lianxuan shook his head, "The disciple has been practicing in closed doors."

After Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue went to the Nine Great Ancient Clans, He Lianxuan has been practicing in seclusion without even going out.This move was to clear his suspicion, but unexpectedly, Jun Jiu would directly expose him, and he could only admit it.

Hearing He Lianxuan's answer, Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue looked at each other with gloomy eyes.

For the time being, it can be ruled out that the counterfeit is not someone from Western God Territory and Northern God Territory.

At this time Jing Yuan walked in, Jing Yuan looked at Xia Yufeng and the two in surprise, not knowing what they were doing here.While looking suspiciously at Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue, Jing Yuan said, "Master, Master Mistress, I have received a message from Uncle Qing Yu."

"Brother, have you set off and come back?"

"Well, Uncle Qing Yu still wants to bring someone back, can I ask Mrs. Master?"

(End of this chapter)

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